Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 17 Jul 2011 15:27 and updated at 17 Jul 2011 15:27
yvs.5 | Svaha! 5 For him who flies around and rushes onward I take thee, for Tanunapat the mighty, the very strong, of all surpassing vigour. |
yvs.21 | The metre Gayatri, the steer of eighteen months, give power and life! 13 Tanunapat whose acts are pure, our bodies guard Sarasvati, Ushniha metre and the steer of two years age give power and life! 14 Agni with offerings, meet for praise, and Soma the immortal God, Anushtup metre and the steer of thirty months give power and life! 15 Agni with goodly grass spread out, deathless with Pushan at his side, Brihati metre and a steer of three years age give power and life! 16 The Doors divine, the mighty Regions, Brahma, God Brihaspati, The metre Pankti, here a bull in his fourth year, give power and life 17 The two young Darns of lovely form, the deathless Universal Gods, The Trishtup metre, here, a bull in his sixth year, give power and life! 18 The two celestial Hotars, both Physicians, Indra s close knit friends, The metre Jagati, an ox who draws the wain, give power and life! 19 The Three, Ida, Sarasvati, and Bharati, the Marut folk, Viraj the metre, here, a cow in milk, a bull, give power and life! |
yvs.21 | 30 Let the Hotar, Tanunapat, worship Sarasvati. |
yvs.27 | 13 Tanunapat the Asura, all possessing, God among Gods, the God with mead and butter shall bedew the paths. |
yvs.28 | Let him enjoy the butter. Hotar, worship. 2 Him let the Hotar worship, him Tanunapat with ready aids; the conqueror never overcome, Indra, the God who finds heaven s light on paths most rich in pleasant sweets, with Narasamsa all aglow. |
yvs.28 | Let him enjoy the butter. Hotar, worship. 25 Let the Priest serve with sacrifice him who breaks forth, Tanunapat, the germ which Aditi conceived, pure Indra who bestoweth strength, Bringing him mighty power, the Ushnih metre, an ox of two years old, and vital vigour. |
yvs.29 | 26 Tanunapat, fair tongued, with sweet mead balming the paths and ways of Order, make them pleasant. |