
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 17 Jul 2011 14:25 and updated at 17 Jul 2011 14:25


yvs.8 For Indra thee, for Shodasi.
yvs.8 For Indra thee, for Shodasi.
yvs.8 36 Than whom there is none other born more mighty, who hath pervaded all existing creatures Prajapati, rejoicing in his offspring, he, Shodasi, maintains the three great lustres.
yvs.26 10 May mighty Indra, thunder armed, may Shodasi protect us well, and slay the wicked man who hateth us.
yvs.32 5 Before whom naught whatever sprang to being; who with his presence aids all living creatures, Prajapati, rejoicing in his offspring, he, Shodasi, maintains the Three great Lustres.

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