
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 17 Jul 2011 12:40 and updated at 17 Jul 2011 12:40


yvs.10 Pankti be thy keeper, Sakvara, Raivata the pair of Samans, Praise songs the thirty threefold and thrice ninefold, both seasons, Winter, Dews, that treasure lustre.
yvs.13 I settle thee with the Pankti metre.
yvs.13 Pankti sprang from Winter.
yvs.13 From Pankti the Nidhanavat.
yvs.14 10 The bullock is vital vigour, Pankti the metre.
yvs.14 Pankti metre.
yvs.21 The metre Gayatri, the steer of eighteen months, give power and life! 13 Tanunapat whose acts are pure, our bodies guard Sarasvati, Ushniha metre and the steer of two years age give power and life! 14 Agni with offerings, meet for praise, and Soma the immortal God, Anushtup metre and the steer of thirty months give power and life! 15 Agni with goodly grass spread out, deathless with Pushan at his side, Brihati metre and a steer of three years age give power and life! 16 The Doors divine, the mighty Regions, Brahma, God Brihaspati, The metre Pankti, here a bull in his fourth year, give power and life 17 The two young Darns of lovely form, the deathless Universal Gods, The Trishtup metre, here, a bull in his sixth year, give power and life! 18 The two celestial Hotars, both Physicians, Indra s close knit friends, The metre Jagati, an ox who draws the wain, give power and life! 19 The Three, Ida, Sarasvati, and Bharati, the Marut folk, Viraj the metre, here, a cow in milk, a bull, give power and life!
yvs.23 33 Gayatri, Trishtup, Jagati, and Pankti with Anushtup joined, Brihati, Kakup, Ushniha pacify thee with needle points! 34 Two footed, those that have four feet, those with three feet and those with five, Metteless, with one metre; these pacify thee with needle points! 35 May Mahanamnis, Revatis, all far spread Regions of the sky, Voices, and lightnings from the cloud pacify thee with needle points! 36 May married dames of human birth skilfully separate thy hair: The Regions, Consorts of the Gods, pacify thee with needle points!
yvs.24 13 Four year old steers to Viraj; full grown bulls to Brihati; strong bulls to Kakup; draught oxen to Pankti; milch cows to Atichhandas.
yvs.28 Bringing him mighty power, the Pankti metre, a bullock four years old, and vital vigour.
yvs.28 39 Bringers of strengthening sacrifice, the Goddesses, two teeming cows, have heightened Indra s power with milk, Laying bright power in Indra with Pankti, and vital energy.
yvs.29 60 To Agni of the Gayatri, of the Trivrit hymn and of the Rathantara Saman is to be offered a rice cake on eight potsherds; to Indra of the Trishtup, the Panchadasa hymn and the Brihat Saman one on eleven potsherds; to the All Gods of the Jagati, the Seventeenfold hymn and the Vairupa Saman, one on twelve potsherds; to Mitra Varuna of the Anushtup, the Ekavimsa hymn, and the Vairaja Saman, a mess of curdled milk; to Brihaspati of the Pankti metre, the Trinava hymn, and the Sakvara Saman, an oblation of rice boded in milk; to Savitar of the Ushnih, the Thirty threefold hymn, and the Raivata Saman, a rice cake on eight potsherds; a mess of boiled rice is to be made for Prajapati; the same for Vishnu s Consort Aditi; to Agni Vaisvanara is to be offered a rice cake on twelve potsherds, and to Anumati one on eight.

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