Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 Jul 2011 17:14 and updated at 16 Jul 2011 17:14
yvk.2.4 | All the metres are to be recited in this sacrifice they say; the Kakubh is the strength of the Tristubh, the Usnih of the Jagati; in that he repeats the Usnih and the Kakubh, thereby he wins all the metres. |
yvk.2.4 | The Usnih is the Gayatri; the four syllables over are fourfooted cattle; just as cake is over cake, so it is with the syllables which are over the verse; if he were to close with a Jagati [1], he would end the sacrifice; he closes with a Tristubh, the Tristubh is power and strength; verily he establishes the sacrifice on power and strength, he does not end it. |
yvk.3.1 | The All gods are the deity, Usnih the metre, thou art the vessel of the opening offering. |
yvk.4.3 | a (Thou art) the calf of eighteen months in strength, the Tristubh metre; the two year old in strength, the Viraj metre; the two and a half year old in strength, the Gayatri metre; the three year old in strength, the Usnih metre; the four year old in strength, the Anustubh metre; the draught ox in strength, the Brhati metre; the bull in strength, the Satobrhati metre; the bullock in strength, the Kakubh metre; the milch cow in strength, the Jagati metre; the beast of burden in strength, the Pankti metre; the goat in strength, the spacious metre; the ram in strength, the slow metre; the tiger in strength, the unassailable metre; the lion in strength, the covering metre; the support in strength, the overlord metre; the lordly power in strength, the delight giving metre; the all creating in strength, the supreme lord metro; the head in strength, the Prajapati metre. |
yvk.4.3 | a (Thou art) Ma metre, Prama metre, Pratima metre, Asrivis metre, Pankti metre, Usnih metre, Brhati metre, Anustubh metre, Viraj metre, Gayatri metre, Tristubh metre, Jagati metre. |
yvk.5.2 | a May the Gayatri, the Tristubh, the Jagati, The Anustubh, with the Pankti, The Brhati, the Usnih, and the Kakubh, Pierce thee with needles. |