
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 17 Jul 2011 15:24 and updated at 17 Jul 2011 15:24


yvs.2 Obeisance to the Gods! Svadha to Fathers! Be both of you easy for me to handle.
yvs.2 32 Obeisance to your genial sap, O Fathers! Fathers, obeisance unto you for Ardour! Fathers, obeisance Onto you for Svadha! Obeisance unto you for Life, O Fathers! Fathers, to you obeisance for the Awful! Fathers, obeisance unto you for Passion! O Fathers, unto you be adoration.
yvs.8 60 To Gods, to sky the sacrifice hath gone: come riches thence to me! To men, to air the sacrifice hath gone: come riches thence to me! To Fathers, earth, the sacrifice hath gone: come riches thence to me! Whatever sphere the sacrifice hath reached, may wealth come thence to me 61 The threads that have been spun, the four and thirty, which stablish this our sacrifice with Svadha, Of these I join together what is broken.
yvs.19 36 To Fathers who claim Svadha be Svadha and homage! To Grandfathers who claim Svadha be Svadha and homage! To Great grandfathers who claim Svadha be Svadha and homage! The Fathers have eaten.
yvs.19 45 The Fathers who in Yama s realm are equal and unanimous Their world is Svadha, reverence.
yvs.19 Agni Kavya bearer, when entreated, didst bear the offerings which thou madest fragrant, And gayest to the Fathers who did eat them with Svadha.

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