Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 Jul 2011 15:26 and updated at 16 Jul 2011 15:26
yvk.2.3 | Him who desires power [1], desires strength, he should make him sacrifice with this (offering) with all the Prsthas; verily he has recourse to these deities with their own share; verily they bestow upon him power and strength. |
yvk.5.3 | The sitters on the vault are the collected brilliance of the Prstha Stotras(); in that he puts down the sitters on the vault [1], verily he wins the brilliance of the Prsthas. |
yvk.5.5 | He pays reverence with the Prstha Stotras(); the Prsthas are brilliance; verily he confers brilliance upon him. |
yvk.6.6 | The Atigrahyas are the support of the sacrifice, the Prsthas are the two wheels, if he were not to. |
yvk.6.6 | draw them in the Prsthya (rite), the Prsthas would destroy the sacrifice in front; if he were to draw them in the Ukthya [1], the Atigrahyas would destroy the sacrifice behind; but they should be drawn in the Visvajit with all the Prsthas, so that the sacrifice may have all its strength. |
yvk.7.2 | (The rite) of six nights is a Sattra of the gods, for these Prsthas are obvious. |
yvk.7.2 | (The rite) is of six nights; the seasons are six, the Prsthas are six [1]; verily by the Prsthas they mount the seasons, by the seasons the year; verily in the year they find support. |
yvk.7.2 | There is a Visvajit Atiratra with all the Prsthas, to conquer all. |
yvk.7.2 | If they were in the preceding days to perform the Prsthas in the obvious way, and similarly in the Visvajit [2], the last day would be as when one sits down to a cow which has already been milked; it would not be good enough for even a single night (rite). |
yvk.7.2 | In that they perform the Prsthas in the Visvajit in the obvious manner, it is as when one milks a cow which is ready to give. |
yvk.7.2 | There is a Visvajit Atiratra with all the Prsthas, to conquer all. |
yvk.7.2 | There is an Atiratra Visvajit with all the Prsthas, for supremacy. |
yvk.7.2 | There is a Prsthya Sadaha; the seasons are six, the Prsthas are six; verily by the Prsthas they mount upon the seasons, by the seasons upon the year; verily in the year they find support. |
yvk.7.3 | In that the Prsthas are performed in succession [1], they conquer by them yonder world. |
yvk.7.3 | In that the Prsthas are reversed, they conquer by them this world. |
yvk.7.3 | The Adityas mounted the world of heaven with the Prsthas; they arranged the cattle in this world with the two Tryahas. |
yvk.7.3 | By means of the Prsthas the Adityas prospered in yonder world, the cattle in this world by the Tryahas [1]. |
yvk.7.3 | Those who, knowing thus, perform (the rite of) fourteen nights, prosper in both worlds, in this and in yonder; by the Prsthas they prosper in yonder world and by the Tryahas in this world. |
yvk.7.3 | If the Prsthas were on one side, there would be a lack of balance; the Prsthas are in the middle, for balance [2]. |
yvk.7.3 | The Prsthas are force and strength; verily they place force and strength in the middle. |
yvk.7.3 | They mount the world of heaven turning away (from earth), who perform the Prsthas in succession. |
yvk.7.3 | The gods they win by the Prsthas, the cattle by the Chandomas. |
yvk.7.3 | The Prsthas are force and strength, the strength, and in cattle, they Chandomas cattle; verily in force and find support. |
yvk.7.3 | If the Prsthas were on one side, there would be a lack of balance; the Prsthas are in the middle, for balance. |
yvk.7.3 | The Prsthas are force and strength; verily they place force and strength in the middle. |
yvk.7.3 | They mount the world of heaven turning away (from earth), who perform the Prsthas in succession. |
yvk.7.3 | The gods they win by the Prsthas, the cattle by the Chandomas. |
yvk.7.3 | The Prsthas are force and strength, the Chandomas cattle; verily in force and strength, and in cattle, they find support. |
yvk.7.3 | If the Prsthas were on one side there would be a lack of balance; the Prsthas are in the middle, for balance. |
yvk.7.3 | The Prsthas are force and strength; verily they place force and strength in the middle. |
yvk.7.3 | They mount the world of heaven turning away (from earth), who perform the Prsthas in succession. |
yvk.7.3 | The gods surrounded it with the Prsthas and removed it to the world of heaven. |
yvk.7.3 | They surrounded it from above with the Para Samans(), and with the Prsthas they descended (from heaven). |
yvk.7.3 | In that there are Prsthas the sacrificers go by them to the world of heaven; they surround it from below with the Para Samans(), and by the Divakirtya Saman() find support [1] in the world of heaven. |
yvk.7.3 | They surround it from above with the Para Samans(), and descend with the Prsthas. |
yvk.7.3 | In that the Prsthas are in succession, they mount upon yonder world with them. |
yvk.7.3 | In that the Prsthas are reversed they descend to this world with them; verily also they find support in this world, for sanity. |
yvk.7.4 | The gods they win by the Prsthas, the cattle by the Chandomas. |
yvk.7.4 | The Prsthas are force and strength, the Chandomas cattle; verily in force and strength, and in cattle they find support. |
yvk.7.4 | There are three Trayastrinsas before, and three Trayastrinsas behind; verily with Trayastrinsas on either hand they strike off the evil of misfortune and in the middle reach the conclave of the gods [2], for the conclave of the gods is the Prsthas. |
yvk.7.4 | The Prsthas go onwards, the Chandomas go onwards; with both forms they go to the world of heaven. |
yvk.7.4 | The gods they win by the Prsthas, the cattle by the C andomas. |
yvk.7.4 | The Prsthas are force and strength, the Chandomas cattle [3]; verily in force and strength and in cattle they find support. |
yvk.7.4 | There are three Trayastrinsas before, and three Trayastrinsas behind; in the middle there are the Prsthas. |
yvk.7.4 | The Trayastrinsas are the breast, the Prsthas the breath; verily thus the sacrificers don a protection for the breath, to avoid injury. |
yvk.7.4 | They mount the world of heaven turning away (from earth) who perform the Prsthas in succession. |
yvk.7.4 | The seasons are six, the Prsthas are six; verily by the Prsthas they reach the seasons, with the seasons the year; verily; the year [2] they find support. |
yvk.7.4 | From the Caturvinsa they go to the Prsthas. |
yvk.7.4 | It has all the Prsthas, for the conquest of all. |
yvk.7.4 | The gods they win by the Prsthas, the cattle by the Chandomas. |
yvk.7.4 | The Prsthas are force and strength, the Chandomas cattle; verily in force [2] and strength they find support. |
yvk.7.4 | Six are the seasons, six the Prsthas; verily by the Prsthas they mount upon the seasons, by the seasons upon the year; verily in the year they find support. |
yvk.7.5 | Month by month they perform the Prsthas, month by month the Atigrahyas are drawn; verily in each month they place strength, for the support of the months. |
yvk.7.5 | They perform the Prsthas in the atter part of the month. |
yvk.7.5 | They say, In the case of a cow which they milk thrice a day, she yields sparingly at the latter two milkings; how then can she be milked who is twelve times milked? Having made up the year, they should perform the Prsthas once in the last month; verily the sacrificers win the sacrifice and cattle. |
yvk.7.5 | They first use the Jagati, and the metres descend from the Jagati, the cups from the Agrayana, the Prsthas from the Brhat, the Stomas from the Trayastrinsa. |
yvk.7.5 | It must be piled with the seasons, the metres, the Stomas, and the Prsthas they say. |
yvk.7.5 | In that he casts these oblations, he piles it with the seasons, the metres, the Stomas, and the Prsthas. |