
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 15 Jul 2011 11:09 and updated at 15 Jul 2011 11:09


yvk.1.3 k Thee that art winner of Brahmans, winner of nobles, winner of fair offspring, winner of increase of wealth, I close in.
yvk.1.3 l Strengthen the Brahmans, strengthen the nobles, strengthen offspring, strengthen increase of wealth.
yvk.1.3 m Thee that art winner of Brahmans, winner of nobles, winner of fair offspring, winner of increase of wealth, I close in.
yvk.1.3 n Strengthen the Brahmans, strengthen the nobles, strengthen offspring, strengthen increase of wealth, o Thou art invested; lot the clans of the gods invest thee; let increase of wealth, let (the clans) of men invest the sacrificer here.
yvk.1.5 Now he who removes the fire is the slayer of the hero among the gods; Brahmans desirous of holiness did not aforetime eat his food; the Yajyas and Anuvakyas are in the Pankti metre; the sacrifice is fivefold, man is fivefold; verily making recompense to the gods for the hero he re establishes the fire
yvk.1.5 The Brahmans aforetime feared its not dawning; verily he wins the dawn.
yvk.1.6 [2] The praisers hymn thy praise; The Brahmans raise thee, 0 Satakratu, like a pole.
yvk.1.6 s The Anus have wrought a chariot for thy steed; Tvastr a glorious bolt, O thou invoked of many; The Brahmans magnifying Indra with their praises Have strengthened him for the slaying of the serpent.
yvk.1.7 The gods who receive offering secretly, he thus offers to them in sacrifice; in that he brings the Anvaharya mess the Brahmans are the gods openly them he verily delights.
yvk.1.8 d This is your king, O Bharatas; Soma is the king of us Brahmans.
yvk.1.8 h This is your king, O Bharatas; Soma is the king of us Brahmans.
yvk.1.8 A hundred Brahmans drink.
yvk.2.2 He who removes the fire is the slayer of the hero among the gods; formerly righteous Brahmans did not eat his food; he should offer to Agni on eight potsherds, to Vaisvanara on twelve potsherds, when he is about to remove the fire; in that there is (an offering) on eight potsherds, the Gayatri has eight syllables, Agni is connected with the Gayatri; to Agni in his full extent he shows hospitality; verily also that is as when one makes preparation for a man about to go to (another) people
yvk.2.3 Soma is full of life; he is (full) through the plants; the sacrifice is full of life; it is (full) through the sacrificial fees; the Brahman is full of life; that is full of life through the Brahmans; the gods are full of life; they are (full of life) through the ambrosia; the Pitrs are full of life; they are full of life through the Svadha call with this life I make thee full of life.
yvk.2.3 o Troop lord of troops we invoke thee, Sage of sages, most famous; Highest king of Brahmans, O lord of prayer, Hearkening to us with help do thou sit on thy place.
yvk.2.6 Then they say, The metres are the Brahmans verily he sa rifices to them.
yvk.3.1 Wherein aforetime all the gods rejoiced he says, for all the gods delight in it, in that the Brahmans so do.
yvk.3.5 The highest Brahmans have proclaimed these before; they have therefore won all the quarters.
yvk.4.1 c These Brahmans, O Agni, choose thee; Be thou propitious, O Agni
yvk.4.2 n May the Adityas, the Rudras, the Vasus, kindle thee again; The Brahmans again with offerings, O bringer of wealth; With ghee do thou increase our bodies; May the wishes of the sacrificer become true.
yvk.4.6 k The Brahmans
yvk.5.3 (The verse) contains a word connected with Savitr; (verily it serves) for instigation; therefore is their gain produced in the north for Brahmans.
yvk.5.7 If there is any butter left over, in it he should cook a mess for the Brahmans, four Brahmans should eat it; the Brahman is Agni Vaisvanara, Vaisvanara, is the form dear to Agni; verily he establishes it in his dear form.
yvk.5.7 [3] in our Brahmans, Place brilliance in our princes, Brilliance in Visyas and Sudras; With thy flame grant me brilliance.
yvk.6.2 Thee that art winner of Brahmans, winner of nobles he says; that is according to the text.
yvk.6.3 Thee that art winner of Brahmans, winner of nobles he says that is according to the text.
yvk.7.3 I summon the Brahmans, the priests, the gods, With the brilliance of thee, the sacrifice, O offering.

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