Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 Jul 2011 17:05 and updated at 16 Jul 2011 17:05
yvk.2.1 | The sacrificial post is of Udumbara; the Udumbara is strength, cattle are strength; verily by strength he wins for him strength and cattle. |
yvk.2.5 | It is of Udumbara wood [3]; the Udumbara is strength, cattle are strength; verily by strength he wins for him strength and cattle. |
yvk.3.4 | Of Nyagrodha, Udumbara, Asvattha, or Plaksa (wood) is the kindling wood; these are the homes of the Gandharva and the Apsarases; verily he appeases them in their own abode [4]. |
yvk.5.1 | He puts on one of Udumbara wood; the Udumbara is strength; verily he confers strength upon him. |
yvk.5.1 | Sharpened is my holy power Their arms have I uplifted (with these words) he makes him speak over the last two Udumbara (sticks) [2]; verily by means of the holy power he quickens the kingly power, and by the kingly power the holy power; therefore a Brahman who has a princely person is superior to another Brahman; therefore a prince who has a Brahman is superior to another prince. |
yvk.5.2 | He puts down two ladles, one made of Karsmarya and full of butter, one of Udumbara and full of curds; that made of Karsm rya is this (earth), that of Udumbara is yonder (sky); verily he deposits these two (earth and sky) [3]. |
yvk.5.2 | In silence he puts (them) down, for he should not obtain them with a Yajus; the Karsmarya on the south, the Udumbara on the north; therefore is yonder (sky) higher than this (earth); the Karsmarya filled with butter, the butter is a thunderbolt, the Karsmarya is a thunderbolt; verily by the thunderbolt he smites away the Raksases from the south of the sacrifice; the Udumbara filled with curds, curds are cattle, the Udumbara is strength; verily he confers strength upon cattle. |
yvk.5.2 | (The mortar) is of Udumbara wood; the Udumbara is strength; verily he wins strength; in the middle he puts it down; verily in the middle he bestows strength upon him; therefore in the middle men enjoy strength. |
yvk.5.4 | They are of Udumbara wood, the Udumbara is strength; verily he gives him strength. |
yvk.5.4 | He offers on the naturally perforated brick (a ladle) of Udumbara wood filled with curds; curds are strength, the Udumbara is strength, the naturally perforated is yonder (sky); verily he places strength in yonder (sky); therefore we live on strength coming hitherward from yonder. |
yvk.5.4 | Enkindled, O Agni, shine before us (with these words) he takes (the kindling stick) of Udumbara wood; this is a pipe with projections; by it [3] the go s made piercings of hundreds of the Asuras; in that he takes up the kindling stick with this (verse), the sacrificer hurls the hundred slaying (verse) as a bolt at his enemy, to lay him low without fail. |
yvk.5.4 | He offers with an offering spoon of Udumbara wood; the Udumbara is strength, food is strength; verily by strength he wins for him strength and food. |
yvk.6.1 | The (staff) is of Udumbara wood; the, Udumbara is strength; verily he wins strength. |
yvk.6.2 | He pours down (water) mixed with barley; barley is strength, the Udumbara is strength; verily he unites strength with strength. |
yvk.6.2 | (The post) is of Udumbara wood of the height of the sacrificer. |
yvk.6.2 | May Dyutana Maruta set thee up he says; Dyutana Maruta was wont to set up the Udumbara (post) of the gods; verily [4] by him he sets this (post) up. |
yvk.6.2 | With ghee, O sky and earth, be filled (with these words) he sacrifices on the Udumbara (post); verily with moisture he anoints sky and earth. |
yvk.6.2 | The Sadas is the stomach, the Udumbara is strength, in the middle he fixes (the post) of Udumbara wood; verily he places strength in the midst of offspring; therefore [6] in the middle they enjoy strength. |
yvk.6.6 | He draws with (a vessel) of Udumbara; the Udumbara is strength; verily he wins strength; it has four corners; verily he finds support in the quarters [1]. |
yvk.7.3 | By fire he surmounted fervour, by speech holy power, by a gem forms, by Indra the gods, by the wind the breaths, by the sun the sky, by the moon the Naksatras, by Yama the Pitrs, by the king men, by fruit the flavours, by the boa constrictor serpents, by the tiger wild beasts, by the eagle birds, by the stallion horses, by the bull kine, by the he goat goats, by the ram sheep, by rice food, by barley plants, by the banyan trees, by the Udumbara strength, by the Gayatri the metres, by the Trivrt the Stomas, by the Brahmana speech. |
yvk.7.4 | a Let the ram aid thee with cooked food, the dark necked with goats, the cotton tree with increase, the Parna tree with the holy power Brahman(), the fig tree with the sacrifice, the banyan with the beakers, the Udumbara with strength, the Gayatri with the metres, the Trivrt with the Stomas. |