
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 17 Jul 2011 12:00 and updated at 17 Jul 2011 12:00


yvs.7 38 Drink, Indra Marut girt, as Bull, the Soma: for joy, for rapture even as thou pleasest.
yvs.9 All hail! To Gods whose guide is Agni, to the eastward seated Gods, All hail! To Gods whose guide is Yama, to the southward seated Gods, All hail! To Gods whose guides are the All Gods, those who are seated westward, Hail! Hail to the northward seated Gods, to those whose guides are Mitra and Varuna or the Marut host! To Gods whose guide is Soma, who, worshipful, sit on high, All hail! 36 Gods who have Agni as their guide, whose seat is eastward, Hail to them! Gods who have Yama as their guide, whose seat is southward, Hail to them! Gods who have All Gods as their guides, whose seat is westward, Hail to them! Gods who have Mitra Varuna for guides, north seated, Hail to them! Gods who have Soma as their guide, high seated, worshipful, Hail to them! 37 Agni, subdue opposing bands and drive our enemies away.
yvs.21 The metre Gayatri, the steer of eighteen months, give power and life! 13 Tanunapat whose acts are pure, our bodies guard Sarasvati, Ushniha metre and the steer of two years age give power and life! 14 Agni with offerings, meet for praise, and Soma the immortal God, Anushtup metre and the steer of thirty months give power and life! 15 Agni with goodly grass spread out, deathless with Pushan at his side, Brihati metre and a steer of three years age give power and life! 16 The Doors divine, the mighty Regions, Brahma, God Brihaspati, The metre Pankti, here a bull in his fourth year, give power and life 17 The two young Darns of lovely form, the deathless Universal Gods, The Trishtup metre, here, a bull in his sixth year, give power and life! 18 The two celestial Hotars, both Physicians, Indra s close knit friends, The metre Jagati, an ox who draws the wain, give power and life! 19 The Three, Ida, Sarasvati, and Bharati, the Marut folk, Viraj the metre, here, a cow in milk, a bull, give power and life!
yvs.26 17 Finder of room and freedom, flow for Indra, meet for worship, flow For Varuna and the Marut host.
yvs.33 45 Indra, Vayu, Brihaspati, Mitra, Agni, Pushan, Bhaga, adityas, and the Marut host.
yvs.33 46 Be Varuna our chief defence, let Mitra guard us with all aids: Both make us rich exceedingly! 47 Regard us, Indra, Vishnu, here, ye Asvins, and the Marut host, us who are kith and kin to you.
yvs.33 48 O Agni, Indra, Varuna, and Mitra, give, O ye Gods, and Marut host, and Vishnu.
yvs.33 Indra, refulgent with the Marut host! the Gods eagerly strove to win thy love.

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