
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 Jul 2011 17:56 and updated at 16 Jul 2011 17:56


yvk.1.6 He collects them in pairs, and so he makes the form of the Yajya and the Anuvakya, and thus there is a pair.
yvk.1.6 If he desire of sacrificers, May the blessing of the sacrifice fall to them equally he should place for them one of the Vyahrtis at the half verse of the Puronuvakya, one before the Yajya, and one at the half verse of the Yajya, and thus the blessing of the sacrifice falls to them equally.
yvk.2.2 He should offer at night [2], for at night the Raksases are active; verily he smites them when active; he should offer in (a place) which is closed in, to prevent the Raksases entering; the Yajya, and the Anuvakya are Raksas slaying, to lay low the Raksases.
yvk.2.2 Indra was equal with the gods, he did not attain distinction, he had recourse to Prajapati, for him, he offered this (offering) to Indra on eleven potsherds, and thereby he bestowed power upon him; he makes the Yajya and the Puronuvakya of the Sakvari (metre); the Sakvari is the thunderbolt, the thunderbolt kindled him for prosperity [5], he became prosperous; having become prosperous, be became afraid, (thinking) It shall burn me he had recourse again to Prajapati; Prajapati from the Sakvari fashioned the (verse containing the word) rich for atonement, to prevent burning.
yvk.2.2 The (verse containing the word) rich is the Puronuvakya, for atonement, to prevent burning; the Yajya is in the Sakvari (metre) the Sakvari is he thunderbolt, the thunderbolt kindles him for prosperity, he becomes prosperous.
yvk.2.2 As he cuts off from Indra s (cake), he should say, Do thou recite for Indra having directed (the Agnidh) to utter the Srausat call, he should say, Utter the Yajya, for the Maruts as he cuts off from the Maruts cake, he should say, Do thou recite for the Maruts having directed (the Agnidh), he should say, Utter the Yajya for Indra verily he produces strife between them for their shares, and they keep piercing each other.
yvk.2.2 According to each deity should he cut off and according to each utter the Yajya; verily he arranges them in due order with their portions; they are at unity.
yvk.2.2 The Yajya and the Anuvakya contain the word dear [4]; verily he makes him dear to his fellows; the Puronuvakya, has two feet; verily he wins bipeds; the Yajya has four feet; verily he wins quadrupeds.
yvk.2.3 These are curds, honey, ghee, waters, and parched grain; that is the form of cattle; verily by their form he wins cattle; there are five takings, for cattle are fivefold; I it is of many forms, for cattle are of many forms [8], (verily it serves) for completion; it is offered to Prajapati; cattle are connected with Prajapati; verily Prajapati produces cattle for him; honey is the body of man; in that he offers honey on the fire, verily thus the sacrificer places his body in the fire; the Yajya and the Anuvakya are in the Pankti metre, man is fivefold, cattle are fivefold; verily ransoming his body from death he wins cattle.
yvk.2.3 The Yajya and the Anuvakya have the word troop verily he makes him possess troops of his fellows.
yvk.2.3 The same sacrifice should he offer who desires, May I bring the people to ruin with respect to the Brahman he should use as the Yajya and the Anuvakya verses referring to the Maruts; verily he brings the people to ruin with respect to the Brahman.
yvk.2.3 Indra was the lowest in rank of the gods, he had recourse to Prajapati; for him he offered this (offering) of the after shoots of rice to Indra on eleven potsherds [2]; verily he led him to the top of the gods; he made as the Yajya and the Anuvakya (verses) containing the words depth and top verily from the depths he led him to the top; for the prince who is low in rank he should offer to Indra on eleven potsherds this (offering) of the after shoots of rice; verily he has recourse to Indra with his own share; verily he leads him to the top of his fellows; the Yajya, and the Anuvakya contain the words depth and top verily from the depth he leads him to the top [3]; it is of the after shoots of rice, for it is the deity of him who is low in rank; (verily it serves) for prosperity.
yvk.2.3 For the Brahman who is low in rank he sho ld offer to Brhaspati this oblation of the after shoots of rice; verily he has recourse to Brhaspati with his own share; verily he leads him to the top of his equals; the Yajya and the Anuvakya contain the words depth and top verily he leads from the depth to the top; it is of the after shoots of rice, for it is the deity of him who is low in rank; (verily it serves) for prosperity.
yvk.2.3 The Yajya is, The shoot which the Adityas make to wax verily thereby he makes him wax.
yvk.2.3 The Yajya, and the Anuvakya, are alike, for the eye is alike; (verily it serves) for prosperity.
yvk.2.6 The Puronuvakya is marked in front; verily he defeats the enemies that have arisen; the Yajya is marked behind [3]; verily he defeats the enemies that shall be.
yvk.2.6 The Puronuvakya is marked in front; verily he places light in this world; the Yajya is marked behind; verily he places light in yonder world.
yvk.2.6 The Yajya is marked behind; therefore the cow feeds with the second half.
yvk.2.6 The Puronuvakya is the Gayatri, the Yajya the Tristubh; verily he makes the ruling class dependent on the priestly class; therefore the Brahman is the chief.
yvk.2.6 He proclaims him with the Puronuvakya, leads him forward with the Yajya, and makes him go with the Vasat call.
yvk.2.6 He takes him with the Puronuvakya, he gives him with the Yajya, and [5] establishes him with the Vasat call.
yvk.2.6 The Yajya has four feet; verily he wins four footed cattle.
yvk.2.6 The Puronuvakya is the Gayatri, the Yajya, the Tristubh, and this is the sevenfooted Sakvari.
yvk.2.6 They kept for them (the offering) divided into four parts, for the Puronuvakya, the Yajya, the deity, the Vasat call.
yvk.3.4 If he were to offer with one (verse) he would make (it) a ladle offering; having pronounced the Puronuvakya he offers with the Yajya, to win the gods.
yvk.3.5 The Yajya and the Anuvakya are in the Pankti metre the sacrifice is fivefold; verily thereby he does not depart from the sacrifice.
yvk.5.1 The metres departed from the gods (saying), We will not carry your oblation without sharing (in it) for them they kept this (oblation) ladled up four times, for the Puronuvakya the Yajya, the deity, the Vasat call; in that he offers what has been ladled up four times, he delights the metres, and they delighted carry to the gods his oblation.
yvk.5.5 The Yajya and the Anuvakya, contain (the words) wind and white to secure brilliance.
yvk.6.1 Now if he were to make the Yajya verses of the opening libation the Yajya verses of the concluding libation, he would mount to the other world away from this, and would be liable to die.
yvk.6.1 The Puronuvakya verses of the opening libation should be made the Yajya verses of the concluding libation; verily he finds support in this world.
yvk.7.3 f By Agni, by Indra, by Soma, By Sarasvati, by Visnu, by the gods, By the Yajya and the Anuvakya, I summon for thee, O offering.

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