Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 Jul 2011 17:59 and updated at 16 Jul 2011 17:59
yvk.2.4 | When the Yatis were being eaten, their heads fell away; they became Kharjuras; their sap rose upwards, they became Kariras; the Kariras are connected with Soma; the offering connected with Soma makes rain to move from the sky; in that there are Kariras (in the sacrifice) [2], by means of an offering which is connected with Soma he wins the rain from the sky. |
yvk.3.3 | In that Indra, slew Vrtra, there is impurity, in that he destroyed the Yatis, there is impurity; then why is the sacrifice Indra s up to the completion? they say. |
yvk.6.2 | Indra gave the Yatis to the Salavrkas; them they ate on the right of the high altar. |