Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 17 Jul 2011 15:52 and updated at 17 Jul 2011 15:52
yvs.3 | 58 We have contented Rudra, yea, put off Tryambaka the God, That he may make us wealthier, may make us yet more prosperous, may make us vigorous to act. |
yvs.3 | 60 Tryambaka we worship, sweet augmenter of prosperity. |
yvs.3 | We worship him, Tryambaka, the husband finder, sweet to smell. |
yvs.24 | 18 Smoke coloured, those of brownish hue, to be offered to the Soma possessing Fathers; the brown and the smoky looking to the Fathers who sit on sacred grass; the black and the brownish looking to the Fathers who have been tasted by Agni; the black and the spotted belong to Tryambaka. |