Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 17 Jul 2011 13:31 and updated at 17 Jul 2011 13:31
yvs.15 | 44 Agni, with lauds this day may we bring thee that which thou lovest, Right judgment, like a horse, with our devotions. |
yvs.17 | 80 Purely Bright, Wonderfully Bright, Really Bright, All Luminous, Bright, Law s Protector, Safe from Ill; 81 Such, Other Looking, Equal, Similar, Measured, Commensurate, Jointly Bearing up. 82 Right, Real, Firm, Strong to Support, Bearer, Disposer, Manager. |
yvs.17 | 83 Winner of Right, Winner of Truth, Host Conquering, Lord of Goodly Host, Whose Friends are Near at Hand, Whose Banded Enemies are Far Away: |
yvs.19 | 70 Right gladly do we set thee down, right gladly make thee burn and glow. |