Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 Jul 2011 15:23 and updated at 16 Jul 2011 15:23
yvk.1.4 | a Prosperity to day, O Savitr, prosperity to morrow, Day by day prosperity mayst thou procure for us; Through this prayer may be won the prosperity Of many a prosperous dwelling, O god. |
yvk.2.2 | k Prosperity to day, O Savitr prosperity to morrow, Day by day prosperity mayst thou procure for us; Through this prayer may we win the prosperity Of many a prosperous dwelling, O god. |
yvk.4.2 | s With prosperity may our ploughs cleave the ground, With prosperity may the ploughers go round the yokes; Prosperity (may) Parjanya (give) with honey and milk, And do ye, O Suna and Sira, accord prosperity to us. |
yvk.4.3 | f Prosperity for us from sky, O Agni, from earth, With full life do thou procure, O god, for worship; That splendid thing, O sky born, which we ask, Do thou bestow upon us that radiant wealth. |