
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 Jul 2011 15:32 and updated at 16 Jul 2011 15:32


yvk.2.3 Rajana Kauneya went to Kratujit Janaki for a cure for eyesight; for him he offered this sacrifice, to Agni, the blazing, a cake on eight potsherds, to Surya an oblation, to Agni, the blazing, a cake on eight potsherds; verily thereby he bestowed sight upon him.
yvk.7.5 He obtained the kingship over them by the Rajana Saman(), and that is why the Rajana has the name.
yvk.7.5 In that there is the Rajana, the sacrificers obtain the kingship over offs ring.

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