Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 17 Jul 2011 12:41 and updated at 17 Jul 2011 12:41
yvs.7 | 40 Indra, great in his power and might, and like Parjanya rich In rain, Is magnified by Vatsa s lauds. |
yvs.18 | Help us with rain sent from the sky, Parjanya, firmament, or earth. |
yvs.22 | May Parjanya send rain according to our desire; may our fruit bearing plants ripen; may acquisition and preservation of property be secured to us. |
yvs.24 | Long eared goats are for Yama; proud ones for Rudra; cloud coloured ones for Parjanya. |
yvs.24 | 6 Black necked victims for Agni; white browed for the Vasus; red for Rudra; bright ones for the adityas; cloud coloured for Parjanya. |
yvs.24 | 21 To the Sea he sacrifices porpoises; to Parjanya frogs; to the Waters fishes; to Mitra Kulipayas; to Varuna crocodiles. |
yvs.24 | 34 The eagle is Parjanya s; the ati, the Vahasa, the wood pecker, these are for Vayu; for Brihaspati Lord of Speech is the Paingaraja; the Alaja belongs to Firmament; pelican, cormorant, fish, these belong to the Lord of Rivers; the tortoise belongs to Heaven and Earth. |
yvs.36 | Pleasantly, with a roar, the God Parjanya send the rain on us. |