
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 17 Jul 2011 13:57 and updated at 17 Jul 2011 13:57


yvs.2 Svaha! Vat! Hail to the Lord of close embracements, Agni! Hail to Sarasvati enriched with glory! 21 Veda art thou, whereby, O godlike Veda, thou hast become for Deities their Veda: thereby mayst thou become for me a Veda.
yvs.4 Svaha! 7 To Resolution, Motive, Agni, Svaha! All hail to Wisdom, and to Mind, and Agni! All hail to Consecration, Fervour, Agni! Hail to Sarasvati, Pushan, and Agni! Ye vast, divine, all beneficial Waters, ye Heaven and Earth and spacious Air between them, Let us adore Brihaspati with oblation.
yvs.9 and Brihaspati, Yak, Vishnu, and Sarasvati, and the strong Courser Savitar.
yvs.9 To Vak Sarasvati s controlling guidance, hers the controlling leader, I consign thee.
yvs.10 To Agni Hail! To Soma Hail! To Savitar Hail! To Sarasvati Hail! To Pushan Hail! To Brihaspati Hail! To Indra Hail! To the Noise Hail! To Fame Hail To Amsa Hail! To Bhaga Hail! To Aryaman Hail! 6 Ye are two strainers, Varuna s own possession.
yvs.10 30 I creep forth urged onward by Savitar the Impeller; by Sarasvati, Speech; by Tvashtar, created forms; by Pushan, cattle; by this Indra; by Brihaspati, Devotion; by Varuna, Power; by Agni, Brilliance; by Soma, the King; by Vishnu the tenth Deity.
yvs.10 Get dressed for Sarasvati: Get dressed for Indra the Good Deliverer: Soma the Wind, purified by the strainer, Indra s meet friend, hath gone overflowing backward.
yvs.10 Thee for Sarasvati, and thee for Indra, for the Excellent Protector.
yvs.10 When thou with might hadst drunk the draught that gladdens, Sarasvati, O Bounteous Lord, refreshed thee.
yvs.13 Thou art all ruling, independent Ruler: both fountains of Sarasvati protect thee! 36 O radiant Agni, harness thou thy steeds which are most excellent! They bear thee as thy spirit wills.
yvs.18 16 May my Agni and my Indra, and my Soma and my Indra, and my Savitar and my Indra, and my Sarasvati and my Indra, and my Pushan and my Indra prosper by sacrifice.
yvs.18 37 Thee by the radiant Savitar s impulsion, with arms of Asvins, with the hands of Pushan, Controlled by Vak Sarasvati s Controller, with Agni s sole dominion I besprinkle.
yvs.19 Get dressed for Sarasvati.
yvs.19 Thee for Sarasvati.
yvs.19 Splendour of Asvins, Sarasvati s manly vigour, might of Indra.
yvs.19 12 The Asvins, the Physicians, Gods, stretched out the healing sacrifice, Sarasvati with speech was a Physician, all with heroic powers investing Indra.
yvs.19 15 Emblem of purchased Soma is Parisrut, foaming drink effused: Indra s balm milked for Indra by the Asvins and Sarasvati.
yvs.19 18 The Asvins are the Soma store, Sarasvati the sacred hearth.
yvs.19 Sarasvati obtains the third outpouring, the offering sacred to the Visve Devas.
yvs.19 33 All essence of thine own in plants collected, all strength of Soma when poured out with Sura Therewith impel with joy the sacrifice, Sarasvati, the Asvins, Indra, Agni.
yvs.19 34 That which Sarasvati poured out for Indra, by Asvins brought from Namuchi the demon, This flowing drop, brilliant and full of sweetness, I drink and feed on here, the King, the Soma.
yvs.19 Sarasvati, Savitar, Varuna, the Asvins span sacrifice and healed his form for Indra.
yvs.19 82 His inner shape Sarasvati arranges and, borne on bright paths, the Physician Asvins: With Masaras and sieve his bone and marrow, as on the Oxen s hide they lay the liquor.
yvs.19 83 By thought Sarasvati with both Nasatyas forms lovely treasure and a beauteous body.
yvs.19 88 His face the basket, thence his head; the strainer his tongue, his mouth Sarasvati and Asvins.
yvs.19 By Indra grains and sacrificial jujubes Sarasvati produced through breath and nose hairs.
yvs.19 93 The Asvins, Leeches, joined his limbs and body, Sarasvati put limbs and frame together, Giving the form and vital power of Indra, hundredfold, deathless and delightful lustre.
yvs.19 94 Sarasvati, as Consort of the Asvins, bears in her womb the nobly fashioned Infant.
yvs.19 95 Splendour of victims, powerful oblation, honey and meath with milk and foaming liquor, Healing Sarasvati effused, and Asvins; from pressed and unpressed Soma, deathless Indu.
yvs.20 3 Thee, by the radiant Savitar s impulsion, with arms of Asvins, with the hands of Pushan, With leech craft of the Asvins, I besprinkle for splendour, for the lustre of a Brahman; With leech craft of Sarasvati, besprinkle for manly vigour and for food to feed thee; Besprinkle thee, by special power of Indra, for strength of body and for fame and glory.
yvs.20 35 Invited I feed upon thee invited, Whom Asvins, whom Sarasvati, whom Indra, Good Protector, made.
yvs.20 43 Thriving by sacrifice may the three Bright Ones, taking delight like wedded dames in Indra, Sarasvati, Ida, Bharati all surpassing, with milk preserve our sacred thread unbroken.
yvs.20 55 Fire hath been kindled, Asvins Twain! the Gharma warmed, the Radiant pressed, Here the Milch Cow Sarasvati hath poured bright Soma, Indra s own.
yvs.20 56 When Soma flows Sarasvati and both the Asvins, Leeches and Body guards, bear to Indra strength by passage through the realms of air.
yvs.20 57 When Soma flowed the Asvins Twain, the Leeches, brought sweet medicine, With Men s Desire Sarasvati for Indra, Soma, Nagnahu.
yvs.20 58 Worshipped, Sarasvati bestowed on Indra, senses, manly power.
yvs.20 Sarasvati with sacred grass brought that to Indra for his drink.
yvs.20 60 Sarasvati and Indra with the Asvins Twain milked out desires From heaven and earth, the regions, the resounding and expansive doors.
yvs.20 61 Ye Asvins, Dawn and Night, by day and in the evening, fair of hue, Accordant, with Sarasvati, deck Indra with surpassing powers.
yvs.20 62 Guard us, O Asvins, through the day, guards us by night, Sarasvati.
yvs.20 63 The Asvins, and the Three, apart, Sarasvati, Ida, Bharati, As drink to gladden Indra, poured strong Soma with the foaming juice.
yvs.20 64 The Asvins, our Sarasvati, and Tvashtar, when the juice was shed, Gave Indra balm, yea, mead as balm, glory and fame and many a shape.
yvs.20 65 Praising with foaming liquor at due times, Indra, Vanaspati, Sarasvati as cow gave forth sweet beverage with the Asvins Twain.
yvs.20 66 Asvins, to Indra ye with cows, with Masara and foaming drink Gave, with Sarasvati All hail! the pressed out Soma juice and mead.
yvs.20 67 The Asvins and Sarasvati by wit from fiendish Namuchi Brought unto Indra sacred food, strength, brilliant treasure, ample wealth.
yvs.20 68 That Indra, strong through sacrifice by Asvins and Sarasvati, Cleft Vala through to win him wealth, with Namuchi of Asura birth.
yvs.20 69 Supporting him in sacrifice with sacred food and mighty powers, Sarasvati, both Asvins and the cattle hymned that Indra s praise.
yvs.20 73 With cows the Asvins, mighty power, with horses manly vigour, strength, With sacred food Sarasvati, made Indra, Sacrificer, strong.
yvs.20 74 May those Nasatyas, fair of form, the Men who ride on paths of gold, Oblation rich Sarasvati, thou, Indra! help us in our rites.
yvs.20 75 Those Leeches righteous in their deeds, She, rich in milk, Sarasvati, That Vritra slayer hundred powered, invested Indra with his might.
yvs.20 76 Ye Asvins and Sarasvati, joint drinkers of the Sara draught, In Namuchi of Asura birth, give aid to Indra in his deeds.
yvs.20 80 The Asvins gave, with lustre, sight, Sarasvati manly strength with breath.
yvs.20 84 Wealthy in spoil, enriched with hymns, may pure Sarasvati desire with eager love our sacrifice.
yvs.20 S5 She who awakens sounds of joy, inspires our hymns, Sarasvati, she hath allowed our sacrifice.
yvs.20 85 Sarasvati, the mighty flood, she with her light illuminates, she brightens every pious thought.
yvs.20 90 Accordant with Sarasvati let the two Asvins drink the meath, May Indra, Vritra slayer, Good Guardian, accept the Soma meath.
yvs.21 The metre Gayatri, the steer of eighteen months, give power and life! 13 Tanunapat whose acts are pure, our bodies guard Sarasvati, Ushniha metre and the steer of two years age give power and life! 14 Agni with offerings, meet for praise, and Soma the immortal God, Anushtup metre and the steer of thirty months give power and life! 15 Agni with goodly grass spread out, deathless with Pushan at his side, Brihati metre and a steer of three years age give power and life! 16 The Doors divine, the mighty Regions, Brahma, God Brihaspati, The metre Pankti, here a bull in his fourth year, give power and life 17 The two young Darns of lovely form, the deathless Universal Gods, The Trishtup metre, here, a bull in his sixth year, give power and life! 18 The two celestial Hotars, both Physicians, Indra s close knit friends, The metre Jagati, an ox who draws the wain, give power and life! 19 The Three, Ida, Sarasvati, and Bharati, the Marut folk, Viraj the metre, here, a cow in milk, a bull, give power and life!
yvs.21 29 Let the Hotar sacrifice with fuel to Agni in the place of libation, to the Asvins, Indra, Sarasvati.
yvs.21 30 Let the Hotar, Tanunapat, worship Sarasvati.
yvs.21 A ram with Sura a salutary remedy, Sarasvati the Physician, the golden car of the Asvins, the victim s omentum, with jujube fruit, Indra grains, and rice sprouts, become a salutary remedy, the manly strength of Indra, milk, Soma.
yvs.21 32 Let the Hotar, magnified with oblations, offering sacrifice, worship Sarasvati and Indra, increasing them with strength, with a bull and a cow.
yvs.21 Sarasvati the Physician yields medicine to Indra, milk, Soma.
yvs.21 The Milch cow Sarasvati yields medicine for the Asvins and Indra, pure light and strength.
yvs.21 At night and by day the Asvins with Sarasvati compose impetuous power, like healing balm, in Indra, like a falcon, Masara with light, thought, and grace.
yvs.21 Watchfully by day and night Sarasvati as Physician, with balms, with lead, yields strength and power.
yvs.21 The Asvins, Ida, Bharati Sarasvati with Speech yields might and power to Indra.
yvs.21 38 Let the Hotar worship Tvashtar full of good seed, the Bull active for men, Indra, the Asvins, Sarasvati the Physician.
yvs.21 Sarasvati the Physician yields wrath and power to Indra.
yvs.21 Svaha! the ram for Sarasvati.
yvs.21 Let the Hotar worship Sarasvati with the omentum of a ram.
yvs.21 42 Let the Hotar worship the Asvins, Sarasvati, Indra the Good Deliverer.
yvs.21 these let the Asvins, Sarasvati, Indra the Good Deliverer, Vritra slayer, accept.
yvs.21 44 Let the Hotar worship Sarasvati.
yvs.21 There where the favourite stations of the Asvins are, of the he goat the sacrifice; of Sarasvati, of the ram the sacrifice; of Indra, of the bull the sacrifice; there where the favourite stations of Agni are, of Soma, of Indra the Good Deliverer, of Savitar, of Varuna, the favourite places of Vanaspati, the favourite stations of Gods who drink clarified butter, and of Agni the Hotar, there let him arrange these victims when he has praised and lauded them, and perform when he has made them very strong.
yvs.21 Let Agni worship the favourite stations of the Asvins, of the he goat the sacrifice; of Sarasvati, of the ram the sacrifice; of Indra, of the bull the sacrifice; there, etc.
yvs.21 48 The Grass divine, for the right Gods, Sarasvati, the Asvins Twain, Give Indra splendour, with the Grass, sight of his eyes and mighty strength! For gain of wealth let them enjoy.
yvs.21 49 The Doors, the Doors divine, the Two Asvins, Leeches, Sarasvati May they give breath to Indra in his nostrils, and heroic strength.
yvs.21 50 May Dawn and Night, the Goddesses, both Asvins, and Sarasvati Lay, with both Dawns, strength, voice within Indra the Good Deliverer s mouth.
yvs.21 51 Both nursing Goddesses, the Pair of Asvins, and Sarasvati Have with both nurses given strength to Indra, fame, and power to hear.
yvs.21 52 Bringers of strengthening sacrifice, both Goddesses, well yielding cows, Sarasvati, both Asvins, the Physicians, these are Indra s guards.
yvs.21 53 Both Gods, the Hotars of the Gods, the Asvins the Physicians and Sarasvati with Vashat calls, with the two Hotars have bestowed on Indra brilliant light and power, and planted wisdom in his heart.
yvs.21 54 Goddesses three, three Goddesses Asvins, Ida, Sarasvati In Indra s midmost navel have laid store of energy and power.
yvs.21 55 God Narasamsa, Indra thrice protecting, whose car moves by Sarasvati and Asvins May Tvashtar lay seed, deathless form in Indra, a fitting place of birth and mighty powers.
yvs.21 56 God with the Gods, Vanaspati of golden leaves and goodly fruit Ripens till Indra finds it sweet, with Asvins and Sarasvati.
yvs.21 57 Strewn, soft as wool, in sacrifice, with Asvins and Sarasvati, The sacred robe of water plants be, Indra, a fair seat for thee! Together with the sacred grass limy they, for sovranty, bestow King Passion and great power on thee.
yvs.21 58 Let the God Agni Svishtakrit worship the Gods as is meet and right for each, the two Hotars, Indra, the Asvins, Vak with speech, Sarasvati, Agni, Soma.
yvs.21 59 To day this Sacrificer cooking viands, cooking sacrificial rice cakes, binding a goat for the Asvins, a ram for Sarasvati, a hull for Indra, pressing Sura and Soma juices for the Asvins, Sarasvati, and Indra the Good Deliverer, has chosen Agni as Hotar.
yvs.21 60 To day the divine Vanaspati has done good service to the Asvins with a goat, to Sarasvati with a ram, to Indra with a bull.
yvs.21 The Agnis, Sarasvati, and Indra have drunk the Sura and Soma draughts.
yvs.22 Hail to Aditi! Hail to good Aditi! Hail to gracious Aditi! Hail to Sarasvati! Hail to purifying Sarasvati! Hail to great Sarasvati! Hail to Pushan! Hail to Pushan of the highways! Hail to Pushan observer of men! Hail to Tvashtar! Hail to swift Tvashtar! Hail to Tvashtar of many forms! Hail to Vishnu! Hail to Vishnu Nibhuyapa! Hail to Vishnu Sipivishta! 21 Let every mortal man elect, etc.
yvs.24 A black necked goat, devoted to Agni, (is to be bound) in front to the forehead (of the horse); Sarasvati s ewe below his jaws; two goats belonging to the Asvins, with marks on the lower parts of the body, to his fore legs; a dark coloured goat, Soma s and Pushan s, to his navel; a white and a black, sacred to Soma and Varna, to his sides; Tvashtar s two, with bushy tails, to his hind feet; Vayu s white goat to his tail; for Indra the Good Worker a cow who slips her calf; a dwarf belonging to Vishnu.
yvs.24 The reddish she goat, the red haired, the white, these belong to Sarasvati.
yvs.24 14 Black necked victims sacred to Agni; brown to Soma; spotted to Savitar; weaned she kids to Sarasvati; dark coloured goats to Pushan; speckled victims to the Maruts; many coloured to the All Gods; barren cows to Heaven and Earth.
yvs.24 33 The female crane is Surya s; Sarga, Srijays, Sayandaka, these are Mitra s; to Sarasvati belongs the human voiced Maina; to Ground the porcupine; tiger, wolf, viper belong to Passion; to Sarasvan the human voiced parrot.
yvs.25 The tongue tip for Sarasvati; I gratify the root of the tongue and the palate with his neigh, Vaja with his jaws, the Waters with his mouth, the Stallion with his testicles, the adityas with the beard, Path with his eyebrows, Heaven and Earth with his eyelashes, Lightning with the pupils of his eyes.
yvs.25 5 (On the left side) the first rib belongs to Indra Agni; the second to Sarasvati; the third to Mitra; the fourth to the Waters; the fifth to Nirriti; the sixth to Agni Soma; the seventh to the Serpents; the eighth to Vishnu; the ninth to Pushan; the tenth to Tvashtar; the eleventh to Indra; the twelfth to Varuna; the thirteenth to Yama.
yvs.25 May Sarasvati, auspicious, grant felicity.
yvs.27 19 Upon this grass three Goddesses be seated, Ida, Sarasvati, Bharati the Mighty glorified with song.
yvs.28 Let the three triple active Ones, let Ida and Sarasvati and Bharati the mighty Dames, Consorts of Indra, who receive our sacrificial offerings, enjoy the butter, etc.
yvs.28 One, Bharati, hath touched the sky, Sarasvati the sacrifice with Rudras, and, enriched with wealth, Ida the homesteads of the folk.
yvs.29 8 Bharati with adityas love our worship! Sarasvati with Rudras be our helper, And Ida in accord, invoked with Vasus! Goddesses, place our rite among the Immortals.
yvs.29 So let Sarasvati and both her fellows, deft Goddesses, on this fair grass be seated.
yvs.29 58 The black necked victim belongs to Agni; the ewe to Sarasvati; the brown victim is Soma s; the dusky Pushan s; the white backed is Brihaspati s; the dappled belongs to the All Gods; the red to Indra; the spotted to the Maruts; the strong bodied to Indra Agni; one with white marks below to Savitar; to Varuna a black ram with one white foot 59 To Agni Anikavan is sacrificed a red marked ox; two with white spots below are for Savitar; two with silvery navels for Pushan; two yellow hornless he goats for the All Gods; a spotted one for the Maruts; the black faced he goat is Agni s; the ewe is Sarasvati s; the ram is Varuna s.
yvs.33 May both Nasatyas, Rudra, heavenly Matrons, Pushan, Sarasvati, Bhaga accept us.
yvs.34 11 Five rivers flowing on their way speed onward to Sarasvati, But then became Sarasvati a fivefold river in the land.
yvs.38 Sarasvati, come hither.
yvs.38 Overflow for Sarasvati.
yvs.38 Overflow for Indra All hail, what belongs to Indra! All hail, what belongs to Indra! All hail, what belongs to Indra! 5 That breast of thine, exhaustless, fount of pleasure, wealth giver, treasure finder, free bestower, Wherewith thou rearest all things that are choicest, bring that, Sarasvati, that we may drain it.

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