Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 Jul 2011 16:13 and updated at 16 Jul 2011 16:13
yvk.1.8 | He offers a cake on twelve potsherds to Dhatr, to Anumati an oblation, to Raka an oblation, to Sinivali an oblation, to Kuhu an oblation; the sacrificial fee is a pair of cattle. |
yvk.2.4 | There is an oblation to Sinivali; Sinivali is speech, speech is growth; verily he approaches speech and growth. |
yvk.3.1 | p O Sinivali, with broad braids, Who art the sister of the gods, Accept the offering [3] which is made; Reveal, O goddess, offspring unto us. |
yvk.3.1 | q To her that hath fair hands, fair fingers, Prolific, and mother of many, To her the queen Sinivali, Pour the offering. |
yvk.3.3 | r O Sinivali, s The fairhanded. |
yvk.3.4 | He makes Dhatr first; verily he produces pairing with him, Anumati gives approval to him, Raka gives, Sinivali produces, and in offspring when produced by Kuhu he places speech. |
yvk.3.4 | He makes Dhatr first; by him he scatters, Anumati gives approval to him, Raka gives, Sinivali produces, and by Kuhu he establishes offspring when produced. |
yvk.3.4 | Anumati is the Gayatri, Raka the Tristubh, Sinivali the Jagati, Kuhu the Anustubh, Dhatr the Vasat call. |
yvk.3.4 | Raka is the first fortnight, Kuhu the second, Sinivali the new moon (night), Anumati the full moon (night), Dhatr the moon. |
yvk.4.1 | h United by the Vasus, the cunning Rudras, The mud fit for the rite, Making it smooth with her hands, May Sinivali fashion [2] this (pan). |
yvk.4.1 | i Sinivali, of fair braids, Of fair head dress, with fair locks, May she, O Aditi, O great one, Place within thy hands the pan. |
yvk.5.5 | The dappled (deer) is for the All gods; the Pitva, Nyanku, the Kasa, these are (to be offered) to Anumati; the cuckoo is for the half months; the tortoise for the months; the Kvayi, the Kutaru, the gallinule, these are (to be offered) to Sinivali; to Brhaspati the cat. |
yvk.5.6 | To Aditi are (to be offered) three ruddy spotted; to Indrani three black spotted; to Kuhu three red spotted; three calves to Raka; three heifers to Sinivali; the red spotted hornless ones are for Agni and Visnu. |