Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 17 Jul 2011 13:32 and updated at 17 Jul 2011 13:32
yvs.7 | 46 This day may it he mine to find a Brahman sprung from a lauded father and grandfather, Offspring of Rishis and himself a Rishi, the fit recipient of priestly guerdon. |
yvs.13 | The Rishi Vasishtha. |
yvs.13 | The Rishi Bharadvaja. |
yvs.13 | The Rishi Jamadagni. |
yvs.13 | The Rishi Visvamitra. |
yvs.13 | The Rishi Visvakarman. |
yvs.14 | Wave and drop of waters art thou; and Visvakarman is thy Rishi. |
yvs.17 | 17 He who sate down as Hotar priest, the Rishi, our Father offering, up all things existent He, seeking with his wish a great possession, came among men on earth as archetypal. |
yvs.21 | 61 Thee, to day, O Rishi, Rishi s son, descendant of Rishis, hath this Sacrificer chosen for many collected, saying: This Agni() shall win by sacrifice for me choice worthy treasures among the Gods. |
yvs.28 | Thee, to day, O Rishi, etc. |
yvs.28 | Thee, to day, O Rishi, etc. |