Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 17 Jul 2011 11:19 and updated at 17 Jul 2011 11:19
yvs.19 | 93 The Asvins, Leeches, joined his limbs and body, Sarasvati put limbs and frame together, Giving the form and vital power of Indra, hundredfold, deathless and delightful lustre. |
yvs.20 | 56 When Soma flows Sarasvati and both the Asvins, Leeches and Body guards, bear to Indra strength by passage through the realms of air. |
yvs.20 | 57 When Soma flowed the Asvins Twain, the Leeches, brought sweet medicine, With Men s Desire Sarasvati for Indra, Soma, Nagnahu. |
yvs.20 | Celestial Hotars, Leeches! both guard Indra when the juice is pressed. |
yvs.20 | 75 Those Leeches righteous in their deeds, She, rich in milk, Sarasvati, That Vritra slayer hundred powered, invested Indra with his might. |
yvs.21 | 49 The Doors, the Doors divine, the Two Asvins, Leeches, Sarasvati May they give breath to Indra in his nostrils, and heroic strength. |
yvs.27 | 9 As thou, Brihaspati, from curse hast freed us, from dwelling yonder in the realm of Yama, The Asvins, Leeches of the Gods, O Agni, have chased Death far from us with mighty powers. |
yvs.28 | 7 Let the Priest worship both the heavenly Hotars, Friends, Leeches, healing Indra with oblation. |