Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 Jul 2011 16:18 and updated at 16 Jul 2011 16:18
yvk.1.4 | b Thou art taken with a support; to Indra of the Sodasin thee! This is thy birthplace; to Indra of the Sodasin thee! |
yvk.1.4 | b Thou art taken with a support; to Indra of the Sodasin thee! This is thy birthplace; to Indra of the Sodasin thee! |
yvk.1.4 | b Thou art taken with a support; to Indra of the Sodasin thee! This is thy birthplace; to Indra of the Sodasin thee! |
yvk.1.4 | b Thou art taken with a support; to Indra of the Sodasin thee! This is thy birthplace; to Indra of the Sodasin thee! |
yvk.1.4 | a Great is Indra of the Sodasin, With the bolt in his arm, may he grant protection; May the bountiful give us prosperity, May he smite him who hateth us. |
yvk.1.4 | b Thou art taken with a support; to Indra of the Sodasin thee! This is thy birthplace; to Indra of the Sodasin thee! |
yvk.1.4 | b Thou art taken with a support; to Indra of the Sodasin thee! This is thy birthplace; to Indra of the Sodasin thee! |
yvk.6.6 | Prajapati assigned the sacrifices to the gods; he thought himself emptied; he pressed over himself the power and strength of the sacrifice in sixteen ways; that became the Sodasin; there is no sacrifice called Sodasin; in that there is a sixteenth Stotra and a sixteenth Sastra, therefore is it the Sodasin, and that is why the Sodasin has its name. |
yvk.6.6 | In that the Sodasin is drawn, so the sacrificer bestows power and strength upon himself. |
yvk.6.6 | To the gods the world of heaven [1] did not become manifest; they saw this Sodasin, and drew it; then did the world of heaven become manifest to them; in that the Sodasin is drawn, (it serves) for the conquest of the world of heaven. |
yvk.6.6 | Indra was the youngest of the gods, he had recourse to Prajapati, he bestowed on him the Sodasin, he drew it; then indeed did he attain the summit of the gods; he for whom knowing thus the Sodasin [2] is drawn attains the summit of his equals. |
yvk.6.6 | He draws at the morning pressing; the Sodasin is the thunderbolt, the morning pressing is the thunderbolt; verily he draws it from its own birthplace. |
yvk.6.6 | At the third pressing he should draw (it) for one who desires cattle; the Sodasin is the thunderbolt, the third pressing is cattle; verily by means of the thunderbolt he wins for him cattle from the third pressing. |
yvk.6.6 | He should draw (it) for one who desires cattle in the Atiratra; the Sodasin is the thunderbolt; verily having won cattle for him by the thunderbolt, he calms them later with (the Sastras of) the night. |
yvk.6.6 | When the sun is half set, he sets about the Stotra of the Sodasin; in this world Indra slew Vrtra; verily straightway be hurls the bolt against his foe. |
yvk.7.1 | On the second it is the Sodasin; verily he does not leave the Anustubh. |
yvk.7.1 | He recites the Samyana hymns, then recites the Sodasin, that the day may be made firm and be not loose. |
yvk.7.4 | The tenth day has a Sodasin; verily they place strength in the bolt. |
yvk.7.4 | Why do they perform it first? Now in doing so they really perform in order first the Agnistoma, then the Ukthya, then the Sodasin, then the Atiratra, all the forms of sacrifice, and seizing and holding them, they keep drinking the Soma. |