Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 15 Jul 2011 10:07 and updated at 15 Jul 2011 10:07
yvk.1.8 | a Anumati he offers a cake on eight potsherds; the sacrificial fee is a cow. |
yvk.1.8 | He offers a cake on twelve potsherds to Dhatr, to Anumati an oblation, to Raka an oblation, to Sinivali an oblation, to Kuhu an oblation; the sacrificial fee is a pair of cattle. |
yvk.3.3 | l For us to day may Anumati Among the gods favour our sacrifice, And be she and Agni, bearer of the oblation, A joy to the giver. |
yvk.3.3 | m Accord thy favour, O Anumati |
yvk.3.3 | o Anumati men reverence in the quarter Wherein is that which shineth; May she in whose lap is the broad atmosphere, The goddess, easy to invoke, grant us protection |
yvk.3.4 | He makes Dhatr first; verily he produces pairing with him, Anumati gives approval to him, Raka gives, Sinivali produces, and in offspring when produced by Kuhu he places speech. |
yvk.3.4 | He makes Dhatr first; by him he scatters, Anumati gives approval to him, Raka gives, Sinivali produces, and by Kuhu he establishes offspring when produced. |
yvk.3.4 | Anumati is the Gayatri, Raka the Tristubh, Sinivali the Jagati, Kuhu the Anustubh, Dhatr the Vasat call. |
yvk.3.4 | Raka is the first fortnight, Kuhu the second, Sinivali the new moon (night), Anumati the full moon (night), Dhatr the moon. |
yvk.4.4 | r Us to day Anumati. |
yvk.4.4 | s O Anumati, thou. |
yvk.4.7 | p Us to day Anumati. |
yvk.4.7 | q O Anumati, thou |
yvk.5.5 | The dappled (deer) is for the All gods; the Pitva, Nyanku, the Kasa, these are (to be offered) to Anumati; the cuckoo is for the half months; the tortoise for the months; the Kvayi, the Kutaru, the gallinule, these are (to be offered) to Sinivali; to Brhaspati the cat. |
yvk.7.5 | To Anumati an oblation (is made). |
yvk.7.5 | To Agni, saviour from distress, (offering is made) on eight potsherds; to Indra, saviour from distress, on eleven potsherds; to Mitra and Varuna, saviours from sin, a milk offering; to Vayu and Savitr saviours from sin, an oblation; to the Asvins, saviours from sin, grain; to the Maruts, saviours from evil, on seven potsherds; to the All gods, saviours from evil, on twelve potsherds; to Anumati an oblation; to Agni, Vaisvanara on twelve potsherds; to heaven and earth, saviours from evil, on two potsherds. |