Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 17 Jul 2011 08:39 and updated at 17 Jul 2011 08:39
yvs.3 | Song is bestowed upon the Bird Throughout the days at break of morn. |
yvs.12 | 4 Thou art the goodly pinioned Bird: thou hast the Trivrit for thy head. |
yvs.12 | Thou art the goodly pinioned Bird: go skyward, soar to heavenly light. |
yvs.17 | 60 Steer, Sea, Red Bird with strong wings, he hath entered the dwelling place of the Primeval Father. |
yvs.17 | 72 Thou art the Bird of goodly wing: be seated on the ridge of earth. |
yvs.29 | 17 Thyself from far I recognized in spirit, a Bird that from below flew through the heaven. |