Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 Jul 2011 15:32 and updated at 16 Jul 2011 15:32
yvk.3.3 | x Come breath to us from afar, From the atmosphere, from the sky, Life from the earth; Thou art ambrosia; for breath thee! y May Indra and Agni confer radiance upon me, Radiance (may) Soma and Brhaspati (confer); Radiance on me the All gods, Radiance confer on me, O ye Asvins. |
yvk.5.3 | Radiance, the twenty twofold (with these wo ds he puts down) on the west; in that there are twenty, thereby there are two Viraj verses; in that there are two there is support; verily in order he finds support in the Viraj verses and in the eating of food. |