Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 Jul 2011 15:36 and updated at 16 Jul 2011 15:36
yvk.1.8 | a Do I thou mount the kindling (quarter); let the Gayatri of metres help thee; the Trivrt Stoma, the Rathantara Saman, the deity Agni, the treasure the Brahman class. |
yvk.2.3 | In that he offers to Indra of the Rathantara, verily he wins the brilliance of Agni; in that (he offers) to Indra of the Brhat, verily he wins the brilliance of Indra; in that (he offers) to Indra of the Vairupa, verily he wins the brilliance of Savitr [2]; in that (he offers) to Indra of the Vairaja, verily he wins the brilliance of the creator; in that (he offers) to Indra of the Sakvara, verily he wins the brilliance of the Maruts; in that (he offers) to Indra of the Raivata, verily he wins the brilliance of Brhaspati. |
yvk.2.3 | d Let the god Savitr set thee free for life, for living, with the Pavamana Stoma, with the path of the Gayatra Saman(), with the strength of the Upansu Graha(); let the god Savitr set thee free for life, for living, [2] with the Brhat and Rathantara s Stoma with the path of the Tristubh, with the strength of the Sukra Graha(); let the god Savitr set thee free with the measure of Agni, with the path of the Jagati, With the strength of the Agrayana Graha(). |
yvk.2.3 | By the Brhat and Rathantara s Stoma thee he says; verily thereby he besto s force upon him. |
yvk.2.5 | The first he repeats is connected with the Rathantara Saman(), this world is connected with the Rathantara; verily he conquers this world. |
yvk.2.5 | O Agni, come hither for the feast he says; this is the character of the Rathantara. |
yvk.2.6 | The Rathantara is invoked with the earth he says [1]. |
yvk.2.6 | The Rathantara is this (earth); verily he invokes her with food. |
yvk.3.1 | Both the Brhat and the Rathantara Samans() are used. |
yvk.3.1 | The Rathantara is this (earth), the What yonder (sky); verily he cuts him off from these two. |
yvk.3.1 | The Rathantara is to day, the Brhat to morrow; verily he cuts him off from to day and to morrow. |
yvk.3.1 | The Rathantara is the past [2], the Brhat the future; verily he cuts him off from the past and the future. |
yvk.3.1 | The Rathantara is the measured, the Brhat the unmeasured; verily he cuts him off from the measured and the unmeasured. |
yvk.3.1 | b By the Rc make the Soma to prosper, By the Gayatra the Rathantara, The Brhat with the Gayatri for its metre. |
yvk.3.4 | a Thought and thinking, intent and intention, known and knowledge, mind and power, the new and the full moon, the Brhat and the Rathantara. |
yvk.3.5 | a By Agni, the god, I win battles, with the Gayatri metre, the Trivrt Stoma, the Rathantara Saman, the Vasat call, the thunderbolt, I trample under foot my foes born before me, I depress them, I repel them, in this home, in this world of earth; him who hateth us and him whom we hate I step over him with the stride of Visnu. |
yvk.4.1 | i By the Rc make the Stoma to prosper, By the Gayatra the Rathantara, The Brhat with the Gayatri for its metre. |
yvk.4.1 | o Thou art the bird of fair feathers; thy head the Trivrt Stoma(), thy eye the Gayatra, thy breath the Stoma, thy body the Vamadevya Saman, thy wings the Brhat and the Rathantara, thy tail the Yajnayajniya, thy limbs the metres, thy hoofs the altars, thy name the Yajus formulae. |
yvk.4.3 | a This one in front the existent; his, the existent s breath; spring born of the breath; the Gayatri born of the spring; from the Gayatri the Gayatri Saman(); from the Gayatra the Upansu (cup); from the Upansu the Trivrt Stoma(); from the Trivrt the Rathantara; from the Rathantara Vasistha, the Rsi; with thee taken by Prajapati, I take breath for offspring. |
yvk.4.3 | f (Thou art) the course metre; the space metre; the health bringing metre; the overpowering metre; the covering metre; the mind metre; the expanse metre; the river metre; the sea metro; the water metre; the uniting metro; the separating metre; the Brhat metro; the Rathantara metre; the collecting metre; the parting metre; the voices metre; the radiant metro; the Sastubh metre; the Anustubh metre; the Kakubh metre; the Trikakubh metre; the poetic metre; the water metre [2]; the Padapankti metre, the Aksarapahkti metre, the Vistarapankti metre: the razor with strop metre; the enveloping metre; the side metre; the course metre; the space metre; the strength metre; the maker of strength metre; the expansive metre; the conflict metre; the covering metre; the difficult of access metre; the slow metre; the Ankanka metre. |
yvk.4.4 | a Thou art the queen, the eastern quarter; the Vasus, the deities, are thine overlords, Agni stayeth missiles from thee; may the threefold Stoma support thee on earth, may the Ajya hymn establish thee in firmness, the Rathantara Saman be thy support. |
yvk.4.4 | b May the Rathantara with the Samans protect us, The Gayatri with every form of metres, The Trivrt Stoma with the order of the days, The ocean, the wind, make full this strength. |
yvk.4.7 | May the fire for me, the cauldron, the beam, the sun, breath, the horse sacrifice, earth, Aditi, Diti, sky, the Sakvari verses, the fingers, the quarters prosper through the sacrifice; may the Re, the Saman, the hymn tune, the Yajus, consecration, penance, the season, the vow (prosper) through the rain of day and night, the Brhat and Rathantara prosper for me through the sacrifice. |
yvk.5.5 | (He reverences) the wings with the Brhat and the Rathantara; verily he confers might upon him. |
yvk.7.1 | After it the god Agni was created, the Gayatri metre, the Rathantara Saman, of men the Brahman, of cattle the goat; therefore are they the chief, for they were produced from the mouth. |
yvk.7.1 | The Saman on the first day [2] is the Rathantara. |
yvk.7.1 | The Rathantara is this (earth); verily he stands firm on this (earth). |
yvk.7.2 | They proceed with the Brhat and the Rathantara, Samans(). |
yvk.7.2 | The Rathantara, is this (earth), the Brhat is yonder (sky); verily with them do they proceed; verily also in them do they find support. |
yvk.7.2 | In the preceding days they perform the Brhat and the Rathantara. |
yvk.7.2 | The Rathantara is this (earth), the Brhat yonder (sky); verily they depart not from them; verily also in them do they find support. |
yvk.7.2 | (The cup) for Indra and Vayu is connected with the Rathantara Saman(), the fifth day is connected with the Rathantara, and therefore on the fifth day [2] (the cup) for Indra and Vayu is drawn; verily he draws it in its own abode. |
yvk.7.3 | They proceed with the Brhat and the Rathantara Samans(). |
yvk.7.3 | The Rathantara is this (earth), the Brhat yonder (sky); verily with them do they proceed; verily also in them they find support. |
yvk.7.3 | They proceed with the Brhat and the Rathantara Samans(). |
yvk.7.3 | The Rathantara is this (earth), the Brhat yonder (sky); verily with them do they proceed; ver ly also in them they find support. |
yvk.7.3 | They proceed with the Brhat and the Rathantara Samans(). |
yvk.7.3 | The Rathantara is this (earth), the Brhat yonder (sky); verily with them do they proceed, verily also in them they find support. |
yvk.7.4 | They proceed with the Brhat and the Rathantara Samans(). |
yvk.7.4 | The Rathantara, is this (earth), the Brhat yonder (sky); verily with them do they [2] proceed; verily also in them they find support. |
yvk.7.4 | They proceed with the Brhat and the Rathantara. |
yvk.7.4 | The Rathantara is this (world), the Brhat yonder (world); verily they proceed with them; verily also in them they find support. |
yvk.7.4 | They proceed with the Brhat and Rathantara Samans() [2]. |
yvk.7.4 | The Rathantara is this (earth), the Brhat yonder (sky); verily with them do they proceed; verily also in them they find support. |
yvk.7.4 | The Rathantara is used in the day, the Rathantara at night say the theologians, what is used to avoid repetition? The great Saman of Sobhari is used as the Brahmasaman at the third pressing; it they place in the middle, to separate them; verily there is no repetition. |
yvk.7.5 | If they employ the Brhat and the Rathantara Samans, it would be as if they were to provide a boat in the middle of the ocean. |
yvk.7.5 | Going continuously with the Brhat and the Rathantara they obtain support. |
yvk.7.5 | The Rathantara Saman() has the Pancadasa Stoma(); verily they win power. |
yvk.7.5 | To Agni, of the Gayatri (metre), the Trivrt Stoma(), the Rathantara Saman(), the spring (season), (offering is made) on eight potsherds. |