
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 15 Jul 2011 10:22 and updated at 15 Jul 2011 10:22


yvk.1.6 Prajapati created the sacrifices, the Agnihotra, the Agnistoma, the full moon sacrifice, the Ukthya, the new moon sacrifice and the Atiratra.
yvk.1.6 These he meted out; the Agnistoma was the size of the Agnihotra, the Ukthya that of the full moon sacrifice, the Atiratra that of the new moon sacrifice.
yvk.1.6 [1] he who knowing thus offers the new moon sacrifice obtains as much as by offering the Atiratra.
yvk.3.1 If the Soma (sacrifice) on the other side is an Agnistoma, he should perform an Ukthya; if it is an Ukthya, he should perform an Atiratra; verily by means of rites of sacrifice he appropriates his deities; he becomes better.
yvk.5.4 The last da is an Atiratra with all the Stomas, to obtain all, to conquer all; verily he obtains all, he conquers all with it.
yvk.6.4 If it is an Agnistoma, he makes a libation; if an Ukthya, he rubs (butter) on the enclosing sticks; if it is an Atiratra, he goes forward uttering a text, to distinguish the sacrifices.
yvk.6.6 He should draw (it) for one who desires cattle in the Atiratra; the Sodasin is the thunderbolt; verily having won cattle for him by the thunderbolt, he calms them later with (the Sastras of) the night.
yvk.7.1 The second day is an Atiratra with all the Stomas, that he may obtain all and win all.
yvk.7.1 He caused sacrifice to be made by the Adityas with the Atiratra.
yvk.7.1 Therefore in the three night rite, the first day should be an Agnistoma, then an Ukthya, then an Atiratra, for the separation of these worlds.
yvk.7.1 There is a Visvajit Atiratra, with all the Prstha Stotras(), for the winning of all.
yvk.7.2 There is a Visvajit Atiratra with all the Prsthas, to conquer all.
yvk.7.2 There is a Visvajit Atiratra with all the Prsthas, to conquer all.
yvk.7.2 There is an Atiratra Visvajit with all the Prsthas, for supremacy.
yvk.7.2 There is an Atiratra with the form of light; verily they place light before them, to reveal the world of heaven.
yvk.7.2 The theologians say, The sacrifices have Agnistomas at the beginning; why then is Atiratra first employed? The two Atiratras are the eyes of the sacrifice, the two Agnistomas the pupils; if
yvk.7.2 [1] they were to employ the Agnistoma first, they would put the pupils outside; therefore the Atiratra is employed first; verily having inserted the eyes of the sacrifice they put the pupils in them.
yvk.7.3 The first Atiratra is the expiration, the second cross breathing, the third inspiration; verily they find support in expiration, inspiration, out breathing, and food, and reach their full life, who knowing thus perform (the rite) of thirteen nights.
yvk.7.3 They would cleave it if they put an Atiratra in the middle, and the speech of the householder would be liable to fail.
yvk.7.3 c May the Agnistoma, come to me, and the Ukthya; May the nocturnal Atiratra come to me.
yvk.7.4 The Atiratra is light, for the lighting up of the world of heaven.
yvk.7.4 There is a Jyotistoma Atiratra, for the revealing of the world of heaven.
yvk.7.4 These nights form two rows, the sacrificers are the Visvajit, the first are sixteen with the Atiratra, the second are sixteen with the Atiratra.
yvk.7.4 The Atiratra is light
yvk.7.4 The theologians say, The Atiratra is the highest of the forms of sacrifice.
yvk.7.4 Why do they perform it first? Now in doing so they really perform in order first the Agnistoma, then the Ukthya, then the Sodasin, then the Atiratra, all the forms of sacrifice, and seizing and holding them, they keep drinking the Soma.
yvk.7.5 The former Atiratra is this (earth), the latter is yonder (sky); the former is mind, the latter speech; the former expiration, the latter inspiration; the former the commencement, the latter the end.
yvk.7.5 The Atiratra is a Jyotistoma, of Vaisvanara; verily they put light before them, to reveal the world of heaven.

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