
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 17 Jul 2011 09:52 and updated at 17 Jul 2011 09:52


yvs.2 Hail to the Earth s Lord! To the World s Lord Hail! Hail to the Lord of Beings! 3 For safety of this all let the Gandharva Visvavasu lay thee round as a protection.
yvs.9 May the celestial Gandharva, cleanser of thought and will, make clean our thought and purpose: the Lord of Speech sweeten the food we offer.
yvs.11 May the celestial Gandharva, Cleanser of thought and will, make clean our thoughts and wishes.
yvs.17 32 First was the God engendered, Visvakarman: then the Gandharva sprang to life as second.
yvs.18 38 Maintainer of Law, true by nature, Agni is the Gandharva.
yvs.18 39 The Conjoined, Visvasaman, Surya is the Gandharva.
yvs.18 40 The Highly Blessed, the Moon whose rays are like the Sun s, is the Gandharva.
yvs.18 41 The Quick, All reaching, Wind is the Gandharva.
yvs.18 42 The Protecting, Strong winged, Sacrifice is the Gandharva.
yvs.18 43 The Lord of Creatures, Omnific, Mind is the Gandharva.
yvs.29 His bridle the Gandharva grasped.
yvs.30 May the Celestial Gandharva, cleanser of thought and will, make clean our thoughts and wishes.
yvs.32 9 Knowing Eternity, may the Gandharva declare that station, parted, kept in secret.

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