Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 17 Jul 2011 16:24 and updated at 17 Jul 2011 16:24
yvs.25 | With his bright look I please Antara, with his reflection Bahya; the Whirlpool with his head; Thunder with his frontal bone; the Lightning flash with his brain; Lightning with the pupils of his eyes; Hearing with his external ears; Ears with his internal ears; Blood with his lower neck; Waters with the fleshless part of his neck; Thought with the back neck tendons; Aditi with his head; Nirriti with his ragged head; Vital Breathings with his roars; Tempest with his crest. |
yvs.39 | SVaHa to the Vital Breathings with their Controlling Lord! To Earth Svaha! To Agni Svaha! To Firmament, Svaha! To Vayu Svaha! To Sky Svaha! To Surya Svaha! 2 To the Quarters Svaha! To the Moon Svaha! To the Stars Svaha! To the Waters Svaha! To Varuna Svaha! To the Navel Svaha! To the Purified Svaha! 3 To Speech Svaha! To Breath Svaha! To Breath Svaha! To Sight Svaha! To Sight Svaha! To Hearing Svaha! To Hearing Svaha! 4 The wish and purpose of the mind and truth of speech may I obtain. |