
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 15 Jul 2011 11:20 and updated at 15 Jul 2011 11:20


yvk.1.4 a Prosperity to day, O Savitr, prosperity to morrow, Day by day prosperity mayst thou procure for us; Through this prayer may be won the prosperity Of many a prosperous dwelling, O god.
yvk.2.2 k Prosperity to day, O Savitr prosperity to morrow, Day by day prosperity mayst thou procure for us; Through this prayer may we win the prosperity Of many a prosperous dwelling, O god.
yvk.3.4 [5] law of thine, as men, O god Varuna, Day by day we transgress.
yvk.5.7 Day with the flesh; night with the fat; the waters with the juice; ghee with the sap; ice with the fat (vsa); hail with the rheum of the eyes; with tears hoar frost; sky with the form; the Naksatras with the shadow; earth with the hide; the skin with the skin; to it brought up hail! To it slaughtered hail! To it offered hail!
yvk.7.1 The One Day Sacrifices

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