Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 Jul 2011 17:32 and updated at 16 Jul 2011 17:32
yvk.1.1 | Lot Indra and Vayu set them free. |
yvk.1.2 | i To Vayu thee; to Varuna thee; to Nirrti thee; to Rudra thee! k O divine waters, son of the waters, the stream Fit for oblation, mighty, most exhilarating, That stream of yours may I not step upon. |
yvk.1.3 | p O Vayu, taste the drops. |
yvk.1.4 | a O Vayu, drinker of the pure, come to us; A thousand are thy teams, O thou that hast all choice boons. |
yvk.1.4 | b Thou art taken with a support; to Vayu thee! c O Indra and Vayu, these draughts are ready; Come ye for the libations, For the drops desire you. |
yvk.1.4 | d Thou art taken with a support; to Indra and Vayu thee! This is thy birthplace; to the comrades thee! |
yvk.1.5 | l The potsherds for the cauldron [3], Which wise men collect, These are in Pusan s guardianship; Indra and Vayu set them free. |
yvk.1.7 | Vayu is the calf. |
yvk.1.7 | When the Hotr summons the Ida, then the sacrificer looking at the Hotr should in mind reflect on Vayu [2]; verily he lets the calf go to the mother. |
yvk.1.7 | e Or Vayu thee, or Manu thee, The seven and twenty Gandharvas; They first yoked the steed; They placed swiftness in it. |
yvk.1.8 | a (He I offers) to Indra and Agni on twelve potsherds, an oblation to the All gods, a cake on twelve potsherds to Indra Sunasira, milk to Vayu, to Sarya on one potsherd; the sacrificial fee is a plough for twelve oxen. |
yvk.1.8 | c Vayu purified by the strainer, Soma hath sped away, Indra s dear friend. |
yvk.2.1 | He who desires prosperity should offer a white (beast) to Vayu; Vayu is the swiftest deity; verily he has recourse to him with his own share; verily he makes him attain prosperity; he prospers. |
yvk.2.1 | This (beast) he should offer to Vayu of the team; the team is his support; verily, being supported he attains prosperity to avoid being burnt; he prospers [1]. |
yvk.2.1 | He who desires a village should offer to Vayu of the team; Vayu leads these creatures tied by the nose; verily he has recourse to Vayu of the team with his own share; verily he assigns him creatures led by the nose; he becomes possessed of a village. |
yvk.2.1 | It is offered to Vayu() of the team; verily he makes creatures abide steadfast with him. |
yvk.2.1 | He who desires offspring should offer to Vayu of the team; Vayu is expiration, the team is inspiration; expiration and inspiration depart from the offspring of him [2] who being fit for offspring yet obtains not offspring. |
yvk.2.1 | Verily he has recourse to Vayu of the team with his own share; verily he for him begets offspring by means of expiration and inspiration; he obtains offspring. |
yvk.2.1 | He who has long been ill should offer to Vayu of the team; Vayu is expiration, the team is inspiration, expiration and inspiration depart from him whose illness is long. |
yvk.2.1 | Verily he has recourse to Vayu of the team with his own share [3], he bestows on him expiration and inspiration; even if his life be gone, he yet lives. |
yvk.2.1 | To Vayu [7] he should offer a calf; Vayu is their calf; these worlds are barren for him, the people are barren; verily also he who is long in exile has recourse to Vayu with his own share; verily Vayu causes these worlds and the people to give to him; these worlds drop milk for him; the people wait upon him in service. |
yvk.2.1 | He whom men calumniate though he has slain no one should offer a Gayal to Vayu; impure speech comes to him whom men calumniate though he has slain no one; the Gayal is neither a domestic nor a wild animal; he is neither in the village nor the forest whom men calumniate though he has slain no one; Vayu is the purifier of the gods; verily he has recourse to Vayu with his own share; verily he [2] purifies him. |
yvk.2.2 | bb O Vayu, a hundred of bay (steeds) Worthy of nourishment do thou yoke; Or let the chariot of thee that hast a thousand (steeds) Come with might. |
yvk.2.2 | cc The teams [7] wherewith thou comest to the giver, O Vayu, for seeking in the house, Grant us wealth rich in enjoyment, And a treasure of heroes, of horses, of cows. |
yvk.3.1 | His possession is the offering spoon, his possession is the Vayu cup, his [3] possession is the beaker. |
yvk.3.1 | If he were to call without holding the Vayu cup or the beaker, he would lose his own; therefore he must hold it when he calls; verily he loses not his own. |
yvk.3.1 | The support of the Soma is the Vayu cup, the support of it is the beaker, (the support) of the Stoma is Soma, (the support) of the hymns is the Stoma. |
yvk.3.1 | Let the god Vayu first release them, Lord of offspring, in harmony with offspring. |
yvk.3.1 | He should rub the Agnidh s place with a verse addressed to Agni, the oblation holder with one addressed to Visnu, the offering spoons with one addressed to Agni, the Vayu cups with one addressed to Vayu, the Sadas with one addressed to Indra. |
yvk.3.1 | Indra is the deity, Jagati the metre, thou art the vessel of Indra and Vayu. |
yvk.3.1 | Taking (the cup) for Indra and Vayu he should sprinkle it (saying), May the sacrifice be harmless for plants, for our cattle, for our folk; for all creatures harmless thou art; swell like ghee, O god Soma. |
yvk.3.2 | h May the sun, the god, guard me from trouble from the sky, Vayu from the atmosphere [3], Agni from earth, Yama from the fathers, Sarasvati from men. |
yvk.3.2 | n The foe who, O Indra and Vayu, is hostile to us, Who seeketh to assail us, O lords of splendour, May I here burl him below my feet, So that, O Indra, I may shine as the highest. |
yvk.3.3 | a The maker of the sound Him is Vayu, the Prastotr is Agni, the Saman is Prajapati, the Udgatr is Brhaspati, the subordinate singers are the All gods, the Pratihartrs are the Maruts, the finale is Indra; may these gods who support breath bestow breath upon me. |
yvk.3.3 | The seer is Agni, the hearer is Vayu, the reciter Aditya; he, who offers knowing thus to them, in yonder world is united with what be has sacrificed and bestowed. |
yvk.3.3 | Do thou, O lord of cloud he says; the lord of cloud is Vayu; verily he says to Vayu, Guard this for me. |
yvk.3.3 | a Surya, the god, for those that sit in the sky, Dhatr for lordly power, Vayu for offspring, Brhaspati for Prajapati offer thee radiant. |
yvk.3.4 | a O Vayu, drinker of the pure, come to us; A thousand are thy teams, O thou that hast all choice boons; For thee the sweet drink bath been drawn, Whereof, O God, thou hast the first drink. |
yvk.3.4 | b For intent thee, for desire thee, for prosperity thee; Kikkita thy mind! to Prajapati hail! Kikkita thy breath, to Vayu hail! Kikkita thy eye, to Surya hail! Kikkita thy ear, to sky and earth hail! Kikkita, thy speech, to Sarasvati hail! [1] c Thou, the fourth, art the barren, the eager one, Since once in thought the embryo hath entered thy womb; Do thou, the barren, go eagerly to the gods, Be the desires of the sacrificer fulfilled. |
yvk.3.4 | These two were together, Vayu blew them apart; they conceived a child, Soma generated it, Agni swallowed it. |
yvk.3.4 | Because [1] Vayu blew (them apart), therefore is it connected with Vayu; because these two conceived, therefore is it connected with sky and earth; because Soma generated, and Agni swallowed, there fore is it connected with Agni and Soma; because when the two parted speech was uttered, therefore is it connected with Sarasvati; because Prajapati redeemed it from Agni, therefore is it connected with Prajapati; the barren goat is connected with all the gods. |
yvk.3.4 | To Vayu should he offer it who desires wealth. |
yvk.3.4 | the swiftest deity is Vayu; verily he has recourse to Vayu with his own share [2], and he causes him to attain wealth. |
yvk.3.4 | He brings (the victims) up with a verse ad dressed to Vayu; verily winning it from Vayu he offers it. |
yvk.3.4 | a Agni overlord of creatures, may he help me; Indra of powers, Yama of earth, Vayu of the atmosphere, Surya of the sky, Candramas of Naksatras, Brhaspati of holy power, Mitra of truths, Varuna of waters, the ocean of streams, food of lordships overlord, may it help me; Soma of plants, Savitr of instigations, Rudra of cattle, Tvastr of forms, Visnu of mountains, the Maruts of troops overlords, may they help me. |
yvk.3.5 | c The gods, destroyers of the sacrifice, stealers of the sacrifice, That sit in the atmosphere, From them may Vayu guard me; May we go to those that do good deeds. |
yvk.3.5 | a May Surya, the god, protect me from the gods, Vayu from the atmosphere; may Agni, the sacrificer, protect me from the (evil) eye; O strong one, O impetuous one, O instigator, O thou of all men, with these names, O Soma, we will worship thee; with these names, O Soma, we will worship thee. |
yvk.4.1 | a May I Vayu, Matarisvan, unite The broken heart of thee that art outstretched To him who moveth with the expiration of the gods, With thee, O goddess, be Vasat. |
yvk.4.3 | b Let Visvakarman place thee in the ridge of the atmosphere, encompassing, expanding, resplendent, possessing the sun, thee that dost illumine the sky, the earth, the broad atmosphere, support the atmosphere, make firm the atmosphere, harm not the atmosphere; for every expiration, inspiration, cross breathing, out breathing, support, movement; let Vayu protect thee with great prosperity, with a covering [1] most healing; with that deity do thou sit firm in the manner of Angiras. |
yvk.4.3 | They praised with twenty five, wild cattle were created, Vayu was the overlord. |
yvk.4.4 | d The over sky penetrated by holy power, the atmosphere (thou art); the Maruts are thy guardians, Vayu is placed in this (brick), to it I resort, and may it be my protection and my refuge. |
yvk.4.4 | b Let Visvakarman place thee on the ridge of the atmosphere, full of light, for every expiration, inspiration; support all the light, Vayu is thine overlord. |
yvk.4.4 | f Thou art the path of Vayu; thou art the gods path of Vayu. |
yvk.4.4 | (Thou art) Prajapati in mind, when come to the Soma; the creator in the consecration; Savitr in the bearing; Pusan in the cow for the purchase of the Soma; Varuna when bound (in the cloth); Asura in the being bought; Mitra when purchased; Sipivista when put in place; delighter of men when being drawn forward; the overlord on arrival; Prajapati being led on; Agni at the Agnidh s altar; Brhaspati on being led from the Agnidh s altar; Indra at the oblation holder; Aditi when put in place; Visnu when being taken down; Atharvan when made wet; Yama when pressed out; drinker of unpurified Soma() when being cleansed; Vayu when purifying; Mitra as mixed with milk; the Manthin when mixed with groats; that of the All gods when taken out; Rudra when offered; Vayu when covered up; the gazer on men when revealed; the food when it comes; the famed of the fathers; life when taken; the river when going to the final bath; the ocean when gone; the water when dipped; the heaven when arrived at completion. |
yvk.4.4 | a (Thou art) Krttikas, the Naksatra, Agni, the deity; ye are the radiances of Agni, of Prajapati, of the creator, of Soma; to the Re thee, to radiance thee, to the shining thee, to the blaze thee, to the light thee b (Thou art) Rohini the Naksatra, Prajapati the deity; Mrgasirsa the Naksatra, Soma the deity; Ardra the Naksatra, Rudra the deity; the two Punarvasus the Naksatra, Aditi the deity; Tisya the Naksatra, Brhaspati the deity; the Asresas the Naksatra, the serpents the deity; the Maghas the Naksatra, the fathers the deity; the two Phalgunis the Naksatra [1], Aryaman the deity; the two Phalgunis the Naksatra, Bhaga the deity; Hasta the Naksatra, Savitr the deity; Citra the Naksatra, Indra the deity; Svati the Naksatra, Vayu the deity; the two Visakhas the Naksatra, Indra and Agni the deity; Anruradha the Naksatra, Mitra the deity; Rohini the Naksatra, Indra the deity; the two Visrts the Naksatra; the fathers the deity; the Asadhas the Naksatra, the waters the deity; the Asadhas the Naksatra, the All gods the deity; Srona the Naksatra, Visnu the deity; Sravistha the Naksatra, the Vasus [2] the, deity; Satabhisaj the Naksatra, Indra the deity; Prosthapadas the Naksatra, the goat of one foot the deity; the Prosthapadas the Naksatra, the serpent of the deep the deity; Revati the Naksatra, Pusan the deity; the two Asvayujs the Naksatra, the Asvins the deity; the Apabharanis the Naksatra, Yama the deity. |
yvk.4.4 | The firm among the quarters, lady of Visnu, the mild, Ruling over this strength, the desirable, Brhaspati, Matarisvan, Vayu, The winds blowing together be gracious to us. |
yvk.4.7 | May the Amsu cup for me, the Rasmi, the Adabhya, the overlord (cup), the Upansu, the Antaryama, the (cup) for Indra and Vayu, the (cup) for Mitra and Varuna, the (cup) for the Asvins, the Pratiprasthana (cup) the Sukra, the Manthin, the Agrayana, the (cup) for the All gods, the Dhruva, the (cup) for Vaisvanara, the season cups [1], the Atigrahyas, the (cup) for Indra and Agni, the (cup) for the All gods, the (cups) for the Maruts, the (cup) for Mahendra, the (cup) for Aditya, the (cup) for Savitr the (cup) for Sarasvati, the (cup) for Pusan, the (cup) for Tvastr() with the wives (of the gods), the Hariyojana (cup) (prosper for me through the sacrifice). |
yvk.4.7 | May the kindling wood for me, the strew, the altar, the lesser altars, the offering spoons, the cups, the pressing stones, the chips (of the post), the sounding holes, the two pressing boards, the wooden tub, the Vayu cups, the (bowl) for the purified Soma, the mixing (bowl), the Agnidh s altar, the oblation holder, the house, the Sadas, the cakes, the cooked (offerings), the final bath, the cry of Godspeed (prosper for me through the sacrifice). |
yvk.4.7 | g We venerate the ordinances of Vayu and of Savitr, Who support that which hath life and guard it, Who surround all things; May ye relieve us from sin. |
yvk.4.7 | h The best blessings have come to us In the realm of the two gods; I praise Vayu and Savitr; I invoke seeking aid, May ye relieve us from sin. |
yvk.5.1 | May for thee Vayu, Matarisvan unite he says; Vayu is breath; verily with breath he unites her breath; may for thee Vayu he says; therefore the rain speeds from the sky, made to fall by Vayu. |
yvk.5.2 | e May the earth with the atmosphere, May Vayu heal thy rent, May the sky with the Naksatras Arrange thy form aright. |
yvk.5.5 | To Vayu of the team he offers a hornless (animal); Vayu is the brilliance of Agni; it is offered to brilliance; therefore wheresoever the wind [1] blows, the fire burns; verily it follows its own brilliance. |
yvk.5.5 | The wind is the abode dear to cattle; in that it is offered to Vayu, in accord cattle wait upon him. |
yvk.5.5 | Sh uld an animal be offered to Vayu, or to Prajapati? they say; if he were to offer it to Vayu, he would depart from Prajapati; if he were to offer it to Prajapati, he would depart from Vayu [3]; in that the animal is offered to Vayu, therefore he does not depart; in that a cake is offered to Prajapati, therefore he does not depart from Prajapati; in that it is offered on twelve potsherds, therefore he does not depart from Vaisvanara. |
yvk.5.5 | To the offspring of waters a fish; the crocodile, the dolphin, the Kulikaya are for the ocean; to speech the Paingaraja; to Bhaga the sea crow; the swan, the Vahasa, the woodpecker, these are for Vayu; to the quarters the Cakravaka. |
yvk.5.6 | The white limbed, the one with white limbs on one side the one with white limbs on both sides, these are for Indra and Vayu; the one with white ear holes, that with one white ear hole, the one with both white ear holes, they are for Mitra and Varuna; the one with a pure tail, the one with a completely pure tail, the one with a tail in lumps, these are for the Asvins; three barren cows of varied colours are for the All gods, three white for the supreme lord; the white spotted hornless ones are for Soma and Pusan. |
yvk.5.6 | To Soma, self ruler, there are (to be offered) two oxen which drag the cart; to Indra and Agni, the givers of force, two camels; to Indra and Agni, givers of might, two sheep that drag the plough; two heifers are for earth; to the quarters are (to be offered) two mares; two heifers are for earth; two females are for the Viraj two heifers are for earth; two oxen that drag the carriage are (to be offered) to Vayu; two black, barren cows are for Varuna; two bulls with high horns, destructive, are for the sky. |
yvk.5.7 | For Vayu the first rib; for Sarasvant the second; for the moon the third; for the Naksatras the fourth; for Savitr the fifth; for Rudra the sixth for the serpents the seventh; for Aryaman the eighth; for Tvastr the ninth for Dhatr the tenth; for Indrani the eleventh; for Aditi the twelfth; for sky and earth the side; for Yama the side bone. |
yvk.5.7 | Vayu was the animal; with it they sacrificed; it won this world where Vayu is; this is thy world, therefrom will I obstruct thee if thou dost not snuff (it). |
yvk.6.1 | (Of the garment) the place where the border is belongs to Agni, the wind guard to Vayu, the fringe to the Pitrs, the foreedge to the plants [3], the warp to the Adityas, the woof to the All gods, the meshes to the Naksatras. |
yvk.6.1 | He says, To Vayu thee, to Varuna thee! If he did not so specify them, he would put the gifts out of correspondence with the deities, and would be brought low to the deities. |
yvk.6.3 | They take up the Soma [2], the pressing stones, the cups for Vayu, the wooden trough; they lead forth the wife (of the sacrificer), they make the carts move along with them; verily whatever is his he goes with it to the world of heaven. |
yvk.6.3 | He places on the Agnidh s altar the pressing stones, he cups for Vayu, and the wooden trough, for they take it away from them; if he were to put it with them, it would become spoiled. |
yvk.6.3 | O Vayu, taste the drops he says; therefore the drops are produced separately. |
yvk.6.4 | The cup for Indra and Vayu is speech; in that the cups are drawn beginning with that to Indra and Vayu, verily they follow speech. |
yvk.6.4 | The gods said to Vayu, Let us slay Soma, the king he replied, Let me choose a boon; let your cups be drawn with mine first. |
yvk.6.4 | Therefore the cups are drawn with those for Indra and Vayu first. |
yvk.6.4 | They slew him; he became putrid; the gods could not endure him, they said to Vayu, Make him sweet for us [1]; he replied, Let me choose a boon; let your vessels, be said to have me as their deity. |
yvk.6.4 | Therefore, being of various deities, they are said to have Vayu as their deity. |
yvk.6.4 | Verily did Vayu make him sweet for him; therefore what becomes putrid they hang out in a windy place, for Vayu is its purifier, its sweetener. |
yvk.6.4 | Speech aforetime spoke without discrimination; the gods said to Indra, Do thou discriminate this speech for us he replied, Let me choose a boon; let this (cup) be drawn for me and for Vayu together. |
yvk.6.4 | Therefore the cup is drawn together for Indra and Vayu. |
yvk.6.4 | Therefore is it drawn once, in the middle, for Indra, and twice for Vayu, for he chose two boons. |
yvk.6.4 | Therefore the cup for Indra and Vayu is drawn before that for Mitra and Varuna, for the Upansu and the Antaryama (cups) are expiration and inspiration. |
yvk.6.4 | (The cup) for Indra and Vayu is speech, that for Mitra and Varuna is the eye, that for the Asvins is the ear; he eats in front that for Indra and Vayu, therefore in front he speaks with speech; in front that for Mitra and Varuna, therefore in front he sees with the eye; moving all round, that for the Asvins; therefore on all sides he hears with the ear. |
yvk.6.5 | The Agrayana is drawn (with a verse) in which there is no discriminating mark; he draws with a pot, he offers with (the vessel) for Vayu; therefore [2] (a man) is a slayer of a Brahman (through slaying) an embryo which has not been discriminated. |
yvk.6.5 | They go to the final bath; they deposit the pots, but lift up (the vessels) for Vayu; therefore they deposit a daughter on birth, a son they lift up. |
yvk.6.5 | Some cups are drawn with pots, some with (vessels) for Vayu; that is the pairing of the cups. |
yvk.6.6 | These worlds must be made full of light, with like strength they say; verily with that for Agni he bestows light on this world, with that for Indra on the atmosphere, for Indra and Vayu are yoke fellows; ith that for Surya on yonder world [3] he bestows light; full of light these worlds become for him; he makes them of like strength. |
yvk.7.1 | To Agni hail! To Soma hail! To Vayu hail! To the joy of the waters hail! To Savitr hail! To Sarasvati hail! To Indra hail! To Brhaspati hail! To Mitra hail! To Varuna hail! To all hail! |
yvk.7.1 | To Agni hail! To Soma hail! To Savitr hail! To Sarasvati hail! To Pusan hail! To Brhaspati hail! To the joy of the waters hail! To Vayu hail! To Mitra hail! To Varuna hail! To all hail! |
yvk.7.1 | a To Agni hail! To Vayu hail! To Surya hail! b Thou art holy order, thou art the holy order of holy order; thou art truth, thou art the truth of truth! c Thou art the path of holy order, the shadow of the gods, the name of immortality; thou art truth, thou art Prajapati. |
yvk.7.2 | He should draw the cup for Indra and Vayu first if he desire, May my offspring accord in order of seniority. |
yvk.7.2 | He should draw the cup for Indra and Vayu first for one who is ill. |
yvk.7.2 | For he who is ill is separated from breath, the cup for Indra and Vayu is breath; verily he unites him with breath. |
yvk.7.2 | (The cup) for Indra and Vayu is connected with the Gayatri, the opening day is connected with the Gayatri, and therefore on the opening day (the cup) for Indra and Vayu is drawn; verily he draws it in its own abode. |
yvk.7.2 | (The cup) for Indra and Vayu is connected with the Rathantara Saman(), the fifth day is connected with the Rathantara, and therefore on the fifth day [2] (the cup) for Indra and Vayu is drawn; verily he draws it in its own abode. |
yvk.7.2 | (The cup) for Indra and Vayu is breath, the ninth day is breath, and therefore on the ninth day (the cup) for Indra and Vayu. |
yvk.7.2 | In that [4] it completes the metres, it completes for the third time the sacrifice; in that (the cup) for Indra and Vayu is drawn on the next day, where they have seen the sacrifice, thence does he again employ it, and they revolve round their own metre. |
yvk.7.2 | They go by a trackless way leaving the path who start with anything except (the cup) for Indra and Vayu. |
yvk.7.2 | The tenth day is the end of the sacrifice, (the cup) for Indra and Vayu is drawn on the tenth day; verily having reached the end of the sacrifice [5], they proceed from the trackless way to the path, and it is as when men go pushing on with a strong (team). |
yvk.7.2 | The fourth day is the abode of (the cup) for Indra and Vayu, the Agrayana is drawn on this (day); therefore (the cup) for Indra and Vayu is drawn on the ninth day, the abode of the Agrayana. |
yvk.7.2 | The fift day is the abode of the Sukra [6], (the cup) for Indra and Vayu is drawn on this (day); therefore the Sukra is drawn on the seventh day, the abode of (the cup) for Indra and Vayu. |
yvk.7.3 | The past, the present, the future, Vasat, hail, reverence! The Rc, the Saman, the Yajus, Vasat, hail, reverence! The Gayatri, the Tristubh, the Jagati, Vasat, hail, reverence! The earth, the atmosphere, the sky, Vasat, hail, reverence! Agni, Vayu, Surya, Vasat, hail, reverence! Expiration, cross breathing, inspiration, Vasat, hail, reverence! Food, ploughing, rain, Vasat, hail, reverence! Father, son, grandson, Vasat, hail, reverence! Bhuh, Bhuvah, Suvar, Vasat, hail, reverence! |
yvk.7.5 | The steed hath come to the atmosphere; the strong steed hath made Vayu his yoke follow. |
yvk.7.5 | Vayu is thy yoke fellow, O steed; I grasp thee; bear me prosperously [1]. |
yvk.7.5 | To) Agni (offering is made) on eight potsherds; to Soma an oblation; to Savitr (offering) on eight potsherds; to Pusan an oblation; to Rudra an oblation; to Agni Vaisvanara (offering) on eight potsherds; if he should not go to the wild beast s lair; to Agni, saviour from distress, (offering is made) on eight potsherds; to Surya milk (is offered); Vayu receives a share in the butter offering. |
yvk.7.5 | To Agni, saviour from distress, (offering is made) on eight potsherds; to Indra, saviour from distress, on eleven potsherds; to Mitra and Varuna, saviours from sin, a milk offering; to Vayu and Savitr saviours from sin, an oblation; to the Asvins, saviours from sin, grain; to the Maruts, saviours from evil, on seven potsherds; to the All gods, saviours from evil, on twelve potsherds; to Anumati an oblation; to Agni, Vaisvanara on twelve potsherds; to heaven and earth, saviours from evil, on two potsherds. |
yvk.7.5 | To Vayu he made obeisance, to the atmosphere he made obeisance; as Vayu with the atmosphere (made harmony, so &c. |
yvk.7.5 | Reverence to Vayu, dweller in the atmosphere, maker of room; grant room to this thy sacrificer. |