
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 17 Jul 2011 14:48 and updated at 17 Jul 2011 14:48


yvs.9 33 With nine syllable metre Mitra won the Trivrit Stoma: may I win that.
yvs.9 34 The Vasus by thirteen syllable metre won the Thirteenfold Stoma: may I win that.
yvs.9 The Rudras by fourteen syllable metre won the fourteenfold Stoma: may I win that.
yvs.9 The adityas with fifteen syllable metre won the Fifteenfold Stoma: may I win that.
yvs.9 Aditi with sixteen syllable metre won the Sixteenfold Stoma: may I win that.
yvs.9 Prajapati with seventeenfold metre won the Seventeenfold Stoma: may I win that.
yvs.14 The Priesthood is saved; the Trivrit Stoma.
yvs.14 The Nobility is saved; the Panchadasa Stoma.
yvs.14 Thou art the share of the Man beholders; the supremacy of the Creator; the birthplace is saved; the Saptadasa Stoma.
yvs.14 Rain of heaven and wind are saved; the Ekavimsa Stoma.
yvs.14 Quadrupeds are saved; the Chaturvimsa Stoma.
yvs.14 The Embryos are saved; the Panchavimsa Stoma.
yvs.14 Strength is saved; the Trinava Stoma.
yvs.14 The universal Quarters are saved; the Chatushtoma Stoma.
yvs.14 Creatures are saved; the Chatuschatvarimsa Stoma.
yvs.14 The Being is saved; the Trayastrimsa Stoma.
yvs.15 3 The Sixteenfold Stoma, strength and wealth.
yvs.15 The Forty fourth Stoma, splendour and wealth.
yvs.15 May the Trivrit Stoma assist thee on earth.
yvs.15 May the Panchadasa Stoma support thee on earth.
yvs.15 The Saptadasa Stoma support thee on earth.
yvs.15 Vimsa Stoma

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