
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 Jul 2011 17:43 and updated at 16 Jul 2011 17:43


yvk.1.2 i May the cry of Indra guard thee in front with the Vasus; may the swift of mind guard thee on the right with the Pitrs; may the wise one guard thee behind with the Rudras; may Visvakarman guard thee on the left with the Adityas.
yvk.1.8 d To the Maruts, the playful, he offers a cake on seven potsherds at the rising of the sun; he ofibrs to Agni on eight potsherds, an oblation to Soma, to Savitr on twelve potsherds, to Sarasvati an oblation, to Pusan an oblation, to Indra and Agni on eleven potsherds, to Indra an oblation, to Visvakarman on eleven potsherds.
yvk.3.2 c To the lord of the sacrifice the Rsis said, By thy sin [1] creatures are famishing and troubled He did not secure the two drops of honey; May Visvakarman unite us with them.
yvk.3.2 d Dread are the Rsis; homage be to them, In the union with their eye and mind; To Brhaspati great, real, and glorious reverence; Homage to Visvakarman; may he guard us.
yvk.3.2 e Deeming that the Soma drinkers are his own, Knowing the breath like a valiant man in battle, He hath committed a great sin and is bound by them Him set free, O Visvakarman [2], for safety.
yvk.3.2 f Those who eating deserved not riches, Whom the fires of the hearths did trouble, That is their offering to expiate the ill sacrifice A good sacrifice for us may Visvakarman make it.
yvk.3.2 h All those who are in the Sadas must have presents; he who did not [3] give them a present would fall a victim to them; in that he offers the libations to Visvakarman, he thus delights those who are in the Sadas.
yvk.4.2 a Thou art firm, supporting, unoverpowered, Well wrought by Visvakarman; Let not the ocean smite thee, nor the eagle; Unshaking do thou make firm the earth.
yvk.4.2 i The Agni born of the heat of Agni, From the burning of the earth or of the sky, That whereby Visvakarman attained creatures, Him, O Agni, let thy wrath spare.
yvk.4.3 c This one above, thought; his, thought s, speech; the winter born of speech; the Pankti born of winter; from the Pankti that which has finales; from that which has finales the Agrayana (cup); from the Agrayana the twenty sevenfold and the thirty threefold Stomas(); from the twenty sevenfold and the thirty threefold the Sakvara and Raivata; from the Sakvara and Raivata Visvakarman, the Rsi; with thee taken by Prajapati, I take speech for offspring.
yvk.4.3 May the two Asvins, the leeches, set thee here! e Thou art the head of sky, the navel of earth, the holder apart of the quarters, the lady paramount of the worlds [2], the wave, the drop of the waters thou art; Visvakarman is thy seer; may the two Asvins, the leeches, set thee here.
yvk.4.3 b Let Visvakarman place thee in the ridge of the atmosphere, encompassing, expanding, resplendent, possessing the sun, thee that dost illumine the sky, the earth, the broad atmosphere, support the atmosphere, make firm the atmosphere, harm not the atmosphere; for every expiration, inspiration, cross breathing, out breathing, support, movement; let Vayu protect thee with great prosperity, with a covering [1] most healing; with that deity do thou sit firm in the manner of Angiras.
yvk.4.3 ff Indra men. gg O Visvakarman, waxing great with the oblation.
yvk.4.3 hh O Visvakarman, with the oblation as strengthening.
yvk.4.4 b Let Visvakarman place thee on the ridge of the atmosphere, full of light, for every expiration, inspiration; support all the light, Vayu is thine overlord.
yvk.4.6 b Since Visvakarman is mighty in mind, Disposer, ordainer, and highest seer, Their offerings rejoice in food, Where say they is one beyond the seven Rsis.
yvk.4.6 h Visvakarman, the god, was born; Then second the Gandharva; Third the father, begetter of plants [31 In many a place did he deposit the germ of the waters.
yvk.4.6 l What was the basis? Which and what his support? When producing earth [4] Visvakarman, all seeing, Disclosed the sky with his might.
yvk.4.6 n Thy highest, lowest, Midmost abodes here, O Visvakarman, In the offering do thou teach thy comrades, O faithful one; Do thou thyself sacrifice to thyself, rejoicing.
yvk.4.6 o The lord of speech, Visvakarman, Let us invoke this day to aid us [5], thought yoked for strength, May he delight in our nearest offerings, He with all healing, to aid (us), the doer of good deeds.
yvk.4.6 p O Visvakarman, waxing great with the oblation, Do thou thyself sacrifice to thyself rejoicing; May the others around, our foes, be confused; May our patrons here be rich.
yvk.4.6 q O Visvakarman, with the oblation as strengthening, Thou didst make Indra, the protector, free from scathe, To him the clans of old bowed in homage, That he might be dread, to be severally invoked.
yvk.4.6 r To the ocean, the moving, The lord of streams, homage! To the lord of all the streams Do ye offer, to Visvakarman, Through all the days the immortal offering.
yvk.5.2 With those (put down) on the east Vasistha prospered, with those on the south Bharadvaja, with those on the west Visvamitra, with those on the north Jamadagni, with those above Visvakarman.
yvk.5.4 Indra slew Vrtra; him Vrtra [3] slain grasped with sixteen coils; he saw this libation to Agni of the front; he offered it, and Agni of the front, being delighted with his own portion, burnt in sixteen places the coils of Vrtra; by the offspring to Visvakarman he was set free from evil; in that he offers a libation to Agni of the front, Agni of the front, delighted with his own portion, burns away his evil, and he is set free from his evil by the offering to Visvakarman.
yvk.5.5 To thought I offer with mind, with ghee, that the gods may come hither, delighting in the offerings, increasing holy order; on the path of the moving ocean I offer all the days to Visvakarman the undying oblation (with these words) he puts down the naturally perforated brick and offers [3]; that is the head of the fire; verily he piles the fire with its head.
yvk.5.5 Visvakarman, lord of the quarters, may he protect our cattle, may he protect us, to him homage! Prajapati; Rudra; Varuna; Agni; lord of the quarters; may he protect our cattle, may he protect us, to him homage! These are the deities, overlords of these animals; to them he is cut off who puts down the heads of the animals.
yvk.5.6 d The fire is the year, its bricks are arranged threefold, those of Prajapati, of Visnu [2], of Visvakarman; the Prajapati (bricks) are the days and nights; in that he keeps (the fire) in the pan, he puts down the Prajapati (bricks); in that he takes up the kindling sticks, and the trees are Visnu s, verily he puts down the Visnu (bricks); in that he piles the fire with bricks, and Visvakarman is this (earth), verily he puts down the Visvakarman (bricks).
yvk.5.6 The humped, the bull, the dwarf (animal), these are for Indra and Varuna; the one with white hump, the white backed, the white rumped, these are for Indra and Brhaspati; the white footed, the white lipped, the white browed, these are for Indra and Visnu; the three white flecked barren cows are for Visvakarman; the three with piebald bellies are (to be offered) to Dhatr; the white spotted hornless ones are for Indra and Pusan.
yvk.5.7 a To thought I offer with mind, with ghee he says; the oblation to Visvakarman is called the undeceivable; the foe cannot deceive him who has piled; verily also he wins the gods.
yvk.5.7 To him Visvakarman said, Let me come to thee There is no space here he answered [3].
yvk.5.7 He said to Visvakarman, Let me come to thee.
yvk.5.7 He said to Visvakarman and the sacrifice, Let me come to you two There is no space here they answered.
yvk.5.7 He said to Visvakarman and the sacrifice, Let me come to you two There is no space here they answered.
yvk.6.2 Them the cry of Indra with the Vasus repelled in front [4]; the swift of mind with the Pitrs on the right, the wise one with the Rudras behind, and Visvakarman with the Adityas on the left.
yvk.7.5 The Visvakarman cup is drawn; verily by it the sacrificers win all rites.

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