Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 Jul 2011 17:19 and updated at 16 Jul 2011 17:19
yvk.1.3 | a Go to the ocean, hail! Go to the atmosphere, hail! Go to god Savitr, hail! Go to day and night, hail! Go to Mitra and Varuna, hail! Go to Soma, hail! Go to the sacrifice, hail! Go to the metes, hail! Go to the sky and the earth, hail! Go to the clouds of the sky, hail! Go to Agni Vaisvanara, hail! b To the waters thee! To the plants thee! c Give me mind and heart! d May I acquire body, skin, son, and grandson. |
yvk.1.4 | a The head of the sky, the messenger of earth, Vaisvanara, born for holy order, Agni, The sage, the king, the guest of men, The gods have produced as a cup for their mouths. |
yvk.1.4 | b Thou art taken with a support; to Agni Vaisvanara thee! Thou art secure, of secure foundation, most secure of the secure, with securest foundation of those which are secure. |
yvk.1.4 | This is thy birthplace; to Agni Vaisvanara thee! |
yvk.1.5 | a Let Vaisvanara with succour for us Come from afar, Agni through the hymn which brings (him). |
yvk.1.5 | b The righteous Vaisvanara, Lord of right and of light, The immortal cauldron we seek. |
yvk.1.5 | c A greater than the marvels of Vaisvanara By his craftsmanship the sage hath performed alone; Magnifying both parents, sky and earth, Rich in seed, was Agni born. |
yvk.1.5 | d Desired in the sky, Agni, desired on earth, Desired he entereth all the plants; Agni Vaisvanara eagerly desired, May he by day [1] and night protect us from the foe. |
yvk.1.5 | e In that, when born, O Agni, thou didst survey the worlds, Like a busy herd that goeth around his flock, Do thou, O Vaisvanara, find a way for the Brahman; Do ye protect us ever with your blessings. |
yvk.1.5 | f Thou, O Agni, blazing with light, Didst fill the firmament at thy birth; Thou, O Vaisvanara, wise one, by thy might Didst free the gods from misfortune. |
yvk.1.5 | g O Agni, among our bountiful lords, preserve The lordship, uninjured, unageing, rich in heroes; May we win booty a hundred, a thousandfold, O Vaisvanara [2], O Agni, through thy help. |
yvk.1.5 | h May we enjoy the loving kindness of Vaisvanara, For he is the king, the orderer of the worlds Hence born be discerneth all the (earth), Vaisvanara vieth with the sun. |
yvk.1.6 | b Thou art butter, thou art truth, thou art the overseer of truth, thou art the oblation of Vaisvanara, of the All gods, with pure strength, of true might; thou art power, overpowering; overpower hostility, overpower those who practise hostility; overpower enmity, overpower those who practise emnity; thou art of a thousandfold strength; do thou quicken me; thou art of butter the butter; thou art of truth the truth; thou hast true life [1]; thou hast true strength; with truth I besprinkle thee; may I share thee that art such. |
yvk.1.8 | To Agni() Vaisvanara he offers on twelve potsherds; the sacrificial fee is gold. |
yvk.1.8 | To Agni he offers on eight potsherds; to Soma, an oblation; to Savitr on twelve potsherds; to Brhaspati an oblation; to Tvastr on eight potsherds; to Agni() Vaisvanara on twelve potsherds; the sacrificial fee is the southern drawer of the chariot stand. |
yvk.2.2 | He who is calumniated should offer on twelve potsherds to Vaisvanara, an oblation to Varuna, and an oblation to Dadhikravan; in that there is (an offering) on twelve potsherds to Vaisvanara, and Agni Vaisvanara is the year; verily he satisfies him with the year, he smites off the evil hue; by (the offering) to Varuna he frees him from the noose of Varuna; by Dadhikravan he purifies him. |
yvk.2.2 | The same (offering) he should make who desires offspring; the year [1] unpropitiated burns up the womb of offspring, of cattle, for him who being fit for offspring does not obtain offspring; in that there is (an offering) on twelve potsherds for Vaisvanara, and Agni Vaisvanara is the year; verily he propitiates the year with its own share; it propitiated begets offspring for him from his own womb; by (the offering) to Varuna he frees him from the noose of Varuna; by Dadhikravan he purifies him. |
yvk.2.2 | When a son is born he should offer on twelve potsherds to Vaisvanara; in that there is (an offering) on eight potsherds, he purifies him with the Gayatri, with splendour; in that there is (an offering) on nine potsherds, he bestows brilliance upon him with the Trivrt Stoma(); in that there is (an offering) on ten potsherds, he bestows proper food upon him with the Viraj; in that there is (an offering) on eleven potsherds, he bestows power upon him with the Tristubh; in that there is (an offering) on twelve potsherds, he bestows cattle upon him with the Jagati; he upon whose birth he offers this sacrifice becomes pure [3], brilliant, an eater of food, powerful, possessed of cattle. |
yvk.2.2 | He is cut off from the world of heaven who, being a sacrificer at new and full moon, the sacrifice either at the new or the full moon omits, for the new and full moon offerings are made for the world of heaven; if he has omitted the sacrifice either at the new or the full moon, he should offer to Vaisvanara on twelve potsherds; Agni Vaisvanara is the year; verily he delights the year; verily also he brings up the year for him for the winning of the world of heaven [4]; verily also grasping the deities he goes to the world of heaven. |
yvk.2.2 | He who removes the fire is the slayer of the hero among the gods; formerly righteous Brahmans did not eat his food; he should offer to Agni on eight potsherds, to Vaisvanara on twelve potsherds, when he is about to remove the fire; in that there is (an offering) on eight potsherds, the Gayatri has eight syllables, Agni is connected with the Gayatri; to Agni in his full extent he shows hospitality; verily also that is as when one makes preparation for a man about to go to (another) people [5]. |
yvk.2.2 | (The offering) to Vaisvanara is on twelve potsherds; the year has twelve months; the birthplace of Agni is the year; verily he makes him go to his own birth place; his food become fit to eat. |
yvk.2.2 | He who desires a village should offer on twelve potsherds to Vaisvanara, and to the Maruts on seven potsherds. |
yvk.2.2 | (the offering) to Vaisvanara he places on the Ahavaniya, that to the Maruts on the Garhapatya, for the avoidance of confusion. |
yvk.2.2 | (The offering) to Vaisvanara is on twelve potsherds; the year has twelve months; verily by the year he removes his rivals for him; there is one to the Maruts [6]; the Maruts are the subject class among the gods; verily by the subjects among the gods he wins for him the subjects among men; (the offering) is on seven potsherds; the Maruts are in seven troops; verily in troops he wins his rivals for him; he deposits (the offering) when (the verses) are being repeated; verily he makes the people follow him. |
yvk.2.2 | He who has come to the place should offer to Vaisvanara on twelve potsherds; Agni Vaisvanara is the year, the place of the gods is the year; from that place the gods drove the Asuras in defeat; in that he offers to Vaisvanara on twelve potsherds, he strives for the abode of the gods; he wins this conflict. |
yvk.2.2 | Those two wipe (their sin) off upon him [1] who eats the food of two enemies; he who has eaten the food of two enemies should offer to Vaisvanara on twelve potsherds; Agni Vaisvanara is the year; verily he eats what the year has made sweet; those two do not wipe (their sin) off upon him. |
yvk.2.2 | For the year these two make compact who make compact; him of them who first acts with treachery Varuna seizes; he who of two who have made compact first shows treachery should offer on twelve potsherds to Vaisvanara; Agni Vaisvanara is the year; verily having obtained the year thereafter he acts with treachery against one who has lost Varuna s protection [2]; Varuna does not seize him. |
yvk.2.2 | The nature of the sheep he accepts who accepts a sheep; having accepted a sheep he should offer to Vaisvanara, Agni Vaisvanara is the year; verily he accepts (the ewe) made suitable by the year; he does not accept the nature of the sheep. |
yvk.2.2 | A measure of himself he obtains who accepts (an animal) with teeth in both jaws, whether horse or man; he who has accept d (an animal) with teeth in both jaws [3] should offer on twelve potsherds to Vaisvanara; Agni Vaisvanara is the year; verily he accepts it made suitable by the year; he does not obtain a measure of himself. |
yvk.2.2 | He who is eager to win wealth should offer to Vaisvanara on twelve potsherds; Agni Vaisvanara is the year; when a man for a year goes about among folk he becomes worthy of wealth. |
yvk.2.2 | In that he offers to Vaisvanara on twelve potsherds, he moves towards wealth gained by the year: people are fain to give him gifts. |
yvk.2.2 | He, who having yoked the year [4], does not let it go, becomes without support; after his return he should offer the same sacrifice to Vaisvanara; (the year) which he yokes he lets go with its own share, for support; the rope with which he drives the last of his cows he should cast against his foe; verily he casts misfortune upon him. |
yvk.3.3 | If he does manifold things as it were, he should offer in the forest (fire) groats with his hand; the forest (fire) is Agni Vaisvanara; verily he appeases him. |
yvk.4.1 | a Purpose, Agni, impulse, hail! Mind, intellect, Agni, impulse, hail! Thought, knowledge, Agni, impulse, hail! Discrimination of speech, Agni, impulse, hail! To Manu, lord of creatures, hail! To Agni Vaisvanara hail! b Let every man choose the companionship Of the god who leadeth; Every man prayeth for wealth; Let him choose glory that he may prosper; hail! e Be not broken, nor come to harm; Be firm and enduring; O mother, daringly show thy heroism [1]; With Agni wilt thou do this deed. |
yvk.4.2 | f The bright light Born beyond this firmament, May that convey us beyond our foes, O Agni Vaisvanara, hail! g Homage to thee, O Nirrti of every form [2], Loosen ye this bond made of iron; Do thou in accord with Yama and Yami Mount this highest vault. |
yvk.4.2 | t There hath come into being this might of all the world, And of Agni Vaisvanara, Agni full of light with light, The disk radiant with radiance. |
yvk.4.3 | f In unison with the seasons, in unison with the ordainers, in unison with the Vasus, in unison with the Rudras, in unison with the Adityas, in unison with the All gods, in unison with the gods, in unison with the gods establishing strength, to Agni Vaisvanara, thee; may the two Asvins, the leeches, set thee here. |
yvk.4.4 | p Vaisvanara to our help. |
yvk.4.7 | May the Amsu cup for me, the Rasmi, the Adabhya, the overlord (cup), the Upansu, the Antaryama, the (cup) for Indra and Vayu, the (cup) for Mitra and Varuna, the (cup) for the Asvins, the Pratiprasthana (cup) the Sukra, the Manthin, the Agrayana, the (cup) for the All gods, the Dhruva, the (cup) for Vaisvanara, the season cups [1], the Atigrahyas, the (cup) for Indra and Agni, the (cup) for the All gods, the (cups) for the Maruts, the (cup) for Mahendra, the (cup) for Aditya, the (cup) for Savitr the (cup) for Sarasvati, the (cup) for Pusan, the (cup) for Tvastr() with the wives (of the gods), the Hariyojana (cup) (prosper for me through the sacrifice). |
yvk.4.7 | r Vaisvanara for aid to us. |
yvk.5.1 | Twenty four (verses) he recites; the year has twenty four half months, Agni Vaisvanara is the year; verily straightway he wins Vaisvanara. |
yvk.5.2 | He puts down sand; that is the form of Agni Vaisvanara; verily by his form he wins Vaisvanara. |
yvk.5.2 | With (a verse) addressed to Vaisvanara, he takes the sling; verily he makes it ready. |
yvk.5.2 | O Agni, strength and fame are thine (with these words) he scatters sand; that is the hymn of Agni Vaisvanara; verily with the hymn he wins Agni() Vaisvanara. |
yvk.5.2 | With six (verses) he scatters; the year has six seasons, Agni Vaisvanara is the year; verily straightway he wins Vaisvanara. |
yvk.5.2 | In the fire must the fire be piled they say; the Brahman [1] is Agni Vaisvanara, and to him should he hand over the first brick over which a Yajus has been recited; with the Brahman he should deposit it; verily in the fire he piles the fire. |
yvk.5.2 | The pan is the concentrated light of these lights; in that he puts down the pan, verily he wins the light from these worlds; in the middle he puts (it) down; verily he bestows upon it light; therefore in the middle we reverence the light; with sand he fills (it); that is the form of Agni Vaisvanara; verily by his form he wins Vaisvanara. |
yvk.5.4 | There is (an offering) to Vaisvanara on twelve potsherds; the year has twelve months, Agni Vaisvanara is the year; verily st aightway [6] he wins Vaisvanara. |
yvk.5.4 | Vaisvanara is the kingly power, the Maruts the people; having offered the offering to Vaisvanara, he offers those to the Maruts; verily he attaches the people to the kingly power. |
yvk.5.4 | He utters aloud (the direction to the Agnidh) for Vaisvanara, he offers the offerings of the Maruts muttering; therefore the kingly power speaks above the people. |
yvk.5.5 | Sh uld an animal be offered to Vayu, or to Prajapati? they say; if he were to offer it to Vayu, he would depart from Prajapati; if he were to offer it to Prajapati, he would depart from Vayu [3]; in that the animal is offered to Vayu, therefore he does not depart; in that a cake is offered to Prajapati, therefore he does not depart from Prajapati; in that it is offered on twelve potsherds, therefore he does not depart from Vaisvanara. |
yvk.5.5 | It is (an offering) to Aditi; Aditi is this (earth); verily he finds support in this (earth); verily also be extends the sacrifice over this He who piles the fire without keeping it in the pan for a year (it is with him) as when an embryo is dropped prematurely would go to ruin; he should offer before (the others) on twelve potsherds to Vaisvanara; Agni Vaisvanara is the year; even as (an embryo) attaining a year s growth [61 is born when the due season is come, so he having obtained the year when the due season is come, piles the fire; he goes not to ruin. |
yvk.5.5 | Vaisvanara is the form dear to Agni; verily he wins the form dear to him. |
yvk.5.6 | Agni Vaisvanara in unison with the food offerings; with ghee; hail! |
yvk.5.6 | The year is the year, the Ayavas are the months, the red one the dawn, the steed Surya, the Asvins these two (worlds), Agni Vaisvanara the year, the food offerings cattle, ghee cattle. |
yvk.5.6 | d (The fire) to be piled is the body of Agni, Vaisvanara is the self; in that he offers to Vaisvanara after the piling, he prepares its [3] body and mounts it; the sacrificer thus prepares his body, in that he piles the fire; in that he offers to Vaisvanara after the piling, verily having pre pared his body he mounts it with the self; therefore they do not cut off from it; verily living he goes to the gods. |
yvk.5.6 | e He puts on dust with a verse addressed to Vaisvanara; Agni Vaisvanara is this (earth), the dust is its piling; verily he piles Agni Vaisvanara; Vaisvanara is the form dear to Agni; verily he wins the form dear to him. |
yvk.5.7 | If there is any butter left over, in it he should cook a mess for the Brahmans, four Brahmans should eat it; the Brahman is Agni Vaisvanara, Vaisvanara, is the form dear to Agni; verily he establishes it in his dear form. |
yvk.5.7 | f What is offered, what is handed over, What is given, the sacrificial fee, That [2] may Agni Vaisvanara Place in the sky among the gods for us. |
yvk.5.7 | k Where are the streams that fail not Of honey and of ghee, May Agni Vaisvanara place us In heaven among the gods. |
yvk.5.7 | In that he piles with clay and Agni Vaisvanara is this earth, verily he piles Agni with Agni. |
yvk.5.7 | Moreover Agni Vaisvanara is this (earth); in that [3] he piles with clay, therefore is it called the fire. |
yvk.5.7 | For Indra the breast, for Aditi the flanks, for the quarters the cervical cartilages; the clouds with the heart and its covering; atmosphere with the pericardium; the mist with the flesh of the stomach; Indrani with the lungs; ants with the liver, the hills with the intestines; the ocean with the stomach; Vaisvanara with the fundament. |
yvk.6.4 | Go to the c ouds [3] of the sky, hail! he says; verily he procures rain for offspring when born; Go to Agni Vaisvanara, hail! he says; verily he establishes in this (world) offspring when born. |
yvk.6.5 | Vaisvanara, born for holy order he says, for life has Vaisvanara as its deity. |
yvk.6.5 | It is drawn with Vaisvanara on both sides; therefore there are breaths on both sides, below and above. |
yvk.7.1 | c Thou art surrounding; thou art the world; thou art the restrainer; thou art the supporter; do thou go, with the cry of Hail! to Agni Vaisvanara, the extending. |
yvk.7.2 | This (rite) with a Vaisvanara on one side (only) was not able to win the world of heaven; it was stretched upwards and the gods piled round this Vaisvanara, to overcome the world of heaven. |
yvk.7.5 | The Atiratra is a Jyotistoma, of Vaisvanara; verily they put light before them, to reveal the world of heaven. |
yvk.7.5 | To Agni Vaisvanara (offering is made) on twelve potsherds. |
yvk.7.5 | To) Agni (offering is made) on eight potsherds; to Soma an oblation; to Savitr (offering) on eight potsherds; to Pusan an oblation; to Rudra an oblation; to Agni Vaisvanara (offering) on eight potsherds; if he should not go to the wild beast s lair; to Agni, saviour from distress, (offering is made) on eight potsherds; to Surya milk (is offered); Vayu receives a share in the butter offering. |
yvk.7.5 | To Agni, saviour from distress, (offering is made) on eight potsherds; to Indra, saviour from distress, on eleven potsherds; to Mitra and Varuna, saviours from sin, a milk offering; to Vayu and Savitr saviours from sin, an oblation; to the Asvins, saviours from sin, grain; to the Maruts, saviours from evil, on seven potsherds; to the All gods, saviours from evil, on twelve potsherds; to Anumati an oblation; to Agni, Vaisvanara on twelve potsherds; to heaven and earth, saviours from evil, on two potsherds. |
yvk.7.5 | The head of the sacrificial horse is the dawn, the eye the sun, the breath the wind, the ear the moon, the feet the quarters, the ribs the intermediate quarters, the winking the day and night, the joints the half months, the joinings the months, the limbs the seasons, the trunk the year, the hair the rays (of the gun), the form the Naksatras, the bones the stars, the flesh the mist, the hair the plants, the tail hairs the trees, the mouth Agni, the open (mouth) Vaisvanara [1], the belly the sea, the anus the atmosphere, the testicles the sky and the earth, the membrum virile, the pressing stone, the seed the Soma. |