Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 17 Jul 2011 12:18 and updated at 17 Jul 2011 12:18
yvs.19 | 83 By thought Sarasvati with both Nasatyas forms lovely treasure and a beauteous body. |
yvs.20 | 74 May those Nasatyas, fair of form, the Men who ride on paths of gold, Oblation rich Sarasvati, thou, Indra! help us in our rites. |
yvs.20 | 81 With kine, Nasatyas! and with steeds, come, Asvins, Rudras! to the house, the sure protector of its men; 82 Such, wealthy Gods! as none afar or standing near to us may harm, yea, no malicious mortal foe. |
yvs.21 | 33 Let the Hotar worship the wool soft Altar grass, the Physicians Nasatyas, the Physicians Asvins. |
yvs.33 | May both Nasatyas, Rudra, heavenly Matrons, Pushan, Sarasvati, Bhaga accept us. |
yvs.33 | 58 Nasatyas, Wonder workers, yours are these libations with clipt grass. |
yvs.34 | 47 Come, O Nasatyas, with the thrice eleven Gods: come, O ye Asvins, to the drinking of the meath. |