
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 Jul 2011 16:27 and updated at 16 Jul 2011 16:27


yvk.1.8 e Do thou mount the zenith; let the Pankti of metres help thee, the Trinava, and Trayastrinsa Stomas, the Sakvara and Raivata Samans, the deity Brhaspati, the treasure radiance.
yvk.2.5 He should repeat twenty one for one who desires support; the Ekavinsa is the support of the Stomas; (verily twenty one serve) for support [2].
yvk.3.5 He draws the Prana, cups; so much is there as are these cups, these Stomas, these metres, these Prstha Stotras(), these quarters; whatever there is [1] that he wins.
yvk.4.3 c This one above, thought; his, thought s, speech; the winter born of speech; the Pankti born of winter; from the Pankti that which has finales; from that which has finales the Agrayana (cup); from the Agrayana the twenty sevenfold and the thirty threefold Stomas(); from the twenty sevenfold and the thirty threefold the Sakvara and Raivata; from the Sakvara and Raivata Visvakarman, the Rsi; with thee taken by Prajapati, I take speech for offspring.
yvk.4.3 d Thou art the dust of Agni, the leader of the gods; May the All gods favour thee as such; With Stomas for thy back, rich in ghee, sit thou here, And win to us by sacrifice riches with offspring.
yvk.4.3 d The fourth hath become that of four Stomas, Becoming the two wings of the sacrifice, O Rsis; Yoking the Gayatri, Tristubh, Jagati, and Anustubh, the Brhat, The hymn, they have borne forward this heaven.
yvk.4.4 e Thou art the lady paramount, the great quarter; the Maruts, the deities, are thine overlords [2], Brhaspati stayeth missiles from thee; may the twenty sevenfold and the thirty threefold Stomas secure thee on earth, the Vaisvadeva and the Agnimaruta hymns establish thee in firmness, the Sakvara and Raivata Samans be thy support.
yvk.4.4 a I yoke thee in bonds of fellowship with Indra and Agni, with the ghee sprinklings, with brilliance, with radiance, with the hymns, with the Stomas, with the metres, for the increase of wealth, for pro eminence among thy fellows; I yoke thee in bonds of fellowship with me.
yvk.5.4 If he were to yoke with all five together, his fire yoked would fall away, the libations would be without support, the Stomas without support, the hymns without support.
yvk.5.4 He strokes (the fire) with three (verses) at the morning pressing; the fire is threefold [1]; verily he yokes the full extent of the fire; that is as when something is placed on a yoked cart; the oblations find support, the Stomas find support, the hymns find support.
yvk.5.4 The Anustubh is the highest of metres, the fourfold Stoma is the highest of Stomas, the three night sacrifice the highest of sacrifices, the horse the highest of animals; verily by the highest he makes him go to the highest state.
yvk.5.4 The last da is an Atiratra with all the Stomas, to obtain all, to conquer all; verily he obtains all, he conquers all with it.
yvk.5.7 Disposer, ordainer, and highest [3] onlooker, Prajapati, supreme lord, the ruler; The Stomas, the metres, the Nivids, mine they call; To him may we secure the kingdom.
yvk.6.2 (A roof of) twenty one coverings (he should fix) for one who desires support; the Ekavinsa is the support of the Stomas; (verily it serves) for support.
yvk.6.3 (He should cut one) of twenty one cubits for one who desires support; the Ekavinsa is the support of the Stomas; (verily it serves) for support.
yvk.7.1 Two Stomas bear the morning pressing, like expiration and inspiration; two the midday pressing, like eye and ear; two the third pressing, like speech and support.
yvk.7.1 As many as are the Stomas, so many are desires, so many the worlds, so many the lights; verily so many Stomas, so many desires, so many worlds, so many lights does he win.
yvk.7.1 He who knows the lowest of the Stomas attaining the first place, obtains him self the first place.
yvk.7.1 The Trivrt is the lowest of Stomas, the Trivrt occupies the first place.
yvk.7.1 The second day is an Atiratra with all the Stomas, that he may obtain all and win all.
yvk.7.1 The Pavamana Stomas() which are twenty fourfold are splendour [1]; the increasing Stomas are prosperity.
yvk.7.1 He saw these four Soma libations with the four Stomas; he grasped them and sacrificed with them.
yvk.7.1 He, who knowing thus, grasps the four Soma libations with the four Stomas and sacrifices with them, wins brilliance with the first, power with the second, splendour with the third, food with the fourth.
yvk.7.2 The Stomas are known as Jyotis, Go, and Ayus.
yvk.7.3 There are two Trayastrinsa Stomas in the middle; verily they attain sovereignty.
yvk.7.3 By fire he surmounted fervour, by speech holy power, by a gem forms, by Indra the gods, by the wind the breaths, by the sun the sky, by the moon the Naksatras, by Yama the Pitrs, by the king men, by fruit the flavours, by the boa constrictor serpents, by the tiger wild beasts, by the eagle birds, by the stallion horses, by the bull kine, by the he goat goats, by the ram sheep, by rice food, by barley plants, by the banyan trees, by the Udumbara strength, by the Gayatri the metres, by the Trivrt the Stomas, by the Brahmana speech.
yvk.7.4 They go from a Trivrt to a Trivrt, for the attainment of the Stomas, for pre eminence.
yvk.7.4 In that these Stomas are intermingled, therefore this (earth) is covered with mingled plants and trees [5].
yvk.7.4 These go imperfect to the world of heaven, for they resort to various Stomas; in that the Stomas are arranged in order, they go in order to the world of heaven, and there is order in both these worlds.
yvk.7.4 They perform the Jyotistoma first; the Jyotistoma is the beginning of the Stomas; verily they commence the Stomas from the beginning [1].
yvk.7.4 The Stomas being sung together make up the Viraj, and two verses are redundant; the Gostoma has one too many, and the Ayustoma one too few.
yvk.7.4 In that they perform these Stomas, the performers of the Sattra keep finding support in these worlds.
yvk.7.4 These, Stomas() being sung together make up the Viraj [1], and two verses are redundant; the Gostoma has one too many, and the Ayustoma one too few.
yvk.7.4 a Let the ram aid thee with cooked food, the dark necked with goats, the cotton tree with increase, the Parna tree with the holy power Brahman(), the fig tree with the sacrifice, the banyan with the beakers, the Udumbara with strength, the Gayatri with the metres, the Trivrt with the Stomas.
yvk.7.5 The Go and the Ayus Stomas() are the Stomas in the middle; verily they place a pair in the middle of the year [4] for procreation.
yvk.7.5 In that there are these Stomas, so do they go by the path that leads to the gods [5].
yvk.7.5 They first use the Jagati, and the metres descend from the Jagati, the cups from the Agrayana, the Prsthas from the Brhat, the Stomas from the Trayastrinsa.
yvk.7.5 It must be piled with the seasons, the metres, the Stomas, and the Prsthas they say.
yvk.7.5 In that he casts these oblations, he piles it with the seasons, the metres, the Stomas, and the Prsthas.

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