Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 Jul 2011 06:17 and updated at 16 Jul 2011 06:17
yvk.2.3 | d Let the god Savitr set thee free for life, for living, with the Pavamana Stoma, with the path of the Gayatra Saman(), with the strength of the Upansu Graha(); let the god Savitr set thee free for life, for living, [2] with the Brhat and Rathantara s Stoma with the path of the Tristubh, with the strength of the Sukra Graha(); let the god Savitr set thee free with the measure of Agni, with the path of the Jagati, With the strength of the Agrayana Graha(). |
yvk.2.3 | With the Pavamana Stoma thee he says; verily thereby he bestows breath upon him. |
yvk.2.6 | By thee, O Soma Pavamana, our ancient fathers Wisely ordained the offerings; Conquering, untroubled, do thou open the barriers; Be generous to us in heroes and horses [1]. |
yvk.3.2 | He who sacrifices knowing the ascent verses of the Pavamana Stotras() mounts on the Pavamanas and is not cut off from the Pavamanas. |
yvk.3.2 | He who knows the continuity of the Pavamana lives all his days; he does not die before his time; be becomes rich in cattle; he obtains offspring. |
yvk.3.2 | The Pavamana cups are drawn off, but these are not drawn off by him, the wooden vessel, the stirring vessel, and the vessel which holds the purified Soma. |
yvk.3.2 | If he were to begin (the Stotra) without drawing them off, he would split the Pavamana [2], and with its being split the breath of the Adhvaryu would be split. |
yvk.3.2 | Thou art taken with a support; to Prajapati thee! (with these words) he should rub the wooden vessel; to Indra thee! (with these words) the stirring vessel; to the All gods thee! (with these words) the vessel which holds the purified Soma verily he renders continuous the Pavamana, he lives all his days; he does not die before his time; he becomes rich in cattle; he obtains offspring. |
yvk.7.1 | The Pavamana Stomas() which are twenty fourfold are splendour [1]; the increasing Stomas are prosperity. |