Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 17 Jul 2011 09:52 and updated at 17 Jul 2011 09:52
yvs.2 | Hail to the Earth s Lord! To the World s Lord Hail! Hail to the Lord of Beings! 3 For safety of this all let the Gandharva Visvavasu lay thee round as a protection. |
yvs.9 | May the celestial Gandharva, cleanser of thought and will, make clean our thought and purpose: the Lord of Speech sweeten the food we offer. |
yvs.11 | May the celestial Gandharva, Cleanser of thought and will, make clean our thoughts and wishes. |
yvs.17 | 32 First was the God engendered, Visvakarman: then the Gandharva sprang to life as second. |
yvs.18 | 38 Maintainer of Law, true by nature, Agni is the Gandharva. |
yvs.18 | 39 The Conjoined, Visvasaman, Surya is the Gandharva. |
yvs.18 | 40 The Highly Blessed, the Moon whose rays are like the Sun s, is the Gandharva. |
yvs.18 | 41 The Quick, All reaching, Wind is the Gandharva. |
yvs.18 | 42 The Protecting, Strong winged, Sacrifice is the Gandharva. |
yvs.18 | 43 The Lord of Creatures, Omnific, Mind is the Gandharva. |
yvs.29 | His bridle the Gandharva grasped. |
yvs.30 | May the Celestial Gandharva, cleanser of thought and will, make clean our thoughts and wishes. |
yvs.32 | 9 Knowing Eternity, may the Gandharva declare that station, parted, kept in secret. |