Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 15 Jul 2011 11:17 and updated at 15 Jul 2011 11:17
yvk.1.5 | He establishes with Darbha grass, for variety. |
yvk.1.5 | He establishes with Darbha; verily winning it from the waters and the plants he establishes it. |
yvk.5.6 | He offers on a blade of Darbha grass |
yvk.6.1 | Of the waters what was fit for sacrifice, pure, and divine, that went out of the waters, and became Darbha grass. |
yvk.6.1 | In that he purifies (the sacrificer) with bunches of Darbha grass, verily he purifies him with the waters which are fit for sacrifice, pure, and divine. |
yvk.6.2 | He plucked out a bunch of Darbha grass, pierced the seven hills, and smote him. |