Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 Jul 2011 15:32 and updated at 16 Jul 2011 15:32
yvk.1.8 | e Do thou mount the zenith; let the Pankti of metres help thee, the Trinava, and Trayastrinsa Stomas, the Sakvara and Raivata Samans, the deity Brhaspati, the treasure radiance. |
yvk.2.3 | In that he offers to Indra of the Rathantara, verily he wins the brilliance of Agni; in that (he offers) to Indra of the Brhat, verily he wins the brilliance of Indra; in that (he offers) to Indra of the Vairupa, verily he wins the brilliance of Savitr [2]; in that (he offers) to Indra of the Vairaja, verily he wins the brilliance of the creator; in that (he offers) to Indra of the Sakvara, verily he wins the brilliance of the Maruts; in that (he offers) to Indra of the Raivata, verily he wins the brilliance of Brhaspati. |
yvk.4.3 | c This one above, thought; his, thought s, speech; the winter born of speech; the Pankti born of winter; from the Pankti that which has finales; from that which has finales the Agrayana (cup); from the Agrayana the twenty sevenfold and the thirty threefold Stomas(); from the twenty sevenfold and the thirty threefold the Sakvara and Raivata; from the Sakvara and Raivata Visvakarman, the Rsi; with thee taken by Prajapati, I take speech for offspring. |
yvk.4.4 | e Thou art the lady paramount, the great quarter; the Maruts, the deities, are thine overlords [2], Brhaspati stayeth missiles from thee; may the twenty sevenfold and the thirty threefold Stomas secure thee on earth, the Vaisvadeva and the Agnimaruta hymns establish thee in firmness, the Sakvara and Raivata Samans be thy support. |
yvk.7.5 | To Savitr, of the Atichandas (metre), the Trayastrinsa Stoma(), the Raivata Saman(), the cool (season), (offering is made) on twelve potsherds. |