Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 15 Jul 2011 10:09 and updated at 15 Jul 2011 10:09
yvk.1.6 | h Thou art the step of Visnu, smiter of the hostile one; with the Anustubh metre I stop across the quarters; excluded is he whom we hate. |
yvk.1.7 | Thou art the step of Visnu, smiting imprecations he says; the earth is the Gayatri, the atmosphere is connected with the Tristubh, the sky is the Jagati, the quarters are connected with the Anustubh; verily by the metres he wins these worlds in order. |
yvk.1.8 | d Do thou mount the northern (quarter); let the Anustubh of metres help thee |
yvk.2.5 | He should repeat thirty two, for one who desires support; the Anustubh has thirty two syllables, the Anustubh is the support of the etres; (verily thirty two serve) for support. |
yvk.3.1 | Brhaspati is the deity, Anustubh the metre, thou art the vessel of Mitra and Varuna. |
yvk.3.4 | Anumati is the Gayatri, Raka the Tristubh, Sinivali the Jagati, Kuhu the Anustubh, Dhatr the Vasat call. |
yvk.3.4 | [6] the Gayatri has eight syllables; the Rudras are eleven, the Tristubh has eleven syllables; the Adityas are twelve, the Jagati has twelve syllables, the Anustubh is Prajapati, the Vasat call Dhatr. |
yvk.4.1 | With the Anustubh metre I grasp thee in the manner of Angiras. |
yvk.4.1 | f For health I unite thee, for offspring; may the All gods, common to all men, unite thee with the Anustubh metre, in the manner of Angiras. |
yvk.4.1 | Thou art the sky; may the All gods, common to all men, fashion thee with the Anustubh metre, in the manner of Angiras. |
yvk.4.1 | a May the Vasus fumigate thee with the Gayatri metre, in the manner of Angiras; may the Rudras fumigate thee with the Tristubh metre, in the manner of Angiras; may the Adityas fumigate thee with the Jagati metre, in the manner of Angiras; may the All gods, common to all men, fumigate thee with the Anustubh metre, in the manner of Angiras; may Indra fumigate thee in the manner of Angiras; may Visnu fumigate thee in the manner of Angiras; may Varuna fumigate thee in the manner of Angiras. |
yvk.4.1 | l May the Vasus fill thee with the Gayatri metre, in the manner of Angiras: may the Rudras fill thee with the Tristubh metre, in the manner of Angiras; may the Adityas fill thee with the Jagati metre, in the manner of Angiras; may the All gods, common to all men, fill thee with the Anustubh metre, in the manner of Angiras. |
yvk.4.2 | [1] overcomer of the foe, mount the Anustubh metre, step along the quarters, excluded is he whom we hate. |
yvk.4.3 | d The metro the Gayatri; the metre the Tristubh; the metro the Jagati; the metre the Anustubh; the metre the Pankti. |
yvk.4.3 | d This one on the left, the light; his, the light s, ear; the autumn born of the ear; the Anustubh connected with the autumn; from the Anustubh the Svara Saman(); from the Svara the Manthin (cup); from the Manthin the twenty onefold Stoma(); from the twenty onefold the Vairaja; from the Vairaja Jamadagni, the Rsi; with thee taken by Prajapati |
yvk.4.3 | a (Thou art) the calf of eighteen months in strength, the Tristubh metre; the two year old in strength, the Viraj metre; the two and a half year old in strength, the Gayatri metre; the three year old in strength, the Usnih metre; the four year old in strength, the Anustubh metre; the draught ox in strength, the Brhati metre; the bull in strength, the Satobrhati metre; the bullock in strength, the Kakubh metre; the milch cow in strength, the Jagati metre; the beast of burden in strength, the Pankti metre; the goat in strength, the spacious metre; the ram in strength, the slow metre; the tiger in strength, the unassailable metre; the lion in strength, the covering metre; the support in strength, the overlord metre; the lordly power in strength, the delight giving metre; the all creating in strength, the supreme lord metro; the head in strength, the Prajapati metre. |
yvk.4.3 | a (Thou art) Ma metre, Prama metre, Pratima metre, Asrivis metre, Pankti metre, Usnih metre, Brhati metre, Anustubh metre, Viraj metre, Gayatri metre, Tristubh metre, Jagati metre. |
yvk.4.3 | d The fourth hath become that of four Stomas, Becoming the two wings of the sacrifice, O Rsis; Yoking the Gayatri, Tristubh, Jagati, and Anustubh, the Brhat, The hymn, they have borne forward this heaven. |
yvk.4.3 | f (Thou art) the course metre; the space metre; the health bringing metre; the overpowering metre; the covering metre; the mind metre; the expanse metre; the river metre; the sea metro; the water metre; the uniting metro; the separating metre; the Brhat metro; the Rathantara metre; the collecting metre; the parting metre; the voices metre; the radiant metro; the Sastubh metre; the Anustubh metre; the Kakubh metre; the Trikakubh metre; the poetic metre; the water metre |
yvk.4.4 | h In the Vairaja Saman is my devotion; By the Anustubh (be) manly strength collected; This kingly power rich in friends, with dripping wet, Do ye, O Mitra and Varuna, guard through your overlordship. |
yvk.5.1 | [4] with a Gayatri verse he draws a line around, the Gayatri is brilliance; verily with brilliance, he encircles him; with a Tristubh verse he draws a line around, the Tristubh is power; verily he encircles him with power; with an Anustubh verse he draws a line around, the Anustubh, envelops all the metres, (verily it serves) for complete attainment; with the Anustubh in the middle (he draws), the Anustubh is speech, therefore from the middle we speak with speech; with the Gayatri first he draws, then with the Anustubh, then with the Tristubh; the Gayatri is brilliance, the Anustubh the sacrifice, the Tristubh power; verily he encircles the sacrifice, with brilliance and power, on both sides. |
yvk.5.1 | Well born with light (with these words) he ties up with an Anustubh verse; all the metres are the Anustubh |
yvk.5.1 | Let every man of the god that leads with the final Anustubh he offers; the Anustubh is speech; therefore speech is the highest of the breaths. |
yvk.5.2 | Thou art the step of Visnu, overcoming hostility he says; the earth is connected with the Gayatri, the atmosphere with the Tristubh, the sky with the Jagati, the quarters with the Anustubh; verily he wins in order these worlds with the metres. |
yvk.5.2 | a May the Gayatri, the Tristubh, the Jagati, The Anustubh, with the Pankti, The Brhati, the Usnih, and the Kakubh, Pierce thee with needles. |
yvk.5.3 | He puts down the Anustubhs; the Anustubh is breath; (verily it serves) to let the breaths out. |
yvk.5.4 | Be pure for the winning of strength this is the Anustubh strophe; three Anustubhs make four Gayatris; in that there are three Anustubhs, therefore the horse when standing stands on three feet; in that there are four Gayatri is, therefore he goes putting down all four feet. |
yvk.5.4 | The Anustubh is the highest of metres, the fourfold Stoma is the highest of Stomas, the three night sacrifice the highest of sacrifices, the horse the highest of animals; verily by the highest he makes him go to the highest state. |
yvk.5.5 | He follows it with an Anustubh; the space filler is the body, the Anustubh the breath; therefore breath comes through all the limbs. |
yvk.5.5 | With the northern quarter I place thee, with the Anustubh metre, with Mitra and Varuna as the deity; with the wing of Agni I put down the wing of Agni. |
yvk.5.7 | With a Gayatri (verse) addressed to Agni should he stroke the first layer; with a Tristubh the second; with a Jagati the third; with an Anustubh the fourth; with a Pankti the fifth; verily he piles the fire according to the deity. |
yvk.5.7 | In the east he puts down a Gayatri, a Tristubh on the south, a Jagati on the west, an Anustubh on the north, a Pankti in the middle; this is the fire with faces on all sides: he, who knowing thus piles it, eats food in all his offspring, conquers all the quarters; verily also he weaves quarter in quarter; therefore quarter is woven in quarter. |
yvk.6.1 | It was the Anustubh among the metres which supported it they say. |
yvk.6.1 | Therefore he sacrifices with an Anustubh, to support the sacrifice. |
yvk.6.1 | This Rc is an Anustubh; the Anustubh is speech; in that he consecrates him with this Rc, he consecrates him with the whole of speech. |
yvk.6.2 | For Agni thee, giver of wealth, for Visnu thee! he says; thus he offers (hospitality) to the Anustubh. |
yvk.6.4 | He takes with an Anustubh; the Anustubh is speech; verily with the whole of speech he takes them. |
yvk.6.4 | For one who desires brilliance he should conclude with a Gayatri verse, for one who desires power with a Tristubh verse, for one who desires cattle with a Jagati verse, for one who desires support with an Anustubh verse, for one who desires the sacrifice with a Pankti verse, for one who desires food with a Viraj verse. |
yvk.6.6 | [5] verily he wins four footed cattle; two last; verily he wins two footed (cattle); they make up an Anustubh; the Anustubh is speech, therefore speech is the highest of the breaths. |
yvk.7.1 | After it the Anustubh metre |
yvk.7.1 | They say, Where are the Jagati and the Anustubh? On the first day the Saman is that of Vikhanas; verily he does not leave the Jagati. |
yvk.7.1 | On the second it is the Sodasin; verily he does not leave the Anustubh. |
yvk.7.1 | d With the All gods as deity, with the Anustubh metro, I yoke thee |
yvk.7.4 | The Anustubh has thirty two syllables, Prajapati is connected with the Anustubh; verily having gained Prajapati by his own metre they mounted on him and went to the world of heaven. |
yvk.7.4 | Those who knowing thus perform (the rite of) these thirty two (nights) the Anustubh has thirty two syllables, Prajapati is connected with the Anustubh gaining Prajapati by his own metre, go to prosperity |
yvk.7.4 | These (nights) are thirty two, the Anustubh has thirty two syllables, the Anustubh is speech; verily they gain all speech; all become speakers of speech, for all attain prosperity. |
yvk.7.5 | For entry, for rest, for the overcoming, of the Gayatri, of the Tristubh, of the Jagati, of the Anustubh, of the Pankti, hail! Entry and rest are the metres; verily by the metres |
yvk.7.5 | To Mitra and Varuna, of the Anustubh (metre), the Ekavinsa Stoma(), the Vairaja Saman(), the autumn (season), curds. |