
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 Jul 2011 17:42 and updated at 16 Jul 2011 17:42


yvk.1.1 n O Visnu, guard the offering.
yvk.1.1 g Thou art the hair knot of Visnu.
yvk.1.1 s Protect them, O Visnu.
yvk.1.1 d O upabhrt, come hither, the god Savitr summons thee for the sacrifice to the gods. e O Agni and Visnu, let me not step down upon you.
yvk.1.1 h Thou art the abode of Visnu.
yvk.1.2 g Thou art the protection of Visnu, the protection of the sacrificer, grant me protection.
yvk.1.2 b Thou art the strong, grasped by mind, acceptable to Visnu.
yvk.1.2 For Visnu thee! Thou art the hospitality of Soma.
yvk.1.2 For Visnu thee! Thou art the hospitality of the stranger.
yvk.1.2 For Visnu thee! For Agni thee, giver of wealth, for Visnu thee; for the eagle, bringer of the Soma, thee, for Visnu thee! b Thy powers which they honour with oblation, May they all envelop the sacrifice! Giver of wealth, impeller, rich in heroes, Slaying not heroes, O Soma, enter the dwellings.
yvk.1.2 e Over this Visnu strode; Thrice did he set down his foot; (All) is gathered [1] in its dust.
yvk.1.2 f So then be ye two rich in food, in cows, In good grass, ye that are famous, for man These two firmaments Visnu held asunder; He holdeth the earth on all sides with pegs.
yvk.1.2 h From the sky, O Visnu, or from the earth, Or from the great (sky), or from the atmosphere, Fill thy hands with many good things, Give to us [2] from right and from left.
yvk.1.2 i I shall proclaim the mighty deeds of Visnu Who meted out the spaces of the earth, Who established the highest abode, Stepping thrice, the far goer.
yvk.1.2 k Thou art the forehead of Visnu; thou art the back of Visnu.
yvk.1.2 I Ye two are the corners of Visnu s mouth.
yvk.1.2 m Thou art the thread of Visnu.
yvk.1.2 n Thou art the fixed point of Visnu.
yvk.1.2 o Thou art of Visnu; to Visnu thee!
yvk.1.3 a I dig those which slay the Raksas, which slay the spell, which are of Visnu. b Here do I cast out the spell which an equal or an unequal hath buried against us.
yvk.1.3 g I sprinkle those which slay the Raksas, which slay the spell, and which are of Visnu.
yvk.1.3 h I pour down those which slay the Raksas, which slay the spell, and which are of Visnu.
yvk.1.3 k I bestrew those which slay the Raksas, which slay the spell, and which are of Visnu.
yvk.1.3 l I pour the libation over those which slay the Raksas, which slay the spell, and which are of Visnu.
yvk.1.3 m I lay down the two Which slay the Raksas, which slay the spell, and which are of Visnu.
yvk.1.3 n I surround the two which slay the Raksas, which slay the spell, and which are of Visnu.
yvk.1.3 o I bestrew the two which slay the Raksas, which slay the spell, and which are of Visnu.
yvk.1.3 p The two which slay the Raksas, which slay the spell, and which are of Visnu.
yvk.1.3 d Step widely, O Visnu; Give us broad space for dwelling in; Drink the ghee, thou whose birthplace is in the ghee; Lengthen (the years) of the lord of the sacrifice.
yvk.1.3 c So I welcome thee, that art of Visnu, for the sacrifice to the gods.
yvk.1.3 i To these dwellings of thine are we fain to go, Where are the many horned active kine; There is resplendent the highest step Of the wide stepping Visnu, the mighty! k Behold the deeds of Visnu Wherein he displayed his laws, Indra s true friend.
yvk.1.3 l That highest step of Visnu The singers ever gaze upon Like an eye stretched in the sky.
yvk.1.4 b Thou art taken with a support; thou art the leader, thou art the good leader; quicken the sacrifice, quicken the lord of the sacrifice; guard the pressings; let Visnu guard thee, do thou guard the folk with thy power; this is thy birthplace; to the All gods thee!
yvk.1.4 b Thou art taken with a support; thou art the leader, thou art the good leader; quicken the sacrifice, quicken the lord of the sacrifice; guard the pressings; let Visnu guard thee, do thou guard the folk with thy power; this is thy birthplace; to the all gods thee!
yvk.1.4 Thy great strength, O Indra, To that thee! To Visnu thee! This is thy birthplace; to Indra, eager for praise, thee!
yvk.1.4 a May Dhatr the giver, may Savitr, rejoice in this, Prajapati, the lord of treasures, and Agni, for our sake; May Tvastr, Visnu, accord generously Wealth with offspring to the sacrificer.
yvk.1.6 e Whatever, O Agni, in this sacrifice of mine may be spoiled [1], Whatever of the butter, O Visnu, may be spilt, Therewith do I smite the rival who is hard to slay; I place him on the lap of destruction.
yvk.1.6 r By sacrifice to the god Visnu, by the sacrifice, may I attain health and wealth, and security.
yvk.1.6 e Thou art the step of Visnu, smiting enmity; with the Gayatri metre I step across the earth; excluded is he whom we hate.
yvk.1.6 f Thou art the step of Visnu, smiting imprecations; with the Tristubh metre I step across the atmosphere; excluded is he whom we hate.
yvk.1.6 g Thou art the step of Visnu, smiter of him who practiseth evil; with the Jagati metre I step across the sky; excluded is he whom we hate.
yvk.1.6 h Thou art the step of Visnu, smiter of the hostile one; with the Anustubh metre I stop across the quarters; excluded is he whom we hate.
yvk.1.7 By sacrifice to the god Visnu, by the sacrifice may I attain health and wealth and security he says; Visnu is the sacrifice; verily the sacrifice finds support at the end.
yvk.1.7 Headed by Visnu the gods won these worlds by the metres so as to be irrecoverable; in that he takes the steps of Visnu the sacrificer becoming Visnu wins these worlds by the metres so as to be irrecoverable.
yvk.1.7 Thou art the step of Visnu, smiting imprecations he says; the earth is the Gayatri, the atmosphere is connected with the Tristubh, the sky is the Jagati, the quarters are connected with the Anustubh; verily by the metres he wins these worlds in order.
yvk.1.7 He falls away from this world, who [1] takes the steps of Visnu, for from the world of heaven the steps of Visnu are taken.
yvk.1.7 The theologians say, He indeed would take the steps of Visnu who after acquiring these worlds of his foe should descend again to this world.
yvk.1.7 g Thou art the stepping of Visnu, thou art the step of Visnu, thou art the stride of Visnu.
yvk.1.7 f Aryaman, Brhaspati, Indra, Impel to give us gifts, Speech, Visnu, Sarasvati, And Savitr the strong.
yvk.1.7 g Soma the king, Varuna, Agni, we grasp, The Adityas, Visnu, Surya And Brhaspati, the Brahman (priest).
yvk.1.7 Agni with one syllable won speech; the Asvins with two syllables won expiration and inspiration; Visnu with three syllables won the three worlds; Soma with four syllables won four footed cattle; Pusan with five syllables won the Parkti; Dhatr with six syllables won the six seasons; the Maruts with seven syllables won the seven footed Sakvari; Brhaspati with eight syllables won the Gayatri; Mitra with nine syllables won the threefold Stoma [1]; Varuna with ten syllables won the Viraj; Indra with eleven syllables won the Tristubh; the All gods with twelve syllables won the Jagati; the Vasus with thirteen syllables won the thirteenfold Stoma; the Rudras with fourteen syllables won the fourteenfold Stoma; the Adityas with fifteen syllables won the fifteenfold Stoma; Aditi with sixteen syllables won the sixteen fold Stoma; Prajapati with seventeen syllables won the seventeenfold Stoma.
yvk.1.8 (He offers) to Agni and Visnu on eleven potsherds; the sacrificial fee is a dwarf beast of burden.
yvk.1.8 To Agni and Visnu he offers on eleven potsherds, to Indra and Visnu on eleven potsherds, to Visnu on three potsherds; the sacrificial fee is a dwarf beast of burden.
yvk.1.8 g Thou art the stepping of Visnu, thou art the step of Visnu, thou art the stride of Visnu.
yvk.1.8 c Thou art the stepping of Visnu, thou art the step of Visnu, thou art the stride of Visnu d On the instigation of the Maruts may I conquer.
yvk.1.8 To Tvastr (he offers) on eight potsherds; the sacrificial fee is a white (ox) To Visnu (he offers) on three potsherds; the sacrificial fee is a dwarf (ox).
yvk.1.8 a O Agni and Visnu, great is your greatness; Rejoice ye in the secret names of the ghee; Placing in every house seven treasures, May your tongue move forth to the ghee.
yvk.1.8 b O Agni and Visnu, great is your dear abode; Ye taste the ghee, rejoicing in its secrets; In every home increasing lauds, May your tongue move forth to the ghee.
yvk.2.1 The gods and the Asuras strove for these worlds; Visnu saw this dwarf, he offered it to its own deity; then he conquered these worlds.
yvk.2.1 One who is engaged in a struggle should offer a dwarf (beast) to Visnu; then he becomes Visnu and conquers these worlds.
yvk.2.1 Prajapati from his body fashioned out the bull and the cow; the gods offered a cow to Visnu and to Varuna, a bull to Indra; they caused him to be seized by Varuna and by Visnu, the sacrifice, they drove him away; his power they appropriated by means of that for Indra.
yvk.2.1 He who has foes should in strife offer to Visnu and Varuna a cow [4], to Indra a bull; verily causing his foe to be seized by Varuna, by Visnu, the sacrifice, he drives him away, he appropriates his power by means of that for Indra, he prospers, his foe is defeated.
yvk.2.1 When he obtains a thousand cattle, he should offer a dwarf (beast) to Visnu; upon it the thousand rested; therefore the dwarf, stretched out, affords support to cattle when born.
yvk.2.1 He to whom the sacrifice does not come should offer a dwarf (beast) to Visnu; the sacrifice is Visnu; verily he has recourse to Visnu with his own share; verily he gives him the sacrifice, the sacrifice comes to him.
yvk.2.1 It is a dwarf (beast), for it has Visnu for its deity; (verily it serves) for prosperity.
yvk.2.2 He who practises witchcraft should offer to Agni and Visnu on eleven potsherds; Sarasvati should have a portion of the butter, and to Brhaspati an oblation (be offered); in that there is (an offering) on eleven potsherds to Agni and Visnu, and all the gods are Agni and the sacrifice is Visnu, with all the gods and the sacrifice be practises witchcraft against him; Sarasvati has a portion of the butter; Sarasvati is speech; verily with speech he practises against him; the oblation is Brhaspati s, Brhaspati is the holy power Brahman() of the gods; verily with the holy power Brahman() he practises against him [1].
yvk.2.2 He to whom the sacrifice does not resort should offer on eleven potsherds to Agni and Visnu [2]; all the gods are Agni, the sacrifice is Visnu; verily he has recourse to Agni and Visnu with their own share; verily they give him the sacrifice; the sacrifice resorts to him.
yvk.2.2 He who desires sight should offer an oblation in ghee to Agni and Visnu by the eye of Agni men see, (by the eye) of the sacrifice the gods (see) veril he has recourse to Agni and Visnu with their own share; verily they [3] bestow sight upon him; he becomes possessed of sight.
yvk.2.2 Just at the time of the morning pressing he should offer on eight potsherds to Agni and Visnu; Sarasvati should have a share of the butter, and to Brhaspati an oblation (be offered); in that it is (offered) on eight potsherds, and the Gayatri has eight syllables, and the morning pressing is connected with the Gayatri, he obtains thereby the morning pressing [5].
yvk.2.2 Just at the time of the midday pressing he should offer on eleven potsherds to Agni and Visnu; Sarasvati should have a portion of the butter and to Brhaspati an oblation (be offered); in that (the offering) is on eleven potsherds, and the Tristubh has eleven syllables, and the midday pressing is connected with the Tristubh, he obtains thereby the midday pre sing.
yvk.2.2 Just at the time of the third pressing he should offer to Agni and Visnu on twelve potsherds; Sarasvati should have a share of the butter, and to Brhaspati the oblation (be offered); in that (the offering) is on twelve potsherds, and the Jagati has twelve syllables, and the third pressing is connected with the Jagati, he obtains thereby the third pressing.
yvk.2.2 r From the mouth to thee, O Visnu, do I utter the Vasat call; Do thou accept my oblation, O Sipivista [4]; Let my fair hymns of praise cause thee to wax great; Do ye protect us ever with blessings.
yvk.2.2 t What was there to be disclosed in thee, O Visnu, What time thou didst declare, I am Sipivista Conceal not from us that form of thine What time thou dost change thy shape in battle [5].
yvk.2.3 b Thou art the breath of the Asvins; of that to thee let the two give whose breath thou art; hail! Thou art the breath of Indra; of that to thee let him give whose breath thou art; hail! Thou art the breath of Mitra and Varuna; of that to thee let them give whose breath thou art; hail! Thou art the breath of the All gods [1]; of that to thee let them give whose breath thou art; hail! c Stream of ghee, path of ambrosia, Given by Indra, presented by the Maruts, Thee Visnu perceived, Then Ida moved thee in the cow.
yvk.2.3 To Agni his body goes, to Soma his sap, Varuna grasps him with Varuna s noose to Sarasvati the speech, to Agni and Visnu the body Of him who long is ill.
yvk.2.3 For him who is long ill or who desires, May I live all my days he should offer this sacrifice, to Agni on eight potsherds, to Soma an oblation, to Varuna on ten potsherds, to Sarasvati an oblation, to Agni and Visnu on eleven potsherds; verily he ransoms his body from Agni, his sap from Soma [1]; by the offering to Varuna he frees him from Varuna s noose; by the offering to Sarasvati he bestows speech; all the gods are Agni, the sacrifice is Visnu; verily by the gods and the sacrifice he heals him; even if his life is gone, he yet lives.
yvk.2.4 Visnu [2] was another god; he said, Visnu, come hither; we will grasp that by which he is this world.
yvk.2.4 Visnu deposited himself in three places, a third on the earth, a third in the atmosphere, a third in the sky, for he was afraid of his growth.
yvk.2.4 By means of the third on earth Indra raised his bolt, aided by Visnu.
yvk.2.4 He gave it to him, he accepted it, and (saying), Thou didst further me gave it to Visnu.
yvk.2.4 Visnu accepted it (saying), Let Indra place power (indriya) in us.
yvk.2.4 By means of the third in the atmosphere Indra raised his bolt, aided by Visnu.
yvk.2.4 He gav it to him; he accepted it, and (saying), Twice hast thou furthered me gave it to Visnu.
yvk.2.4 Visnu accepted it (saying), Let Indra place power in us.
yvk.2.4 By means of the third in the sky Indra raised his bolt, aided by Visnu.
yvk.2.4 He gave it to him; he accepted it, and (saying), Thrice hast thou furthered me gave it to Visnu.
yvk.2.4 Visnu accepted it (saying), Let Indra place power in us.
yvk.2.4 In that Visnu aided him and he gave (it) to Visnu, therefore the offering belongs to Indra and Visnu.
yvk.2.5 The gods [1] saw this offering, one on eleven potsherds for Agni and Visnu, an oblation for Sarasvati, an oblation for Sarasvant; after performing the full moon (sacrifice) they offered this.
yvk.2.5 With the full moon (sacrifice) he hurls the bolt at his enemy, with (the offering) to Agni and Visnu he appropriates the gods and the sacrifice of his enemy, his pairing cattle with (the offerings) to Sarasvati and Sarasvant.
yvk.2.5 He should divide the rice grains into three parts; the mean size he should make into a cake on eight potsherds for Agni, the giver, the largest lie should give as a mess to Indra, the bestower, the smallest (he should give) as a mess in boiled (milk) to Visnu Sipivista.
yvk.2.5 Agni thus generates offspring for him; Indra gives it in crease; Visnu is the sacrifice, and Sipi cattle; verily on the sacrifice and cattle he rests.
yvk.2.5 i O Agni and Visnu.
yvk.2.5 k O Agni and Visnu.
yvk.2.6 f O fathers that sit on the sacrificial strew, come hither with your aid; We have made these offerings for you; accept them, And then come to us with your most healing aid, Give us [2] health, wealth, and safety! g I have found the kindly fathers, The scion and the step of Visnu; They that sit on the sacrificial strew and enjoy the drink That is pressed for them with the Svadha call are most eager to come hither.
yvk.3.1 He should rub the Agnidh s place with a verse addressed to Agni, the oblation holder with one addressed to Visnu, the offering spoons with one addressed to Agni, the Vayu cups with one addressed to Vayu, the Sadas with one addressed to Indra.
yvk.3.1 The place of the sacrifice is made when having drawn off the libations they creep to the Bahispavamana; for they go away, and they praise with verses which go away; he returns, and with a verse addressed to Visnu reverences (the Soma); Visnu is the sacrifice; verily he makes the sacrifice.
yvk.3.1 O Visnu, as our nearest, O mighty one, grant us protection; the streams dripping honey milk for thee the unfailing source he says; verily he makes to swell by it whatever of the Soma has dried up through lying (in the barrels).
yvk.3.2 b For my expiration, be purified, giving splendour, for splendour; c For my inspiration; d For my cross breathing; e For my speech [1]; f For my skill and strength; g For my two eyes do ye be purified, giving splendour, for splendour; h For my ear; i For my trunk; k For my members; I For my life; m For my strength n Of Visnu, o Of Indra, p Of the All gods thou art the belly, giving splendour to me, be purified for splendour.
yvk.3.2 a Thou art the milk of the great ones, the body of the All gods; may I to day accomplish the cup of the speckled ones; thou art the cup of the speckled ones; thou art the heart of Visnu, once hath Visnu stepped apart along thee, O vigorous one; with curds and ghee may prosperity be increased; may wealth come to me from this which is offered and enjoyed thou art the light for all men, milked from the dappled one.
yvk.3.2 He takes it again with a Rc addressed to Visnu; Visnu is the sacrifice; verily he unites the sacrifice by the sacrifice.
yvk.3.2 d For the gods thee! e For the All gods thee! f For all the gods thee! g O Visnu, wide striding, this is thy Soma; guard it [1] let not the evil eyed one espy this of thine.
yvk.3.2 d With the rite, with food [1] I impel you, O Indra and Visnu, to the end of this work; Rejoice in the sacrifice and bestow wealth, Furthering us with safe ways.
yvk.3.2 e Both are victorious, they are not defeated Neither of them at any time hath been defeated; When, with Indra, O Visnu, ye did strive, Then did ye in three divide the thousand.
yvk.3.2 h O Indra and Visnu, ye overthrew The nine and ninety strong forts of Sambara; Of Varcin, the Asura, a hundred and a thousand heroes Do ye slay irresistibly.
yvk.3.2 Then said Indra, about to slay Vrtra, O friend Visnu, step thou more widely.
yvk.3.4 He offers to Visnu Sipivista; Visnu Sipivista is the redundancy of the sacrifice, the greatness of the victim, the prosperity thereof; verily in the redundant he deposits the redundant, to appease the redundant.
yvk.3.4 a Agni overlord of creatures, may he help me; Indra of powers, Yama of earth, Vayu of the atmosphere, Surya of the sky, Candramas of Naksatras, Brhaspati of holy power, Mitra of truths, Varuna of waters, the ocean of streams, food of lordships overlord, may it help me; Soma of plants, Savitr of instigations, Rudra of cattle, Tvastr of forms, Visnu of mountains, the Maruts of troops overlords, may they help me.
yvk.3.5 He should offer first on eleven potsherds to Agni and Visnu, to Sarasvati an oblation, to Sarasvant on twelve potsherds.
yvk.3.5 In that it is (offered) to Agni, and the mouth of the sacrifice is Agni, verily he places in front prosperity and the mouth of the sacrifice; in that it is (offered) to Visnu, and Visnu is the sacrifice, verily commencing the sacrifice he continues it.
yvk.3.5 a By Agni, the god, I win battles, with the Gayatri metre, the Trivrt Stoma, the Rathantara Saman, the Vasat call, the thunderbolt, I trample under foot my foes born before me, I depress them, I repel them, in this home, in this world of earth; him who hateth us and him whom we hate I step over him with the stride of Visnu.
yvk.4.1 a May the Vasus fumigate thee with the Gayatri metre, in the manner of Angiras; may the Rudras fumigate thee with the Tristubh metre, in the manner of Angiras; may the Adityas fumigate thee with the Jagati metre, in the manner of Angiras; may the All gods, common to all men, fumigate thee with the Anustubh metre, in the manner of Angiras; may Indra fumigate thee in the manner of Angiras; may Visnu fumigate thee in the manner of Angiras; may Varuna fumigate thee in the manner of Angiras.
yvk.4.1 n They grew in might with their own power; They mounted the vault, they made a broad seat; When Visnu helped the strong one who causeth gladness, Like birds they sat on the dear strew.
yvk.4.2 a Thou art the step of Visnu, overcoming hostility, mount the Gayatri metre, step along the earth, excluded is he whom we hate.
yvk.4.2 Thou art the step of Visnu, overcoming imprecations, mount the Tristubh metre, step along the atmosphere, excluded is he whom we hate.
yvk.4.2 Thou art the step of Visnu, overcomer of the enemy, mount the Jagati metre, step along the sky, excluded is he whom we hate.
yvk.4.2 Thou art the stop of Visnu [1], overcomer of the foe, mount the Anustubh metre, step along the quarters, excluded is he whom we hate.
yvk.4.2 l That highest step of Visnu [3] The singers ever gaze upon Like an eye stretched in the sky.
yvk.4.3 b Thou art the portion of Indra, the overlordship of Visnu, the lordly power saved, the fifteenfold Stoma.
yvk.4.4 (Thou art) Prajapati in mind, when come to the Soma; the creator in the consecration; Savitr in the bearing; Pusan in the cow for the purchase of the Soma; Varuna when bound (in the cloth); Asura in the being bought; Mitra when purchased; Sipivista when put in place; delighter of men when being drawn forward; the overlord on arrival; Prajapati being led on; Agni at the Agnidh s altar; Brhaspati on being led from the Agnidh s altar; Indra at the oblation holder; Aditi when put in place; Visnu when being taken down; Atharvan when made wet; Yama when pressed out; drinker of unpurified Soma() when being cleansed; Vayu when purifying; Mitra as mixed with milk; the Manthin when mixed with groats; that of the All gods when taken out; Rudra when offered; Vayu when covered up; the gazer on men when revealed; the food when it comes; the famed of the fathers; life when taken; the river when going to the final bath; the ocean when gone; the water when dipped; the heaven when arrived at completion.
yvk.4.4 a (Thou art) Krttikas, the Naksatra, Agni, the deity; ye are the radiances of Agni, of Prajapati, of the creator, of Soma; to the Re thee, to radiance thee, to the shining thee, to the blaze thee, to the light thee b (Thou art) Rohini the Naksatra, Prajapati the deity; Mrgasirsa the Naksatra, Soma the deity; Ardra the Naksatra, Rudra the deity; the two Punarvasus the Naksatra, Aditi the deity; Tisya the Naksatra, Brhaspati the deity; the Asresas the Naksatra, the serpents the deity; the Maghas the Naksatra, the fathers the deity; the two Phalgunis the Naksatra [1], Aryaman the deity; the two Phalgunis the Naksatra, Bhaga the deity; Hasta the Naksatra, Savitr the deity; Citra the Naksatra, Indra the deity; Svati the Naksatra, Vayu the deity; the two Visakhas the Naksatra, Indra and Agni the deity; Anruradha the Naksatra, Mitra the deity; Rohini the Naksatra, Indra the deity; the two Visrts the Naksatra; the fathers the deity; the Asadhas the Naksatra, the waters the deity; the Asadhas the Naksatra, the All gods the deity; Srona the Naksatra, Visnu the deity; Sravistha the Naksatra, the Vasus [2] the, deity; Satabhisaj the Naksatra, Indra the deity; Prosthapadas the Naksatra, the goat of one foot the deity; the Prosthapadas the Naksatra, the serpent of the deep the deity; Revati the Naksatra, Pusan the deity; the two Asvayujs the Naksatra, the Asvins the deity; the Apabharanis the Naksatra, Yama the deity.
yvk.4.4 The firm among the quarters, lady of Visnu, the mild, Ruling over this strength, the desirable, Brhaspati, Matarisvan, Vayu, The winds blowing together be gracious to us.
yvk.4.4 o Prop of the sky, supporter of the earth, Ruling this world, lady of Visnu, All extending, seeking food, with prosperity, May Aditi be auspicious to us in her life.
yvk.4.7 a O Agni and Visnu, may these songs gladden you in unison; come ye with radiance and strength.
yvk.4.7 May Agni for me and Indra, may Soma and Indra, may Savitr and Indra, may Sarasvati and Indra, may Pusan and Indra, may Brhaspati and Indra, may Mitra and Indra, may Varuna and Indra, may Tvastr [1] and Indra, may Dhatr and Indra, may Visnu and Indra, may the Asvins and Indra, may the Maruts and Indra, may the All gods and Indra, may earth and Indra, may the atmosphere and Indra, may sky and Indra, may the quarters and Indra, may the head and Indra, may Prajapati and Indra (be auspicious for me through the sacrifice).
yvk.4.7 b Let all the gods be at my invocation, The Maruts with Indra, Visnu, Agni; May the broad atmosphere be my guardian; May the wind blow for me unto this desire.
yvk.5.2 Headed by Visnu the gods won finally these worlds by the metres; in that he strides the strides of Visnu, the sacrificer becoming Visnu wins finally these worlds.
yvk.5.2 Thou art the step of Visnu, overcoming hostility he says; the earth is connected with the Gayatri, the atmosphere with the Tristubh, the sky with the Jagati, the quarters with the Anustubh; verily he wins in order these worlds with the metres.
yvk.5.2 Now he who steps the strides of Visnu is apt as he goes away to be burnt up; he turns with four (verses); the.
yvk.5.2 By the Stoma the gods prospered in this world, by the metres in yonder world; the hymn of Vatsapri is the type of the Stoma; in that he pays reverence with (the hymn) of Vatsapri [6], he wins with it this world; in that he strides the steps of Visnu, he wins by them yonder world.
yvk.5.2 He pounds; verily he makes food; he puts (it) down with (a verse) addressed to Visnu; the sacrifice is Visnu, the trees are connected with Visnu; verily in the sacrifice he establishes the sacrifice.
yvk.5.3 Thou art the portion of Indra (with these words he puts down) on the north; Indra is force, Visnu, is force, the lordly power is force, the fifteenfold is force [2]; verily on the north he places force; therefore he that advances to the north is victorious.
yvk.5.5 When about to consecrate himself, he offers to Agni and Visnu on eleven potsherds; all the deities are Agni; the sacrifice is Visnu; verily he lays hold of the deities and the sacrifice; Agni is the lowest of the deities, Visnu the highest; in that he offers to Agni and Visnu on eleven potsherds, the sacrificer envelops the gods [4] on both sides and wins them.
yvk.5.5 In that it is offered on eight pot sherds, it is connected with Agni, in that it is offered on three potsherds, it is connected with Visnu; (verily it serves) for prosperity.
yvk.5.5 He who desires, May I prosper in the world should offer an oblation; the ghee belongs to Agni, the rice grains to Visnu, therefore [5] an oblation should be offered; verily he prospers in this world.
yvk.5.6 Having kept the fire in the pan for a year in the second year he should offer on eight potsherds to Agni, to Indra on eleven potsherds, to the All gods on twelve potsherds, to Brhaspati an oblation, to Visnu on three potsherds; in the third year he should sacrifice with the Abhijit (offering).
yvk.5.6 In that there is (an offering) to Visnu on three potsherds, and Visnu is the sacrifice, verily he supports by it the sacrifice.
yvk.5.6 d The fire is the year, its bricks are arranged threefold, those of Prajapati, of Visnu [2], of Visvakarman; the Prajapati (bricks) are the days and nights; in that he keeps (the fire) in the pan, he puts down the Prajapati (bricks); in that he takes up the kindling sticks, and the trees are Visnu s, verily he puts down the Visnu (bricks); in that he piles the fire with bricks, and Visvakarman is this (earth), verily he puts down the Visvakarman (bricks).
yvk.5.6 The humped, the bull, the dwarf (animal), these are for Indra and Varuna; the one with white hump, the white backed, the white rumped, these are for Indra and Brhaspati; the white footed, the white lipped, the white browed, these are for Indra and Visnu; the three white flecked barren cows are for Visvakarman; the three with piebald bellies are (to be offered) to Dhatr; the white spotted hornless ones are for Indra and Pusan.
yvk.5.6 Three small eared are for Visnu; three with red tipped ears are (to be offered) to Visnu, the wide strider; three with dewlaps are (to be offered) to Visnu, the wide goer; three of two and a half years old are for the Adityas; three of three years old are for the Angirases; the yellow spotted hornless ones are for Indra and Visnu.
yvk.5.6 To Aditi are (to be offered) three ruddy spotted; to Indrani three black spotted; to Kuhu three red spotted; three calves to Raka; three heifers to Sinivali; the red spotted hornless ones are for Agni and Visnu.
yvk.5.7 b O Agni and Visnu, May these songs gladden you in unison; Come ye with radiance and strength.
yvk.5.7 The theologians say, Since they do not offer to any deity, then what deity has the stream of wealth? Wealth is Agni, this stream is his; wealth is Visnu, this stream is his; with a verse addressed to Agni and Visnu he offers the stream of wealth; verily he unites them with their proper portions; verily also [2] he makes this libation to have an abode; he wins that for desire of which he makes this offering.
yvk.5.7 Indra and Varuna with the two buttocks; Indra and Agni with the flesh below the buttocks; Indra and Brhaspati with the two thighs; Indra and Visnu with the knees; Savitr with the tail; the Gandharvas with the penis; the Apsarases with the testicles; the purifying with the anus; the strainer with the two Potras; the going with the two Sthuras; the going to with the two centres of the loins.
yvk.6.1 Should he utter speech, he should then repeat a Rc addressed to Visnu.
yvk.6.1 Visnu is the sacrifice; verily he unites the sacrifice with the sacrifice.
yvk.6.1 Acceptable to Visnu he says [2].
yvk.6.1 Visnu is the sacrifice; verily be makes her accept able to the sacrifice.
yvk.6.2 For Visnu thee! he says; thus he offers (hospitality) to the Gayatri.
yvk.6.2 For Visnu thee! he says; thus he offers (hospitality) to the Tristubh.
yvk.6.2 For Visnu thee! he says; thus he offers (hospitality) to the Jagati [2].
yvk.6.2 For Agni thee, giver of wealth, for Visnu thee! he says; thus he offers (hospitality) to the Anustubh.
yvk.6.2 For the eagle, bringer of the Soma, thee, for Visnu thee! he says; thus he offers (hospitality) to the Gayatri.
yvk.6.2 They made ready an arrow, Agni as the point, Soma as the socket, Visnu as the shaft.
yvk.6.2 The sacrifice went away from the gods in the form of Visnu, and entered the earth.
yvk.6.2 Now the Raksases following in its track seek to injure the sacrifice; he makes a libation in the two tracks with Rc verses addressed to Visnu.
yvk.6.2 The sacrifice is Visnu; verily he drives away the Raksases from the sacrifice.
yvk.6.2 From the sky, O Visnu, or from the earth [3], with this Rc verse which contains a blessing he strikes in the prop of the southern oblation holder; verily the sacrificer at the beginning of the sacrifice wins blessings.
yvk.6.2 Thou art the forehead of Visnu: thou art the back of Visnu he says.
yvk.6.2 Thou art the string of Visnu; thou art the fixed point of Visnu he says, for the oblation holder is connected with Visnu as its deity.
yvk.6.2 I dig those which slay the Raksas, which slay the spell, and which are of Visnu he says, for the sounding holes have Visnu for their deity.
yvk.6.3 Having sacrificed with a verse addressed to Visnu, he approaches the post.
yvk.6.3 The post has Visnu for its deity; verily he approaches it with its own deity.
yvk.6.3 I welcome thee that art of Visnu, for the sacrifice to the gods [1], he says, for he welcomes it for the sacrifice to the gods.
yvk.6.3 With a verse addressed to Visnu [3] he arranges it; the post has Visnu for its deity; verily he arranges it with its own deity.
yvk.6.5 At him he raised (the bolt) to hurl a third time; Visnu supported him (saying), Smite he said, Hurl it not at me; there is this strength in me, that will I bestow on thee he bestowed on him again the Ukthya.
yvk.6.5 To Indra thee, to him of the Brhat, the strong he says, for to Indra he gave it; to him thee! To Visnu thee! he says; in that Visnu supported him (saying), Strike he gives Visnu a share therein.
yvk.6.6 At the third pressing the sacrifice departs from him who has sacrificed to him who has not sacrificed; he offers ghee with a verse to Agni and Visnu; all the deities are Agni, the sacrifice is Visnu; verily he supports the deities and the sacrifice.
yvk.7.1 Now for the thousandth Indra and Visnu strove.
yvk.7.1 Indra reflects, By this Visnu will appropriate all the thousand.
yvk.7.1 They made arrangement as to it, Indra got two thirds, Visnu the remaining third; verily the fact is recorded in the verse, Ye twain have conquered.
yvk.7.1 For the Brahman is connected with Indra, the Agnidh with Visnu; (verily the division is) just as they two agreed upon.
yvk.7.1 Ye twain have conquered; ye are not conquered; Neither of the two of them hath been defeated; Indra and Visnu when ye contended, Ye did divide the thousand into three.
yvk.7.3 f By Agni, by Indra, by Soma, By Sarasvati, by Visnu, by the gods, By the Yajya and the Anuvakya, I summon for thee, O offering.
yvk.7.3 To Prajapati hail! To Ka hail! To Who hail! To Whoever (katamsmai) hail! To Aditi hail! To Aditi the great hail! To Aditi the gentle hail! To Sarasvati hail! To Sarasvati the mighty hail! To Sarasvati, the purifying hail! To Pusan hail! To Pusan guardian of travellers hail! To Pusan watcher of men hail! To Tvastr hail! To Tvastr the seminal hail! To Tvastr the multiform hail! To Visnu hail! To Visnu the Nikhuryapa hail! To Visnu the Nibhuyapa hail!
yvk.7.5 If at the early pressing the bowl is broken, they should sing verses addressed to Visnu and containing the epithet Sipivista.
yvk.7.5 Whatever in the sacrifice is redundant, is redundant with regard to Visnu Sipivista; verily Visnu Sipivista places the redundant in the redundant.
yvk.7.5 Let Visnu yoke thee, for the prosperity of this sacrifice, for my pre eminence, for N.N.s pleasure; for life thee, for expiration thee, for inspiration thee, for cross breathing thee, for dawning thee, for wealth thee, for prosperity thee, for sound thee, for nourishing thee, for calling from afar thee, for falling thee (I yoke).
yvk.7.5 To Aditi, as Visnu s consort, an oblation (is made).

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