Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 17 Jul 2011 14:25 and updated at 17 Jul 2011 14:25
yvs.8 | For Indra thee, for Shodasi. |
yvs.8 | For Indra thee, for Shodasi. |
yvs.8 | 36 Than whom there is none other born more mighty, who hath pervaded all existing creatures Prajapati, rejoicing in his offspring, he, Shodasi, maintains the three great lustres. |
yvs.26 | 10 May mighty Indra, thunder armed, may Shodasi protect us well, and slay the wicked man who hateth us. |
yvs.32 | 5 Before whom naught whatever sprang to being; who with his presence aids all living creatures, Prajapati, rejoicing in his offspring, he, Shodasi, maintains the Three great Lustres. |