
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 16 Jul 2011 06:00 and updated at 16 Jul 2011 06:00


yvk.1.6 b By sacrifice to the god Narasansa, may I be possessed of cattle.
yvk.1.7 By sacrifice to the god Narasansa, may I be possessed of cattle he says; by Narasansa Prajapati created cattle; verily he creates cattle.
yvk.1.8 h Mind let us summon hither With the praise of Narasansa And the reverence of the Pitrs.
yvk.3.2 g Of thee, O god Soma, who hast the Vasus for thy troop, who knowest the mind, who belongest to the first pressing, who hast the Gayatri as thy metre, who art drunk by Indra, who art drunk by Narasansa, who art drunk by the fathers, who hast sweetness, and who art invited, I invited eat.
yvk.3.2 h Of thee, O god Soma, who hast the Rudras for thy troop, who knowest the mind, who belongest to the midday pressing, who hast the Tristubh for thy metre, who art drunk by Indra, who art drunk by Narasansa [2], who art drunk by the fathers, who hast sweetness, and who art invited, I invited eat.
yvk.3.2 i Of thee, O god Soma, who hast the Adityas for thy troop, who knowest the heart, who belongest to the third pressing, who hast the Jagati for thy metre, who art drunk by Indra, who art drunk by Narasansa, who art drunk by the fathers, who hast sweetness, and who art invited, I invited eat.
yvk.4.1 c With mead thou attainest the sacrifice, Delighting, as Narasansa, O Agni, The kindly god Savitr, with every boon.

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