Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 17 Jul 2011 08:46 and updated at 17 Jul 2011 08:46
yvs.6 | 18 Be they united, with the Mind thy mind, and with the Breath thy breath. |
yvs.13 | His offspring, Breath, is Bhauvayana. |
yvs.36 | Refuge I take in Speech as Rich: refuge in Mind as Yajus text; refuge in Breath as Sama chant; refuge in Hearing and in Sight. |
yvs.39 | SVaHa to the Vital Breathings with their Controlling Lord! To Earth Svaha! To Agni Svaha! To Firmament, Svaha! To Vayu Svaha! To Sky Svaha! To Surya Svaha! 2 To the Quarters Svaha! To the Moon Svaha! To the Stars Svaha! To the Waters Svaha! To Varuna Svaha! To the Navel Svaha! To the Purified Svaha! 3 To Speech Svaha! To Breath Svaha! To Breath Svaha! To Sight Svaha! To Sight Svaha! To Hearing Svaha! To Hearing Svaha! 4 The wish and purpose of the mind and truth of speech may I obtain. |