
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 15 Jul 2011 11:15 and updated at 15 Jul 2011 11:15


yvk.1.5 I Of Dadhikravan have I sung, The swift strong horse; May he make our mouths fragrant; May he lengthen our days.
yvk.1.7 m After him as he hasteneth in triumphant speed Bloweth the wind as after the wing of the bird, Of the impetuous eagle, (after him) Dadhikravan, As in his might he crosseth the winding ways.
yvk.2.2 He who is calumniated should offer on twelve potsherds to Vaisvanara, an oblation to Varuna, and an oblation to Dadhikravan; in that there is (an offering) on twelve potsherds to Vaisvanara, and Agni Vaisvanara is the year; verily he satisfies him with the year, he smites off the evil hue; by (the offering) to Varuna he frees him from the noose of Varuna; by Dadhikravan he purifies him.
yvk.2.2 [1] unpropitiated burns up the womb of offspring, of cattle, for him who being fit for offspring does not obtain offspring; in that there is (an offering) on twelve potsherds for Vaisvanara, and Agni Vaisvanara is the year; verily he propitiates the year with its own share; it propitiated begets offspring for him from his own womb; by (the offering) to Varuna he frees him from the noose of Varuna; by Dadhikravan he purifies him.
yvk.7.4 q Dadhikravan have I sung, The swift strong horse.

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