Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 17 Jul 2011 13:15 and updated at 17 Jul 2011 13:15
yvs.2 | Thou art the Rakshasas allotted portion. |
yvs.5 | Here I cut the necks of Rakshasas away. |
yvs.5 | Here I cut the necks of Rakshasas away. |
yvs.6 | Here I cut the necks of Rakshasas away. |
yvs.15 | Yatudhanas are his weapon, Rakshasas his missile weapon; to them be homage, etc. |
yvs.15 | 37 O Agni, shining of thyself by night and when the morning breaks, Burn, thou whose teeth are sharp, against the Rakshasas. |
yvs.24 | 40 The Khanga is the All Gods the black dog, the long eared, the ass, the hyena, these are the Rakshasas; the boar is for Indra; the lion is for the Maruts; the chameleon, the Pipoaka, the vulture, these belong to Saravya; the spotted antelope belongs to the All Gods. |
yvs.25 | 9 I gratify Separation with his navel; Butter with his flavour; the Waters with his broth; Sunbeams with his drops of fat; Hoar frost with his heat; Ice with his marrow; Hailstones with his tears; Thunderbolts with the rheum of his eyes; Rakshasas with his blood; Bright things with his limbs; Stars with his beauty; Earth with his skin. |
yvs.34 | Driving off Rakshasas and Yatudhanas, the God is present, praised in hymns at evening. |