Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 17 Jul 2011 14:48 and updated at 17 Jul 2011 14:48
yvs.9 | 33 With nine syllable metre Mitra won the Trivrit Stoma: may I win that. |
yvs.9 | 34 The Vasus by thirteen syllable metre won the Thirteenfold Stoma: may I win that. |
yvs.9 | The Rudras by fourteen syllable metre won the fourteenfold Stoma: may I win that. |
yvs.9 | The adityas with fifteen syllable metre won the Fifteenfold Stoma: may I win that. |
yvs.9 | Aditi with sixteen syllable metre won the Sixteenfold Stoma: may I win that. |
yvs.9 | Prajapati with seventeenfold metre won the Seventeenfold Stoma: may I win that. |
yvs.14 | The Priesthood is saved; the Trivrit Stoma. |
yvs.14 | The Nobility is saved; the Panchadasa Stoma. |
yvs.14 | Thou art the share of the Man beholders; the supremacy of the Creator; the birthplace is saved; the Saptadasa Stoma. |
yvs.14 | Rain of heaven and wind are saved; the Ekavimsa Stoma. |
yvs.14 | Quadrupeds are saved; the Chaturvimsa Stoma. |
yvs.14 | The Embryos are saved; the Panchavimsa Stoma. |
yvs.14 | Strength is saved; the Trinava Stoma. |
yvs.14 | The universal Quarters are saved; the Chatushtoma Stoma. |
yvs.14 | Creatures are saved; the Chatuschatvarimsa Stoma. |
yvs.14 | The Being is saved; the Trayastrimsa Stoma. |
yvs.15 | 3 The Sixteenfold Stoma, strength and wealth. |
yvs.15 | The Forty fourth Stoma, splendour and wealth. |
yvs.15 | May the Trivrit Stoma assist thee on earth. |
yvs.15 | May the Panchadasa Stoma support thee on earth. |
yvs.15 | The Saptadasa Stoma support thee on earth. |
yvs.15 | Vimsa Stoma |