
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 15 Jul 2011 12:07 and updated at 15 Jul 2011 12:07


yvk.4.5 b The Bhavas in this great ocean, The atmosphere c The Sarvas of black necks, and white throats, Who wander below on the earth d The Rudras who abide in the sky, Of black necks and white throats e Those who of black necks and ruddy, Grass green, are in the trees f The overlords of creatures, Without top knot, with braided hair g Those that assault men in their food And in their cups as they drink h Those that guard the paths, Bearing food, warriors i Those that resort to fords [1], With spears and quivers k The Rudras that so many and yet more Occupy the quarters, their bows we unstring At a thousand leagues.

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