Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 15 Jul 2011 11:51 and updated at 15 Jul 2011 11:51
yvk.1.6 | a Let the Dhruva swell with ghee, For each sacrifice for the worshippers; In the udder of the sun maiden, in the lap of Aditi, Broad streamed be the earth at this sacrifice. |
yvk.1.7 | Through the emptying of the Dhruva the sacrifice is emptied, through the sacrifice the sacrificer, through the sacrificer offspring. |
yvk.1.7 | Through the swelling of the Dhruva, the sacrifice is made to swell, through the sacrifice the sacrificer, through the sacrificer offspring. |
yvk.1.7 | Let the Dhruva swell with ghee he says; verily he makes the Dhruva to swell; through its swelling the sacrifice is made to swell, through the sacrifice the sacri ficer, throuo h the sacrificer offspring. |
yvk.2.6 | (With the words), Thou art firm (dhr va) he strokes it; the Dhruva is this (earth); verily he finds support in it, and shivers not. |
yvk.3.5 | Prajapati sacrificed; where the oblation found support, thence sprung the Vikankata; there he created offspring; the oblation of him whose Dhruva, is made of Vikankata, wood finds rest; verily he is propagated. |
yvk.4.7 | May the Amsu cup for me, the Rasmi, the Adabhya, the overlord (cup), the Upansu, the Antaryama, the (cup) for Indra and Vayu, the (cup) for Mitra and Varuna, the (cup) for the Asvins, the Pratiprasthana (cup) the Sukra, the Manthin, the Agrayana, the (cup) for the All gods, the Dhruva, the (cup) for Vaisvanara, the season cups [1], the Atigrahyas, the (cup) for Indra and Agni, the (cup) for the All gods, the (cups) for the Maruts, the (cup) for Mahendra, the (cup) for Aditya, the (cup) for Savitr the (cup) for Sarasvati, the (cup) for Pusan, the (cup) for Tvastr() with the wives (of the gods), the Hariyojana (cup) (prosper for me through the sacrifice). |
yvk.6.5 | The Dhruva (cup) is the life of the sacrifice; it is drawn the last of the cups; therefore life is the last of the breaths. |
yvk.6.5 | The other cups that are drawn make a half, the Dhruva makes a half; therefore [1] the breath below is a half of the other breaths. |
yvk.6.5 | The other cups are deposited on strewn (ground), the Dhruva on unstrewn; therefore in bone some creatures find support, in flesh others. |
yvk.6.5 | The Asuras from above desired to turn round the earth; the gods made it firm (adrnhan) with the Dhruva; that is why the Dhruva has its name; in that the Dhruva is set down from above, (it serves) for firmness. |
yvk.6.5 | The Dhruva is the life of the sacrifice, the Hotr is the body; in that he pours the Dhruva down into the goblet of the Hotr, so he places life in the body of the sacrifice [2]. |