Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 Jul 2011 06:10 and updated at 16 Jul 2011 06:10
yvk.1.5 | Now he who removes the fire is the slayer of the hero among the gods; Brahmans desirous of holiness did not aforetime eat his food; the Yajyas and Anuvakyas are in the Pankti metre; the sacrifice is fivefold, man is fivefold; verily making recompense to the gods for the hero he re establishes the fire [1]. |
yvk.1.8 | e Do thou mount the zenith; let the Pankti of metres help thee, the Trinava, and Trayastrinsa Stomas, the Sakvara and Raivata Samans, the deity Brhaspati, the treasure radiance. |
yvk.2.3 | These are curds, honey, ghee, waters, and parched grain; that is the form of cattle; verily by their form he wins cattle; there are five takings, for cattle are fivefold; I it is of many forms, for cattle are of many forms [8], (verily it serves) for completion; it is offered to Prajapati; cattle are connected with Prajapati; verily Prajapati produces cattle for him; honey is the body of man; in that he offers honey on the fire, verily thus the sacrificer places his body in the fire; the Yajya and the Anuvakya are in the Pankti metre, man is fivefold, cattle are fivefold; verily ransoming his body from death he wins cattle. |
yvk.3.1 | The Asvins are the deity, Pankti the metre, thou art the vessel of the Asvins. |
yvk.3.5 | The Yajya and the Anuvakya are in the Pankti metre the sacrifice is fivefold; verily thereby he does not depart from the sacrifice. |
yvk.4.1 | p Let Aditi seize thy hole with the Pankti metre, in the manner of Angiras. |
yvk.4.3 | d The metro the Gayatri; the metre the Tristubh; the metro the Jagati; the metre the Anustubh; the metre the Pankti. |
yvk.4.3 | c This one above, thought; his, thought s, speech; the winter born of speech; the Pankti born of winter; from the Pankti that which has finales; from that which has finales the Agrayana (cup); from the Agrayana the twenty sevenfold and the thirty threefold Stomas(); from the twenty sevenfold and the thirty threefold the Sakvara and Raivata; from the Sakvara and Raivata Visvakarman, the Rsi; with thee taken by Prajapati, I take speech for offspring. |
yvk.4.3 | a (Thou art) the calf of eighteen months in strength, the Tristubh metre; the two year old in strength, the Viraj metre; the two and a half year old in strength, the Gayatri metre; the three year old in strength, the Usnih metre; the four year old in strength, the Anustubh metre; the draught ox in strength, the Brhati metre; the bull in strength, the Satobrhati metre; the bullock in strength, the Kakubh metre; the milch cow in strength, the Jagati metre; the beast of burden in strength, the Pankti metre; the goat in strength, the spacious metre; the ram in strength, the slow metre; the tiger in strength, the unassailable metre; the lion in strength, the covering metre; the support in strength, the overlord metre; the lordly power in strength, the delight giving metre; the all creating in strength, the supreme lord metro; the head in strength, the Prajapati metre. |
yvk.4.3 | a (Thou art) Ma metre, Prama metre, Pratima metre, Asrivis metre, Pankti metre, Usnih metre, Brhati metre, Anustubh metre, Viraj metre, Gayatri metre, Tristubh metre, Jagati metre. |
yvk.5.2 | a May the Gayatri, the Tristubh, the Jagati, The Anustubh, with the Pankti, The Brhati, the Usnih, and the Kakubh, Pierce thee with needles. |
yvk.5.4 | To him that sits in man hail! (with these words) he pours butter on; verily with the Pankti and the offering he takes hold of the beginning of the sacrifice. |
yvk.5.5 | With the upright quarter I place thee, with the Pankti metre, with Brhaspati as the deity, with the back of Agni I put down the back of Agni. |
yvk.5.7 | With a Gayatri (verse) addressed to Agni should he stroke the first layer; with a Tristubh the second; with a Jagati the third; with an Anustubh the fourth; with a Pankti the fifth; verily he piles the fire according to the deity. |
yvk.5.7 | b O Agni, to day (with these words) he offers with a Pankti verse, and by the Pankti and the libation he grasps the beginning of the sacrifice. |
yvk.5.7 | In the east he puts down a Gayatri, a Tristubh on the south, a Jagati on the west, an Anustubh on the north, a Pankti in the middle; this is the fire with faces on all sides: he, who knowing thus piles it, eats food in all his offspring, conquers all the quarters; verily also he weaves quarter in quarter; therefore quarter is woven in quarter. |
yvk.6.1 | Five times he anoints; the Pankti has five syllables, the sacrifice is fivefold; verily he obtains the sacrifice. |
yvk.6.1 | He purifies (him) with five stalks [7]; the Pankti has five syllables, the sacrifice is fivefold; verily he purifies him by the sacrifice. |
yvk.6.1 | He is not consecrated by one oblation they say; verily he offers four with the dipping ladle for consecration; the fifth he offers with the offering ladle; the Pankti has five syllables, the sacrifice is fivefold; verily he wins the sacrifice. |
yvk.6.1 | Now the Pankti is of five elements, the sacrifice is fivefold; verily he wins the sacrifice. |
yvk.6.1 | The Pankti has five syllables, the sacrifice is fivefold; verily he wins the sacrifice. |
yvk.6.2 | The Pankti has five syllables, the sacrifice is fivefold; verily he wins the sacrifice. |
yvk.6.2 | Then again the Pankti has five syllables, the sacrifice is fivefold; verily he wins the sacrifice. |
yvk.6.2 | He sprinkles five times; the Pankti has five syllables, the sacrifice is fivefold; verily he wins the sacrifice. |
yvk.6.3 | He should cut one of five cubits for him of whom he desires, May the higher sacrifice condescend to him the Pankti has five syllables, the sacrifice is fivefold, the higher sacrifice condescends to him [5]. |
yvk.6.4 | For one who desires brilliance he should conclude with a Gayatri verse, for one who desires power with a Tristubh verse, for one who desires cattle with a Jagati verse, for one who desires support with an Anustubh verse, for one who desires the sacrifice with a Pankti verse, for one who desires food with a Viraj verse. |
yvk.6.4 | Five times he measures with the text [1]; the Pankti has five syllables, the sacrifice is fivefold, verily he wins the sacrifice. |
yvk.7.1 | Again the Pankti has five elements, the sacrifice is fivefold; verily he wins the sacrifice. |
yvk.7.1 | e With the Angirases, the gods, as deity, with the Pankti metre, I yoke thee; with the winter and cool seasons as oblation I consecrate thee. |
yvk.7.3 | What by the fifth? The Pankti with its elements. |
yvk.7.3 | Again the Pankti is of five elements, the sacrifice is fivefold; verily they win the sacrifice. |
yvk.7.4 | Again the Pankti has five syllables, the sacrifice is fivefold; verily they win the sacrifice. |
yvk.7.5 | For entry, for rest, for the overcoming, of the Gayatri, of the Tristubh, of the Jagati, of the Anustubh, of the Pankti, hail! Entry and rest are the metres; verily by the metres [1], he takes away their metres. |
yvk.7.5 | To Brhaspati, of the Pankti (metre), the Trinava Stoma(), the Sakvara Saman(), the winter (season), an oblation (is made). |