Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 Jul 2011 15:43 and updated at 16 Jul 2011 15:43
yvk.1.3 | p The fire moveth entering into the fire, The son of the Rsis, the overlord he; With the cry of Hail! I offer to thee with devotion; Do thou not spoil the share of the gods. |
yvk.1.4 | a Indra his two steeds bear, Him of unequalled strength, To the praises of the Rsis and the sacrifice of men. |
yvk.1.5 | r Thou, O Agni, hast attained the radiance of the sun, the praises of the Rsis, thy beloved abode. |
yvk.2.5 | Praised by the Rsis he says, for the Rsis praised him. |
yvk.2.6 | The Rsis came to the place of sacrifice; they [2] saw the sacrificial cake creeping about, having become a tortoise. |
yvk.3.2 | c To the lord of the sacrifice the Rsis said, By thy sin [1] creatures are famishing and troubled He did not secure the two drops of honey; May Visvakarman unite us with them. |
yvk.3.2 | d Dread are the Rsis; homage be to them, In the union with their eye and mind; To Brhaspati great, real, and glorious reverence; Homage to Visvakarman; may he guard us. |
yvk.3.3 | Prajapati saw the Viraj; by it he created the past and the future; he concealed it from the Rsis; by penance Jamadagni beheld it, and by it he created various delights; that is why the various (cups) have their name. |
yvk.3.4 | (The offering) is of four Saravas in size; verily he finds support in the quarters; it is made in milk; verily he bestows brilliance upon him; he takes it out, to make it cooked; it is full of butter, for purity; four descended from Rsis partake of it; verily he offers in the light of the quarters. |
yvk.3.5 | The Rsis could not see Indra face to face; Vasistha saw him face to face; he said, Holy lore shall I proclaim to you so that people will be propagated with thee as Purohita; therefore do thou proclaim me to the other Rsis. |
yvk.4.1 | a Let the half years, the seasons, increase thee, O Agni, The years, the Rsis, and what truths there are; Shine with thy heavenly lustre, Illuminate all the quarters of the earth. |
yvk.4.3 | d The fourth hath become that of four Stomas, Becoming the two wings of the sacrifice, O Rsis; Yoking the Gayatri, Tristubh, Jagati, and Anustubh, the Brhat, The hymn, they have borne forward this heaven. |
yvk.4.4 | f For the atmosphere may the Rsis firstborn among the gods extend thee with the measure, the breadth, of the sky, and be that is disposer and overlord; let all of them in unison establish thee and the sacrificer on the ridge of the vault, on the world of heaven. |
yvk.4.6 | b Since Visvakarman is mighty in mind, Disposer, ordainer, and highest seer, Their offerings rejoice in food, Where say they is one beyond the seven Rsis. |
yvk.6.3 | By means of the sacrifice the gods went to the world of heaven; they reflected, Men will equal us they blocked the way by the post and went to the world of heaven; the Rsis discerned that (world) by means of the post, and that is why it is called post [7]. |
yvk.6.3 | A Brahman on birth is born with a threefold debt, of pupilship to the Rsis, of sacrifice to the gods, of offspring to the Pitrs. |
yvk.6.5 | It the Rsis discerned by means of the season cups; in that the season cups are drawn, (they serve) to reveal, the world of heaven. |
yvk.7.3 | a Let the sacrifice come forward From yonder over to me, The sacrifice which the Rsis have brought forward. |
yvk.7.5 | They win by the first months what is done by the Rsis and by the gods; n that the Bhutechad Samans are used, both are gained. |