
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 15 Jul 2011 10:05 and updated at 15 Jul 2011 10:05


yvk.1.2 c Agni Angiras, thou who art in this earth, come with the name of Ayus.
yvk.1.2 d Agni Angiras, thou who art in the second (the third) earth, come with the name of Ayus.
yvk.2.5 Thee with the kindling sticks, O Angiras he says; this is the character of the Vamadevya.
yvk.2.5 Thee with the kindling sticks, Angiras he says; verily he generates light in the Samidhenis.
yvk.2.6 e Bring him hither with common call Lower to our sacrifice, O Angiras.
yvk.4.1 k On the impulse of the god Savitr, with the arms of the Asvins, with the hands of Pusan, with the Gayatri metre, I take thee, in the manner of Angiras.
yvk.4.1 [3] from the abode of the earth I bear Agni of the dust in the manner of Angiras; with the Tristubh metre I grasp thee in the manner of Angiras.
yvk.4.1 m Thou art the bearer, thou art the woman; through thee may we be strong to dig Agni of the dust in his place; with the Jagati metre I grasp thee in the manner of Angiras.
yvk.4.1 With the Anustubh metre I grasp thee in the manner of Angiras.
yvk.4.1 f With Pusan as fellow, from the abode of the earth do thou approach Agni of the dust in the manner of Angiras.
yvk.4.1 g We approach Agni of the dust in the manner of Angiras.
yvk.4.1 h We will bear Agni of the dust in the manner of Angiras.
yvk.4.1 i We bear Agni of the dust in the manner of Angiras.
yvk.4.1 a On the impulse of the god Savitr, with the arms of the Asvins, with the hands of Pusan, in the abode of earth, I dig Agni of the dust in the manner of Angiras.
yvk.4.1 b Full of light, thou, O Agni; of fair aspect, Shining with unaging radiance, Auspicious and harmless to offspring, In the abode of earth, I dig Agni of the dust in the manner of Angiras.
yvk.4.1 [2] for offspring Of men, O Angiras; Scorch not sky and earth, Nor the atmosphere, nor the trees.
yvk.4.1 f For health I unite thee, for offspring; may the All gods, common to all men, unite thee with the Anustubh metre, in the manner of Angiras.
yvk.4.1 n May the Vasus fashion thee with the Gayatri metre, in the manner of Angiras.
yvk.4.1 Thou art the earth; may the Rudras fashion thee with the Tristubh metre, in the manner of Angiras.
yvk.4.1 [3] may the Adityas fashion thee with the Jagati metre in the manner of Angiras.
yvk.4.1 Thou art the sky; may the All gods, common to all men, fashion thee with the Anustubh metre, in the manner of Angiras.
yvk.4.1 p Let Aditi seize thy hole with the Pankti metre, in the manner of Angiras.
yvk.4.1 a May the Vasus fumigate thee with the Gayatri metre, in the manner of Angiras; may the Rudras fumigate thee with the Tristubh metre, in the manner of Angiras; may the Adityas fumigate thee with the Jagati metre, in the manner of Angiras; may the All gods, common to all men, fumigate thee with the Anustubh metre, in the manner of Angiras; may Indra fumigate thee in the manner of Angiras; may Visnu fumigate thee in the manner of Angiras; may Varuna fumigate thee in the manner of Angiras.
yvk.4.1 b May Aditi, connected with the All gods, the goddess, dig thee on the abode of earth, in the manner of Angiras, O trench.
yvk.4.1 [1] the goddesses, connected with the All gods, place thee on the abode of earth, in the manner of Angiras, O pan.
yvk.4.1 d May the Dhisanas, the goddesses connected with the All gods, kindle thee on the abode of earth, in the manner of Angiras, O pan; may the wives, the goddesses, connected with the All gods, prepare thee on the abode of earth, in the manner of Angiras, O pan; may the protectors, the women, the goddesses, connected with the All gods, cook thee on the abode of earth, in the manner of Angiras, O pan.
yvk.4.1 l May the Vasus fill thee with the Gayatri metre, in the manner of Angiras: may the Rudras fill thee with the Tristubh metre, in the manner of Angiras; may the Adityas fill thee with the Jagati metre, in the manner of Angiras; may the All gods, common to all men, fill thee with the Anustubh metre, in the manner of Angiras.
yvk.4.2 [2] O Angiras, a hundred be thy returns, A thousand thy movements; With the increase of their increase Do thou bring back for us what is lost, Bring back to us wealth.
yvk.4.2 l Thou art a piler; in the manner of Angiras be firm with that deity.
yvk.4.2 m Thou art a piler round; in the manner of Angiras be firm with that deity.
yvk.4.2 l Ye are pilers, ye are pilers around, do ye pile upwards as a support, with that deity, sit ye firm in the manner of Angiras.
yvk.4.2 [1] for motion; may Agni protect thee with great prosperity, with most auspicious covering; with that deity, in the manner of Angiras, do thou sit firm.
yvk.4.3 [1] most healing; with that deity do thou sit firm in the manner of Angiras.
yvk.4.4 h May the supreme lord place thee on the ridge of the vault, encompassing, expanding, mighty, powerful, overcoming; support the sky, make firm the sky, harm not the sky; for every expiration, inspiration, cross breathing, out breathing, support, movement; let Surya protect thee with great prosperity, with a covering most healing; with that deity do thou sit firm in the manner of Angiras.
yvk.4.4 [2] the Angirases found When hidden in secret, resting in every wood; Thou when rubbed art born as mighty strength; Son of strength they call thee, O Angiras.
yvk.4.4 h Thou art the atmosphere; to the atmosphere thee! i To the ocean thee, to water thee, to the watery thee, to impulse thee, to the wise thee, to the radiant thee, to the light of the sky thee, to the Adityas thee! k To the Rc thee, to radiance thee, to the shining thee, to the blaze thee, to the light thee! l Thee, giving glory, in glory; thee, giving brilliance, in brilliance; thee, giving milk, in milk; thee, giving radiance, in radiance; thee giving wealth, in wealth I place; with this seer, the holy power, this deity, sit firm in the manner of Angiras.
yvk.5.1 The fire has dust for its abode; the Angirases brought it together before the deities; from the abode of earth do thou approach Agni of the dust in the mode of Angiras he says; verily he brings it together in one abode with the deities.
yvk.5.1 We approach Agni of the dust in the manner of Angiras he says; verily he appropriates the strength of him whom he meets
yvk.5.1 The fire should be brought together after announcing it to Prajapati they say; Prajapati is this earth, the ant heap is its ear; we will bear Agni of the dust in the manner of Angiras (with these words) he pays reverence to the mound of an ant heap; verily after announcing it to Prajapati face to face, he brings together the fire.
yvk.5.1 We bear Agni of the dust in the manner of Angiras he says; verily he appropriates the strength of him whom he meets.
yvk.5.1 (For offspring) of man, O Angiras he says, for offspring are of men.
yvk.5.5 He stroked it, (saying), May Prajapati seat thee; with that deity, in the manner of Angiras, do thou sit firm verily making his a brick he put it down, to prevent excessive burning.
yvk.5.5 That on which he is to pile the fire he should stroke, (saying), May Prajapati seat thee; with that deity in the manner of Angiras, do thou sit firm
yvk.5.5 For expiration, for cross breathing, for inspiration; for speech thee; for sight thee; with that deity, in the manner of Angiras, do thou sit firm.
yvk.5.5 With that deity, in the manner of Angiras, do thou sit firm, he says; this is the support of the bricks; he who knows thus finds support.
yvk.6.2 [2] O Agni Angiras (with these words) he thrice strokes with (the wooden sword); verily he wins the fires that are in these worlds.

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