
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 Jul 2011 16:13 and updated at 16 Jul 2011 16:13


yvk.1.8 He offers a cake on twelve potsherds to Dhatr, to Anumati an oblation, to Raka an oblation, to Sinivali an oblation, to Kuhu an oblation; the sacrificial fee is a pair of cattle.
yvk.2.4 There is an oblation to Sinivali; Sinivali is speech, speech is growth; verily he approaches speech and growth.
yvk.3.1 p O Sinivali, with broad braids, Who art the sister of the gods, Accept the offering [3] which is made; Reveal, O goddess, offspring unto us.
yvk.3.1 q To her that hath fair hands, fair fingers, Prolific, and mother of many, To her the queen Sinivali, Pour the offering.
yvk.3.3 r O Sinivali, s The fairhanded.
yvk.3.4 He makes Dhatr first; verily he produces pairing with him, Anumati gives approval to him, Raka gives, Sinivali produces, and in offspring when produced by Kuhu he places speech.
yvk.3.4 He makes Dhatr first; by him he scatters, Anumati gives approval to him, Raka gives, Sinivali produces, and by Kuhu he establishes offspring when produced.
yvk.3.4 Anumati is the Gayatri, Raka the Tristubh, Sinivali the Jagati, Kuhu the Anustubh, Dhatr the Vasat call.
yvk.3.4 Raka is the first fortnight, Kuhu the second, Sinivali the new moon (night), Anumati the full moon (night), Dhatr the moon.
yvk.4.1 h United by the Vasus, the cunning Rudras, The mud fit for the rite, Making it smooth with her hands, May Sinivali fashion [2] this (pan).
yvk.4.1 i Sinivali, of fair braids, Of fair head dress, with fair locks, May she, O Aditi, O great one, Place within thy hands the pan.
yvk.5.5 The dappled (deer) is for the All gods; the Pitva, Nyanku, the Kasa, these are (to be offered) to Anumati; the cuckoo is for the half months; the tortoise for the months; the Kvayi, the Kutaru, the gallinule, these are (to be offered) to Sinivali; to Brhaspati the cat.
yvk.5.6 To Aditi are (to be offered) three ruddy spotted; to Indrani three black spotted; to Kuhu three red spotted; three calves to Raka; three heifers to Sinivali; the red spotted hornless ones are for Agni and Visnu.

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