Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 Jul 2011 15:54 and updated at 16 Jul 2011 15:54
yvk.1.7 | Agni with one syllable won speech; the Asvins with two syllables won expiration and inspiration; Visnu with three syllables won the three worlds; Soma with four syllables won four footed cattle; Pusan with five syllables won the Parkti; Dhatr with six syllables won the six seasons; the Maruts with seven syllables won the seven footed Sakvari; Brhaspati with eight syllables won the Gayatri; Mitra with nine syllables won the threefold Stoma [1]; Varuna with ten syllables won the Viraj; Indra with eleven syllables won the Tristubh; the All gods with twelve syllables won the Jagati; the Vasus with thirteen syllables won the thirteenfold Stoma; the Rudras with fourteen syllables won the fourteenfold Stoma; the Adityas with fifteen syllables won the fifteenfold Stoma; Aditi with sixteen syllables won the sixteen fold Stoma; Prajapati with seventeen syllables won the seventeenfold Stoma. |
yvk.2.2 | Indra was equal with the gods, he did not attain distinction, he had recourse to Prajapati, for him, he offered this (offering) to Indra on eleven potsherds, and thereby he bestowed power upon him; he makes the Yajya and the Puronuvakya of the Sakvari (metre); the Sakvari is the thunderbolt, the thunderbolt kindled him for prosperity [5], he became prosperous; having become prosperous, be became afraid, (thinking) It shall burn me he had recourse again to Prajapati; Prajapati from the Sakvari fashioned the (verse containing the word) rich for atonement, to prevent burning. |
yvk.2.2 | The (verse containing the word) rich is the Puronuvakya, for atonement, to prevent burning; the Yajya is in the Sakvari (metre) the Sakvari is he thunderbolt, the thunderbolt kindles him for prosperity, he becomes prosperous. |
yvk.2.6 | Kesin Satyakami said to Kesin Darbhya, The seven footed Sakvari I shall use for thee at the sacrifice to morrow, by whose strength one defeats the enemies that have ari en and those that shall be, by the first half of whose strength the ox feeds, by the second half the cow. |
yvk.2.6 | The Puronuvakya is the Gayatri, the Yajya, the Tristubh, and this is the sevenfooted Sakvari. |
yvk.3.2 | The hymn hath been uttered to Indra he says in response at the third pressing; the syllables herein are seven, the Sakvari has seven Padas, the thunder bolt is connected with the Sakvari; verily with the thunderbolt he places the thunderbolt within the third pressing. |
yvk.3.2 | The hymn hath been uttered to Indra he says in response at the third pressing; the syllables herein are seven, the Sakvari has seven Padas, cattle are connected with the Sakvari, the third pressing is connected with the Jagati; verily at the third pressing he produces the metres in the response; now the Jagati is cattle, the third pressing is cattle; verily at the third pressing he bestows cattle upon himself that the Hotr addresses the Adhvaryu, he puts fear in him; if be were not to smite it off [4], they would have fear in his house before the year (was over). |
yvk.4.4 | i May the victorious among quarters, with the Saman, the strong one, The season winter in order make us full; May the great ones, the Sakvari (verses), with favouring winds [8] Aid this sacrifice, full of ghee. |
yvk.4.7 | May the fire for me, the cauldron, the beam, the sun, breath, the horse sacrifice, earth, Aditi, Diti, sky, the Sakvari verses, the fingers, the quarters prosper through the sacrifice; may the Re, the Saman, the hymn tune, the Yajus, consecration, penance, the season, the vow (prosper) through the rain of day and night, the Brhat and Rathantara prosper for me through the sacrifice. |
yvk.5.4 | The Prstha Stotra() is of Sakvari verses to make the horse complete, there are various metres, different sets of animals are offered, both domesticated and wild; in that the Prstha is of Sakvari verses, (it is) to complete the horse. |
yvk.6.1 | The first quarter verse is of seven syllables; the Sakvari is of seven syllables, the Sakvari is cattle; verily he wins cattle. |
yvk.6.1 | The Sakvari has seven feet, the Sakvari is cattle; verily he wins cattle. |
yvk.6.3 | (He should cut one) of seven cubits for one who desires cattle; the Sakvari has seven feet, the Sakvari is cattle; verily he wins cattle. |
yvk.6.4 | He takes with a verse of four feet, he places them thrice, they make up seven, the Sakvari has seven feet, the Sakvari is cattle; verily he wins cattle. |
yvk.7.3 | What by the seventh? The Sakvari with its seven feet. |